Global Reincarnation: Becoming A God With My Unlimited Revive

Vol 3 Chapter 174: The role of the golden trick

The expressions of the two of them lost their dignified expression and became a lot lighter, obviously in a good mood.

The main reason is that Li Xuan's strength is too strong, and his combat power can be described as sturdy.

And now.

They can help Li Xuan to overcome the difficulties that Li Xuan cannot overcome, which shows their excellence.

The point is the feeling of being needed, which is actually quite good, especially being needed by Li Xuan.

Because of this, the two of them were in a good mood, especially the blind mother-in-law was even more happy.

With such a mood, the two slowly walked towards the fifth floor of the dungeon.

As they moved forward, the originally dark space gradually became fiery red, the whole world became bright red, and the temperature on the scene gradually increased, becoming hotter.

After reaching the fifth floor, a rolling heat wave came from a distance, baking their skin. The heat wave even made the hair of the two of them curl up, and fine beads of sweat could not help flowing from their foreheads.

"It's a really spectacular world."

Juggernaut looked at the tumbling magma world, the scalding magma dripping from the sky, the constantly rolling steam in the earth, and the flowing red magma. He felt very shocked.

"It is indeed a good place, even a treasured place for cultivation, but unfortunately my two abilities are not suitable for cultivation here." The blind grandmother shook her head.

"Yeah, this kind of place is very suitable for cultivating fire-type abilities. Unfortunately, there are no powerful fire-type abilities in the human world for the time being. Ordinary fire-type abilities can't withstand the high temperature here."

The Juggernaut nodded in agreement, and at the same time looked around for Li Xuan's figure, but he did not see where Li Xuan was.

"Strange, what about Li Xuan? Why can't I see his figure? Its mount, armor, pollution giant is here."

The swordsman's vision swept all directions, only to see a pollution giant in armor, squatting on the stone next to the magma, curled up, looking scared.

They have seen this giant more than once in the retrospective of time. Generally, after Li Xuan kills other monsters, he will drive away the armored pollution giant, which is obviously a mount or something.

But now, apart from the armor pollution giant, Li Xuan has not been seen here, which makes the swordsman puzzled.

The blind mother-in-law next to her also showed doubts. She carefully observed her surroundings, and then her whole body froze.

"What's wrong?" The Sword Saint turned to look at the blind mother-in-law.

"You... look over there, in the lava."

The blind mother-in-law pointed to the center of the field with a trembling voice, pointing to the tumbling hot magma.


The Juggernaut turned his head in confusion, saw the magma field in the center of the field, and found that bubbles were bubbling inside, and white steam was rising continuously with these bubbles.

But apart from these bubbles, there was nothing but the rolling heat wave, which made the Juggernaut puzzled.

However, just when the swordsman was wondering, when he was about to ask why.

A splash of water suddenly appeared in the magma, and a small figure showed a small head from the magma, and then two little hands slid and began to swim in the magma.

Seeing this incredible scene, watching this little figure swimming in the hot magma, the swordsman was dumbfounded and froze in place like petrified.

"I... what did I see? Li Xuan actually swims in the lava? How is this possible?" The swordsman was dumbfounded, his head buzzing.

He never imagined that Li Xuan not only was not afraid of magma, he was not stumped by the magma here, but he could even swim in the magma.

Such a scene simply subverted his cognition, making even the mighty Juggernaut bewildered.

The blind mother-in-law next to her also looked similar. In fact, he discovered this situation earlier, and it was because he saw more that he was shocked.

You must know that this is magma, a place that is extremely hot, but now, Li Xuan is not only doing well here, he is also swimming in the magma.

The key point is that Li Xuan seems to be swimming very happily.

This result also made the blind mother-in-law a little confused, feeling like her brain was short-circuited, and she couldn't turn around.

The two of them stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes, and stood there for a long time as if they were petrified.

"Have you seen enough?"

Li Xuan's voice sounded slowly. Following this voice, Li Xuan flew out of the magma, landed on the shoulders of the giant armored man, and calmly looked at the blind mother-in-law and the swordsman.

"Mr. Li Xuan can swim in lava, it's really amazing, I'm convinced!"

The Juggernaut was completely convinced, and could no longer have a competitive heart. There was no way, no matter how powerful he was, he couldn't swim in the magma with the body of a human.

This kind of ability is really too perverted, and even not in line with common sense, which is also the reason why the swordsman is depressed.

And although the blind mother-in-law still has trump cards, she can't swim easily in the magma like Li Xuan.

So the blind mother-in-law sighed and said, "Mr. Li Xuan, I'm the blind mother-in-law. This is the Sword Saint. I wonder if Mr. Li Xuan has heard of us?"

"Of course, I still know the names of the first and second best human beings."

Li Xuan nodded. The two followed behind like mice. Li Xuan had already discovered them, but he was too lazy to pay attention.

However, since they took the initiative to show, it was time to ask for some information, because when they reached the fifth floor of the dungeon, the crisis Li Xuan felt was twice as strong.

He felt that if he passed through the fifth floor, he would most likely encounter a real powerful enemy on the sixth or seventh floor, and a life-and-death battle would be inevitable.

Because of this, Li Xuan floated up and flew straight to the blind mother-in-law and the swordsman, and began to chat with them and ask for information.

after an hour.

Li Xuan's eyes narrowed and he said seriously, "You really didn't see the scene on the seventh floor of the dungeon clearly?"

"Yes, I didn't understand the tricky way of gold at that time, but with the ultimate power of ice, I passed through the fifth and sixth floors, and finally came to the seventh floor.

But just after walking down the seventh floor entrance, a golden light struck like lightning, I couldn't react at all, and I lost the light.

Fortunately, I was at the entrance of the seventh floor, and I hurriedly fled to the sixth floor in embarrassment. Only then did I survive.

However, I faintly heard a grumpy voice of pain, and it seemed that something was howling in pain. "The blind mother-in-law said seriously.

"Howling in pain? What could it be?"

Li Xuan was puzzled, and suddenly remembered what the blind mother-in-law had just said, and immediately said again: "Can you use your golden tricks?"

"Of course! It's a very high level of power. I just learned some fur, but it still brought a huge increase to my combat power."

The blind mother-in-law opened her mouth in a hoarse voice, and pointed her right hand towards the armored pollution giant.

In an instant, golden rays of light shone, and an illusory golden-armored man suddenly appeared, wrapping the pollution giant in the center, and then slowly advancing on top of the magma.

The magma that fell from the sky, as well as the magma tumbling below, seemed to have no effect and could not cause damage to the pollution giant.

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