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Of course, it is very troublesome to repair the contract imprint, and it will take time.

The contract imprint of the rules is not so easy to repair, and Li Xuan has only established a direction now.

"The world over there in Ah'Dai is very unusual. Maybe one day Ah'Dai repairs the seal of the contract first, and then finds me in turn. That would be interesting."

Li Xuan muttered, and slowly walked outside, at the same time turning on God's perspective to scan all directions to observe the situation of the world.

The scope of God's perspective is very large, and as soon as you open it, you can see a small town outside the woods.

The scale of this small town was two-thirds smaller than the Black Rock City where Qin Yue was located, and it seemed to be a small border town.

Because in the small town, there are many human beings wearing exotic clothes, walking on the streets.

Most of the pedestrians' clothes tend to be the clothes of Li Xuan's previous life, the strong clothes of the martial arts people, and these people's breath is very strong, and black iron is everywhere.

For example, there were ten people sitting on a tea stand at the gate of the city, nine of them were cultivators, and three of them were black iron.

The only one who didn't practice cultivation was a child, which meant that martial arts prevailed in this world, but there were no summoned beasts.

"The level of combat power in this world seems to be on the high side. It seems to be specialized in martial arts. There are so many black iron levels, but there are very few bronze levels. Why is there no silver level?"

Li Xuan walked in the woods step by step, and continued to scan the entire city from the perspective of God, and found many practitioners, but did not see any silver-level practitioners.

When Li Xuan's perspective came to the City Lord's Mansion, he finally saw the silver level.

That is a master of the lower ranks of silver, looking at the clothes and bearing, it is obvious that he is the city lord.

"The high-end level is similar to that of Black Rock City. No, this is just a small border town, and there is a silver-level city owner. What if it is a big city in this world?"

Li Xuan realized that the fighting level in this world is not low. In a small border town, there are silver-level towns and so many practitioners.

If it is a big city, the city lord should be stronger, and maybe it can reach the great perfection of silver. If it is a national capital, there may be a gold-level leader.

"Gold level? I feel that there is a great chance that there will be extraordinary fruits in this world. I really look forward to it."

Li Xuan walked curiously and walked towards the city gate step by step.

His master has already entered the city, and Li Xuan, as a summoned beast, naturally has to help him according to the rules, but Li Xuan did not intend to take action immediately, but first looked for the extraordinary fruit.

"Look, there is a wolf-headed creature with a mark on its forehead. What mark is this?"

"Could it be a war beast from the Beast Taming Sect? It must have an owner, but it actually walks alone. There are not many war beasts that walk alone now."

"Yeah, maybe someone will give it an idea. After all, the flesh and blood of war beasts is good for the body."

A group of people at the gate of the city watched Li Xuan's arrival with cold eyes, and talked quietly one by one, very curious about the sudden appearance of Li Xuan.

The guards at the gate of the city saw Li Xuan approaching, and did not step forward to stop him, but leaned lazily at the gate of the city, watching people freely enter and leave the city.

"Hey, black wolf, be careful, it's not safe in the city, get back to your master as soon as possible, don't take too remote roads."

The moment Li Xuan entered the city, one of the city guards kindly reminded him, and then returned to his lazy appearance again.


Li Xuan nodded and continued to move forward step by step. In the eyes of many people, he walked into the city and saw more practitioners carrying swords and holding them.

The breath of these people is very cold, with a faint smell of blood, obviously after a lot of battles.

The appearance of Li Xuan has also attracted the attention of these people. Most people are just curious. After all, war beasts are rare, and many people have never seen them.

Even some young female cultivators looked at Li Xuan with wide eyes, like a group of curious babies.

"Has the beast with a master been abandoned?"

Someone showed a greedy look, but on the lively street, they didn't dare to do anything, they just watched greedily.

Regardless, Li Xuan continued to walk forward while thinking about how to obtain information about the extraordinary fruit.

"It is very difficult for ordinary people to know the information of the extraordinary fruit. You have to find a stronger force. It is best to do evil things, so that you can feel refreshed."

Li Xuan murmured and walked forward, slowly narrowing his eyes.

Because five young people who seemed to be sloppy and airy followed behind, their strength reached the lower rank of black iron, which was considered a small achievement.

"Just looking for someone to ask for information, these people are just right."

Li Xuan calmly walked into the alley next to him, choosing to walk in remote places, and gradually walking towards places where no one was around.

When the five young people saw this scene, they were pleasantly surprised. They hurriedly took their daggers and chased after them.

Reaching a dark dead end, Li Xuan, who was walking forward, stopped and turned his head to look behind.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I'm really lucky to meet a foolish black wolf. Brothers, grab it and sell it to the Blue Fist faction, and it will definitely sell for a good price!"


Boom boom boom!

The continuous loud noise shook the four directions.

The five or six people on the roof who were secretly paying attention to them looked horrified, then swallowed, turned around and ran away, daring to watch the battle again.

After a few minutes.

Li Xuan pinched the neck of a young man with a scarred face, and said coldly, "Tell me, is there any tyrannical force in this city?"

"Yes...Yes, Uncle Black Wolf, the Blue Fist sect we just mentioned is a gang of tyrannical strength, even against the city lord." The scarred-faced youth hurriedly replied.

"Against the city lord? The city lord is at the silver level, and the Blue Fist faction you said also has silver level?" Li Xuan asked coldly.

"Yes..Yes, their boss Blue Fist is at the silver level. A pair of Blue Fist hits all over a hundred miles, and there are only three defeats. The strength is very strong, and even the city owner is afraid of three points."

The scarred-faced young man hurriedly replied, not daring to hide anything, and even trembling with fear, but his teeth were beaten with four or five fewer teeth, and his speech was a little runaway.

"So that's the case, lead the way ahead, to the Blue Boxing Sect." Li Xuan said directly.


The scarred-faced youth was stunned, suspecting that he had heard it wrong. After all, it was the Blue Fist faction, and most people avoided it, but this one went to the Blue Boxing faction.

Bang bang bang!

Li Xuan carried the scar-faced young man and smashed it hard at the ground~www.wuxiamtl.com~.

"Master Black Wolf, don't smash it, don't smash it, I'll lead the way, I'll lead the way." The scarred-faced youth begged for mercy with a sad face.

"It's really a cheap bone, I don't know how to be obedient if I don't smash a meal." Li Xuan said coldly.


The scarred-faced youth was very depressed and innocent. He was just surprised a moment ago, but he was not disobedient.

After all, that is silver-level strength, and most people would be afraid after hearing it, but the black wolf uncle actually let him lead the way, so the scarred-faced youth was surprised.


PS: If you have a book shortage, you can go and read these three books, "Starting Green Fat Hammer Douluo", "Konoha Super Saiyan", and "Konoha One Punch Superman Template"

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