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Ding! !

The sharp and harsh sound resounded in this area and echoed in everyone's ears.

Under such a voice, Li Xuan's huge body staggered back and his right arm was pressed down by a mountain, heavy and painful.

The shield condensed with the companion spirit outfit shattered directly, and the armor covering the arm was also shattered, but the extraordinary level of defense, the body of steel and the explosion of extraordinary power finally had an effect.

The tyrannical thread was finally blocked, even if the thread pierced and penetrated Li Xuan's arm, but the thread containing terrifying power was finally blocked by Li Xuan.

"You actually blocked it!"

The abyss giant's eyes widened, looking at the scene in disbelief, looking at the golden silk thread struggling outward on Li Xuan's arm, the abyss giant showed shock.

You must know that its physique is a gold-level physique, and the silk thread that is thrown out with force carries terrifying power.

Even if this thread resists and cancels out part of its power, it cannot be blocked by others.

Yet now.

Li Xuan actually blocked it directly, which is really shocking.

"Really blocked."

The blind mother-in-law's voice trembled, and she sat on the ground weakly, her eyes full of hope.

After she took out the silk thread in her eyes, her eyes returned to normal, and her blue eyes returned to normal, but she lost the trick of gold.

Even she suffered a certain backlash. She was able to use the ice ability just now, and she forced it to do so.

Now that Li Xuan was blocking the golden thread, she finally saw hope, the hope for the continuation of mankind.


"Leave with the Juggernaut. The next battle belongs to me and it. In addition, help take care of Xue'er."

Li Xuan's face was solemn, and a strong sense of crisis made him know that it would be a matter of time to perform self-destruction.

So he threw a bottle of healing pills to the blind mother-in-law, and at the same time performed a healing technique to treat her injuries, but Li Xuan's eyes were always on the abyss giant.


The blind mother-in-law thanked Li Xuan, her azure blue eyes were very bright, and even glowed with some kind of mysterious power.

It seems that there is something in her eyes. After all, her eyes have tamed a thread, which made her realize the tricky way of gold.

"Before leaving, I have a present for you."

The blind mother-in-law smiled slightly, her right hand slowly approached her right eye, and then suddenly stabbed.

Fresh blood flowed, and when the blind mother-in-law put down her right hand, a blue eyeball appeared in her hand.

"This is my last strength, and it's up to you next."

The blind mother-in-law clasped her hands together abruptly, her azure blue eyeballs suddenly burst, turned into blue-white light and floated up, and it was the body that began to cover Li Xuan.

"Original blessing!"

With the voice of the blind mother-in-law, her blue left eye dimmed and completely lost its light.

Coupled with the bleeding right eye frame, she has become a real blind man.

However, she didn't feel any discomfort or pain, instead she said with a smile, "Goodbye."

The voice of the blind mother-in-law fell, and she quickly left with the swordsman, rushed to the sixth floor, and then quickly ran to the fifth floor under the protection of the ice.


Li Xuan's voice sounded slowly, his voice was a little heavy, and even Li Xuan bowed in the direction where the blind mother-in-law left, and then turned to look at the abyss giant.

bang bang bang!

Li Xuan's neck twisted, and the explosive force surging in his body made him lean forward, staring at the opponent with murderous intent.

"What was that just now?"

The abyss giant asked, stretched out his left hand and put it on the wound on his right side, and began to tear the new golden thread.

"It's a blessing. It can increase my combat power. I don't know how much, but this blessing has blessed the power of this world."

Li Xuan's voice was calm, he slowly raised his left hand, and slowly pulled out the golden thread penetrating through his right hand.

Click click!

Layers of cracks appeared on Li Xuan's right hand. As the golden thread twisted, Li Xuan's right hand was covered with scars.

"It seems that you were very uncomfortable with the blow just now." The abyss giant opened his mouth wide, revealing his cold teeth.

"It's just a small injury."

Li Xuan smiled slightly, his cracked right arm healed again, and at the same time he pulled out the golden silk thread and aimed it at the abyss giant.


The ultimate supernatural power was suddenly activated, and under the power of the golden thread itself, it was slammed to the abyss giant, and at the same time, Li Xuan also rushed towards the abyss giant.

"Damn it!"

The abyss giant's complexion changed slightly, the golden thread itself wanted to kill it, and it attacked with tyrannical power.

Now being thrown by Li Xuan like this, the speed is extremely fast, which is a greater threat to it, and the key Li Xuan is also rushing, which doubles the pressure on the abyss giant.

"The Eye of the Abyss!"

The abyss giant shouted, and a strange green vertical pupil suddenly opened between his eyebrows. In an instant, a cold green light swept across a large area.


The abyss giant vomited blood, and the left arm was dripping with blood. The golden silk thread ran along its left arm and quickly crawled to the wound on its right side, and began to frantically destroy it.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Li Xuan was also coughing violently, and his whole body was dizzy. If it wasn't for his body turning into a body of steel, he would have already started vomiting blood.

"What is this vertical pupil? Mental attack? Is there some kind of impact?" Li Xuan asked solemnly.

"more than!"

The abyss giant grinned, and his left hand quickly recovered as before, and slowly grew hideous barbs, and then it arched into a fighting stance.

"Boy, you are not simple, but I like to kill you like this."

Bang bang bang!

The abyss giant suddenly ran wildly, rushing towards Li Xuan like an ancient beast, his ferocious left hand turned into a giant hammer and smashed hard at Li Xuan.

"Good come!"

Li Xuan shouted, his eyes fixed on the formation plate at the neck of the terrifying giant, looking at the three extraordinary fruits above, and also rushed towards the abyss giant without hesitation.

Bang bang bang!

The two sides rushed together quickly, and the two behemoths started the most primitive progress fight. The two sides fought like crazy, blood dripping.


Li Xuan's body flew out, a huge pit appeared in his abdomen, and even the steel intestines of his abdomen were exposed.

But ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Li Xuan did stand up again without caring, and at the same time quickly recovered from the injury under the self-healing of Dzogchen.

"Tough guy."

The abyss giant's voice was cold, and he felt very troublesome for Li Xuan's self-healing.

"Is this troublesome?"

Li Xuan raised his eyebrows, the Great Perfection healing technique was activated, and the wounds that were already healed quickly healed themselves more quickly.

"Damn it!"

The big feet of the abyss giant collapsed crazily, the hill-like figure rushed towards Li Xuan fiercely, and the ferocious arm full of barbs slammed towards Li Xuan's head.


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