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Lanquan's head hit the floor directly, and the black face made a close contact with the floor.

"Damn it!"

The big pained face made Blue Fist furious, and he immediately exerted all his strength, ready to eject.

But before he had time to act, a swirling feeling swept his body and mind again.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

A dull loud roar roared, the entire living room shook violently, and even the house was shaking, looking like it would collapse at any time.

The man in black robe watched Li Xuan smash the blue fist wildly, watched the blue fist being smashed around without any resistance, and looked at Li Xuan who burst like a demon.

The man in black robe swallowed his saliva and chose to remain silent. There was nothing he could do.

So the man in black robe was silent, and even in order not to be affected by Chi Yu, the man in black robe shrank his body and leaned on the stool.


Another bang.

Lanquan was finally no longer smashed, but at this time he was lying on the ground like a dead dog, staring at the roof blankly, his eyes turned white, obviously he was not lightly smashed.

"What a weak silver rank, that's all?"

Li Xuan lifted his foot and kicked the blue fist. Seeing that he was still rolling his eyes, Li Xuan silently found a chair and sat down, waiting lazily.

Time passed little by little, and ten minutes passed quickly.

Lan Quan finally recovered. Although his whole body was in pain, he still struggled to stand up and looked at Li Xuan with a solemn expression.

This time, Lan Quan recognized the reality and did not dare to be strong. Instead, he behaved very humbly and respectfully said.

"Sir, may I ask who you are..."

"My name is Li Xuan. I heard that you are very powerful in this city, so I want to ask you for a favor. Hey, help me find the things in it. If you find it, you will be rewarded. If you can't find it, don't blame me and hit you again."

Li Xuan spoke coldly and threw a list away. Then got up and walked outside.

"Yes Yes!"

Lanquan hurriedly took the list, but his heart was terribly uncomfortable.

He was sitting at home, and the disaster came from the sky. Just because he was famous, he was attacked by someone. For Lanquan, it was extremely sad.

He even thought in his heart that if he knew that he was so miserable after becoming famous, he would not challenge himself to become famous everywhere he was killed like before.

And Lanquan really wants to say, is this how you look for someone to help? Can we be normal?

But he didn't dare to say these things, but repeatedly promised to go all out to find the things on the list.

"It's better, okay, that's it."

Li Xuan waved his hand, got up and left. Now that the problem is solved, there is no need to waste time.

"My lord, I will send you, I will send you."

Lanquan rushed out and sent Li Xuan away respectfully. He didn't want to have any more trouble. If those subordinates collided with Li Xuan, it would be a big trouble.

The point is that this Lord Li Xuan is powerful, and it is better to have a good relationship than multiple enemies.

Therefore, Lanquan not only sent Li Xuan away respectfully, but even mobilized his subordinates to send Li Xuan away respectfully.

Outside the gate of the Blue Boxing Sect.

The scarred youth who was beaten up by Li Xuan, as well as Fatty and other gangsters, were hiding in the corner and peeking.

After they brought Li Xuan here just now, Li Xuan directly punched in and rushed into the Blue Fist Sect cleanly.

If you dare to be a sect of silver-level masters, there is a high probability that you will be silver-level.

So even if Li Xuan left, the little gangsters did not dare to leave, but watched cautiously and waited in awe.


As for the name of Blue Fist, a few gangsters are like thunder, and they clearly know the power of Blue Fist, plus there are so many good players in the sect.

Such a force, even at the silver level, is difficult to beat.

Now Li Xuan rushed in alone, and several gangsters were guessing what the outcome of the battle would be.

"What do you think will be the outcome of the battle? Will the Blue Fist Sect Master win, or will the Black Wolf Master win?" Fatty asked.

"It's hard to judge, but I feel that the Blue Boxing faction master has a higher chance of winning. After all, he is a veteran master, and there are so many younger brothers, so it's not easy to deal with."

"I think so too, but Uncle Black Wolf should also be at the silver level. Even if he can't beat him at the same level, he can escape, so Uncle Black Wolf should escape quickly."

"It is indeed possible, but I don't know if Uncle Black Wolf will **** us off after his failure." Fatty worried.


When everyone heard this, they were also a little uncomfortable, and they were worried that after Li Xuan failed, he would come out to vent their anger.

The people who were nervous in their hearts prayed in their hearts, praying that the black wolf would not lose too badly, let alone get injured, otherwise they would be miserable.

with this expectation.

A few gangsters waited eagerly, waiting for the appearance of Uncle Black Wolf.

Originally, they thought they would have to wait for a while, but unexpectedly, a group of people soon came out of the gate of the Blue Boxing Sect.

"Come out, come out, there are so many people, why are they all from the Blue Fist faction? Could it be that Uncle Black Wolf lost?" Fatty said hurriedly.

"Strange, Uncle Black Wolf should be at the silver level. Why didn't he come out? Could it be that he is not at the silver level? Was he beheaded?" said the scarred youth.


Everyone was in shock, feeling that things were going in a direction they couldn't predict.

When they were wondering, a scene that surprised them suddenly appeared.

I saw that after the group of Blue Fist came out, they immediately stood on both sides of the gate and bowed respectfully.

This scene was originally normal. After all, every time Lanquan went out, he was greeted with such etiquette.

But what the gangsters didn't expect was that the person who came out of the gate next was not Blue Fist, but Uncle Black Wolf.

The key is behind Uncle Black Wolf, the master of the Blue Fist Sect is following carefully, with a very respectful attitude.

Such a scene, such a picture, directly made a few thugs look dumbfounded, and their minds seemed to be stuffed up and couldn't move.

Mainly because of what they thought, they never thought it would be such a scene, completely out of their expectations.

"Could it be that Uncle Black Wolf defeated the master of the Blue Fist faction? He accepted him as a younger brother?" Fatty swallowed and said in awe.

"No... No way, with the character of the master of the Blue Boxing faction, you shouldn't be someone else's younger brother, right?"

"I can't say for sure~www.wuxiamtl.com~ You can see the flattering appearance of the master of the Blue Boxing Sect, as well as the injury on his face, and then look at the spotless clothes of Uncle Black Wolf. This has already explained everything."

The scarred youth made a solemn analysis and already understood the power of Uncle Black Wolf.

"It seems to be true. So, Uncle Black Wolf is more terrifying than he imagined? Is it a powerhouse that surpasses the lower ranks of Baiyin?"

"It should be, mother, we attacked such a strong man before. We are so lucky to survive."

"Yeah, yeah! Thinking about it now, I feel scared. In the future, let's collect protection fees in civilian areas. It's safer there."

"That's right, I'll never run around casually again."


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