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Bang bang bang!

A dull voice resounded far away.

Following this sound, Wu Ya pressed a large group of crocodile tribesmen and slowly walked from a distance with various weapons.

These crocodile people are more than two meters in size, and their bodies are human-like, but their heads are big crocodile heads, and there are big crocodile tails behind them.

Their skin has thick scales and is extremely protective. The breath of each crocodile is very strong, and the vertical pupils on their heads are full of indifference.

"Young patriarch, killing these little human races won't cost you the precious challenge scrolls. Give me a hundred people, and I can easily wipe out the Blue Wolf District." The captain said with his mace.

"If you only kill the clan, it's really not worth using the challenge scroll, but our goal is to occupy the wolf area and kill all the humans and summoned beasts here.

After winning through the challenge reel, we can also get a mysterious and precious reward, and now is the best chance. "The young patriarch said lightly.

"It turns out that, yes, the human race is very weak, killing them is as simple as squeezing ants,

Therefore, we must win this battle, and the mysterious reward naturally belongs to us. "The captain suddenly realized.

"You know, the challenge scroll is very precious, and my clan only has one. This time is also an experience that the clan has given me. I hope to occupy the entire Canglang District in one day." The young patriarch said lightly.

"Young patriarch, don't worry, it's just a small human race. In front of my powerful crocodile race, these human races are like garbage, trampling to death at will."

The captain spoke proudly. He was 2.5 meters tall and strong, his big mouth opened and closed, revealing cold teeth.

"Very well, set off and kill all the creatures along the way! Let the people feel the power of my crocodile family." The young patriarch ordered loudly.

"Yes! Young patriarch."

The crocodile tribe roared excitedly, carrying all kinds of weapons and continued to move forward.


They were near the border and saw the silent pandaren.

"It seems to be a dead summoned beast, who cares, it's all smashed, vice-captain, smash this summoned beast for me." The captain pointed to the pandaren and said.

"Yes! Captain."

An equally strong crocodile clansman holding a giant axe, bang bang bang, ran out, and ran straight to the pandaren.

"Look at me hacking you!"

The vice-captain's body jumped up suddenly, holding the giant axe in both hands and jumping into the air, and then the giant axe slashed down the pandaren's forehead.

This stern axe is powerful, coupled with the tyrannical strength of the deputy captain's bronze level, almost no one can stop it.

Therefore, the vice-captain's face already showed a proud look.


A flash of cold light flashed, and the deputy captain only felt a flower in front of him, and then his neck was cold.

"What about people?"

The vice-captain looked at the empty grass in front of him. He was at a loss, not knowing why the pandaren disappeared.

But before he had time to think, his head tumbled and fell, blood spurting wildly.


A crocodile head rolled twice on the ground, staring at the front, as if he hadn't realized what was going on.

And behind the crocodile carcass.

The pandaren stood silently with their swords in both hands, with no breath on their bodies, like a dead man.

But on the long knife in its right hand, blood dripped down the grass along the long knife, dyeing the grass red.


The weaker black iron members of the crocodile clan swallowed their saliva and felt a chill on their backs when they watched this strange scene.

Because they don't see it at all, that's what happened.

"Damn, what's going on? How did the deputy captain die?" Someone whispered.

"It's that summoned beast. It's so fast that it slashed the vice-captain with a knife at a critical moment. It's too strong."

"Yes, that's it, this summoned beast is not easy, everyone be careful."

The crocodile clansmen talked a lot and looked at the pandaren solemnly, even the young patriarch and the team leader became serious.

However, they are numerous and they are not afraid of this strange pandaren.

"Everyone obeys the order, come with me, and cut it!!"

The team leader let out a loud roar, and with a large number of subordinates, Wu rushed out, killing the pandaren like a tide.

Ka Ka Ka!

The pandaren's neck twisted, making a clicking sound, his body slowly leaned forward, and his two knives swung backward, making a strange fighting action.


The figure of the pandaren flashed quickly, and without expression, they entered the crocodile team, and began to kill in the shadow of the knife and blood.

Thirty kilometers away.

Li Xuan ran fast on the grass, and at the same time looked through the many good things in the auction house, the more he looked, the more he wanted to auction it.

But there is no honor point, he can only stare greedily.

Just at this moment.

Just when he was hungry.

The honor points he suddenly discovered actually increased a little, and then a large number of honor points began to pour in.

"Hahaha, it must be the Pandaren corpse that worked. It's worth it for me to inject so much power into the corpse every time I die.

But I have to speed up, the infused power won't last long, and the corpse will fall down soon. "

Li Xuan muttered secretly, the speed enhancement suddenly activated, and the entire body flashed like an afterimage.

after a while.

Li Xuan was finally not far from the boundary line, and God's perspective also saw the battle scene.

"Is it dead? It doesn't matter, one died, and me, eh? I thought of an interesting way to fight."

Li Xuan's body changed abruptly, and he soon turned into a small circle of pandaren with different appearances, and then condensed a long knife and killed it.


The fierce fighting finally stopped.

A strong smell of blood shrouded a large area, and mutilated corpses fell to the ground with despair in their eyes.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

The young patriarch clutched his heart and coughed blood continuously, the sword in his hand had been broken in two, and his body was shaking.

Beside the young patriarch, several crocodiles who protected the young patriarch were bloodstained and obviously injured.

"What kind of summoned beast is this? Why is it so terrifying that it killed so many of us." The young patriarch said solemnly.

"It looks like a purification beast, but it is definitely not a purification beast. I don't know what it is."

The captain shook his head, his face was pale, and it was obvious that he had lost too much blood.

He turned his head to look at the corpse on the ground, and looked at the fearful appearance of his subordinates, it resented.

"All stand up for Lao Tzu, afraid of a bird, so what if this guy is strong? We haven't killed him yet,

We are the crocodile tribe, we are not afraid of the sky, we can slaughter it whoever comes! "

After the captain finished speaking, he raised his mace and smashed it down with the sound of the pandaren's corpse.

Bang bang bang!

With the dull loud noise, the pandaren's corpse began to sag a little bit, and was smashed beyond recognition by the mace, and the smashed corpses were scattered.

Such a scene~www.wuxiamtl.com~ also made the crocodile people feel very happy, and couldn't help but stand up and smash the pandaren corpses together, and began to vent frantically.

"Hahaha, see, my crocodile family is invincible, even if there is another summoned beast like this, we can kill it!"

The captain laughed and laughed in front of all the clansmen. At the same time, he used a mace to pick up the corpse of the pandaren and demonstrated in front of everyone.


After it finishes saying this.

The whole place was silent.

All the crocodiles looked terrified and looked behind the captain in horror.

This kind of gaze also shocked the team leader. It slowly turned its head back with panic, and its pupils shrank sharply in the next second.

For the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 187 The Terrible Pandaren), and you can see it when you open the bookshelf next time!

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