Global Reincarnation: Becoming A God With My Unlimited Revive

Vol 3 Chapter 172: Silver-level pollution giant

Bang bang bang!

The giant continued to run wildly and quickly passed under the Juggernaut, but instead of attacking the Juggernaut, it glanced behind in horror and continued to run wildly.

"Golden Light Array!"

The hoarse voice of the blind mother-in-law sounded, and four golden light curtains suddenly appeared, trapping the pollution giant in the center.

"Golden Hammer!"

The golden sledgehammer condensed in the void, and then the sledgehammer, with the power to shatter everything, slammed into the pollution giant below.


The blood was sprayed, and the head of the pollution giant was splattered with blood, dyeing half of his body red.

"Damn human, get out, **** away!!"

The pollution giant continued to roar, his fists swelled violently, and he frantically smashed into the light curtain condensed by the golden light. The smashed light curtain kept vibrating and shaking violently.

Bang bang bang!

The golden light hammer continued to smash frantically from above, and the head of the pollution giant was also smashing frantically.

After several consecutive hammers, he finally smashed the skull of the pollution giant, and his brains flowed out.


The explosive roar reverberated violently. Following this sound, the pollution giant's head quickly healed and returned to its original state in a very short period of time, and then it continued to smash the golden light array wildly.

"What a tough guy, Broken Heart Sword!"

The Juggernaut's face was solemn, and the three-foot long sword in his hand suddenly turned into nothingness. In an instant, the pollution giant who smashed the golden light array madly stopped moving, and stood there dumbfounded.

At its heart, a blood hole appeared, and blood began to flow rapidly.

"Finally resolved."

The Sword Saint fell from the air, raised his right hand, and the long sword appeared again.

"Wait, it's not dead yet!" the blind grandmother suddenly reminded.

"What? It's not dead yet? It's obviously cut off its heart."

The Juggernaut couldn't believe it. He had to know that the Heartbreak Sword was one of his three great tricks. It contained space power and could directly attack the enemy's heart.

This kind of trick has killed a large number of enemies, and it also shocked the world.

But I didn't expect it.

His Broken Heart Sword actually made a mistake today, failing to kill this silver-ranked pollution giant.


The terrifying roar resounded in all directions, the pollution giant was completely furious, his body became more and more inflated, and the terrifying power to destroy everything was brewing in his body.


The giant's fists slammed on the golden light formation, and there were a lot of cracks in the unbreakable golden light formation, spreading like a spider web.

When the blind mother-in-law saw this scene, her complexion changed slightly, her hands clasped together suddenly, and golden light surged from her palms like a mountain spring.

"Golden light!"

Whoosh whoosh!

Countless thin lines appeared in the golden light array like lasers, and with terrifying power, quickly swept across the entire light curtain.

Where these terrifying golden rays passed, the giant's body was directly cut open and broken.

The huge pollution giant was cut into pieces of flesh and blood by the light, and finally fell into the golden light array.

Bang bang bang!

The pollution giant just died like this, completely silent.

"It's really difficult!"

The blind mother-in-law put down her hands and breathed a deep sigh of relief. It seemed that this move would consume a lot of money for her.

"The recovery ability of this giant is really terrifying, I feel it is ten times faster than before,

Moreover, its defense power has also been greatly increased, and it can resist so many attacks. "

The Sword Saint inspected the corpse of the pollution giant, and his expression became more and more solemn.

"It's really hard to deal with. These black mists are the source of disasters and must be dealt with as soon as possible, and the giant just now seemed to be afraid of something and kept looking back." The blind grandmother told the scene just now.

"Indeed, it seems that there is something over there that frightens it, let's go and see."


The two nodded and continued to move forward quickly.

The battle just now took a toll on them, and it stands to reason that they should take a rest, but they were too curious about what was behind them, and they even frightened the pollution giant.

They also thought that it was Li Xuan, but they felt that it was a little different. The main reason is that this pollution giant is too strong, and the two of them worked together to kill this pollution giant.

In the process, although the pollution giant was angry, he did not fear the two of them, and even wanted to kill them both.

This proves that even a strong person can hardly scare the pollution giant, and even if Li Xuan can kill this giant, it will definitely not frighten the giant. There must be something incredible in it.

So the two of them walked forward cautiously, and slowly came to a small black forest, and the rich smell of blood instantly filled their noses.

"It smells of blood. Could it be that there are monsters here that are good at slaughtering?" The swordsman said solemnly.

"Maybe, go this way."

The blind mother-in-law walked to the left, quickly entered the woods, and walked quickly along the small intestine path. Finally, they passed through the woods and saw the scene outside the woods.

In the end, it didn't matter at all, the two of them froze in place like fools, foolishly motionless.

"My God, what the **** happened here? How come there are so many giant corpses?" The Sword Saint looked ahead in disbelief, and was terrified.

The blind mother-in-law next to her was so frightened, her golden eyes were trembling.

I saw them in front of them, in a spacious open space.

There were more than 30 corpses of pollution giants lying all over the place. These giants were very large in size, strong in physique, and hideous in faces. At first glance, they were not weak when they were alive.

But now.

The thirty or so pollution giants were all dead, as if they had been crushed. The bodies were incomplete, and some only had their heads left.

With such a terrifying scene, even the swordsman and the blind mother-in-law felt their scalps was heartbroken.

"These dead giants are definitely not weaker than the giants we killed just now. Such strong giants have been crushed. Who are they?"

The blind mother-in-law checked the scene carefully, and the shock on her face became more and more obvious.

"Is it really pinched, are you sure?" The Sword Saint still couldn't believe it.

"I'm very sure, if you don't believe me, I will use the ability to rewind time to present the picture just now,

However, to take a half-hour break, the retrospective consumption of time is too much. "The blind grandmother thought for a while.

"Okay, use it once and see what kind of monster it is. It can crush these giants.

There are so many polluting giants, let alone me, even if we are united, I am afraid I would not dare to face them directly.

They had to be led away and beheaded separately. Now that they have gathered together and died, they must have faced a powerful enemy at the same time, and this person is definitely not Li Xuan. "The Sword Saint analyzed.

"Oh? Are you so sure?" The blind mother-in-law looked at the swordsman.

"Of course! You think, although Li Xuan is stronger than me, he is weaker than you. Neither of us dare to face the thirty-odd pollution giants directly, even more impossible for Li Xuan.

I estimate that Li Xuan may have bypassed this place and went directly to the second floor. "The Sword Saint analyzed.

"It's possible, but there are silver-level pollution giants on the first floor. This is very strange. Could it be that the monsters in the entire dark dungeon have increased in strength?"

The blind mother-in-law has a bad feeling in her heart. If the entire dark dungeon is such a strong enemy, then for the outside world, the future is likely to be a disaster.

"Let's see who killed these pollution giants first. After we figure it out, let's go to the second floor and see what happened in the dark dungeon." The swordsman suggested.

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