Global Reincarnation: Becoming A God With My Unlimited Revive

Vol 3 Chapter 161: Lord of the Golden Claw

The inner gate of Golden Claw City.

Li Xuan and Xueer had just walked into the city when Li Xuan glanced back with a thoughtful look.

"Lord Li Xuan, what's wrong?" Xue'er was curious and couldn't help opening her mouth to ask.

"I saw a strange person, and the man turned into a woman." Li Xuan said calmly.

"A man becomes a woman?"

Xue'er frowned when she heard this, and then she thought of something anxiously: "Could it be that perverted killer, shapeshifter?"

"Huh? What kind of perverted killer? Tell me about the situation." Li Xuan was curious.

"Okay sir, this is how it goes..."

Xue'er spoke quickly, repeating all the information she had just heard.

"That's it. In this way, he is a shapeshifter. No matter the level of strength or the fierce aura he exudes, even if he hides well, he still can't escape my observation."

Li Xuan spoke calmly and directly determined the identity of the other party.

"My lord, what does the shapeshifter look like now? Let's tell the City Lord's Mansion, let's catch this wicked man first, otherwise he will do evil." Xue Er suggested.

"Don't worry, since the city lord here is so anxious, if they can't find a shapeshifter, they will definitely come to me for help, and then they will get more resources.

However, this shapeshifter may be doing evil during this time. I will clean him up later and imprison him first. "Li Xuan waved his hand.


Xueer felt that Mr. Li Xuan was very shrewd and thoughtful, and the key strength was strong enough to easily solve problems that others could not solve, so Xueer worshipped Li Xuan more and more.

"Let's go, go buy supplies first, and buy more oranges this time. It took only half a month to finish it. It's too little." Li Xuan said solemnly.


Xueer nodded again and found that Li Xuan really liked oranges, and he had to eat sweet ones.

For this reason, all the sweet oranges along the way were eaten by Li Xuan, while all Xueer ate were sour.

"Fortunately, there are still armored pollution giants, otherwise I can't finish so many sour oranges."

Cher secretly muttered, hoping to buy more sweet oranges this time, otherwise she and the pollution giant will suffer.

With this thought in mind, they left and went to the sales market in the city.

after they left.

A soldier ran to the city lord's mansion and reported the incident, which also made the city lord's mansion nervous.

The city lord's mansion immediately started preparations, and at the same time ordered the soldier to go back and called the sheriff to the city lord's mansion.

City gate.

The detection here is still continuing, and many suspected people have been arranged into the scanning area for careful vulnerability scanning.


After a long period of testing, not a single person with a problem was detected, which made the sheriff very anxious, with a serious face.

"We must find the shape-shifter as soon as possible, otherwise we will not be able to communicate with each other, but where did this guy go? Why can't we find it?" The sheriff said depressedly.

"Perhaps the shape-shifter is just talking casually, and has no plans to come to Golden Claw City!" The female detective said with flickering eyes.

"No, the last time this guy said that, he harmed the daughter of a base leader and attracted the swordsman to hunt him down. This time it's probably true, too.

After all, the young city lord is too attractive, let alone the shape-shifter, that charm is that we all love it from the bottom of our hearts, so the shape-shifter will inevitably appear. ' the sheriff affirmed.

"Well, what you said does make sense."

The female inspector nodded, and the moment she lowered her head, her eyes narrowed slightly.

"Your Majesty, the City Lord's Mansion will summon you." The soldier hurried over and said.

"I see. It should be about Mr. Li Xuan. You stay here first, and I'll go."

The sheriff hurriedly left and ran to the city lord's mansion.

Wait until they leave.

After the female inspector issued a few orders, she hurried into the city and went to her residence.

Back to the residence.

The female inspector took out a map of the city and squinted at it.

"I originally wanted to do it in the next few days, but it seems that I have to wait. Silver level is too dangerous."

When the female inspector thought of the terror of the silver level, fear emerged in his heart, and even burned the map immediately, squinting and thinking about countermeasures.

He was actually a shape-shifter. The reason why he became a female detective was because it was dark under the lights. No one would think that he was a shape-shifter.

Originally, he already had the chance to win and was ready to make a move, but the appearance of Xueer and Li Xuan disrupted his plan and made him not dare to do anything at will.

Because the silver level is too terrifying, when he was hunted down at the beginning, he spent a lot of effort, transformed many times, and escaped only after a lot of luck.

Now there is another silver rank, he really can't afford it.

"But that red-eyed girl really suits my taste. It's a pity that there is a silver-level person next to her. It's a pity. If it was only her, I would definitely play her to death."

The female inspector spoke in a hoarse voice, with a cruel look on her face.

"Oh? Are you sure?"

The indifferent voice suddenly sounded, which also surprised the female inspector.


The female inspector's right hand pulled out the dagger from her waist like lightning, and the backhand was a back stab.


When his dagger stabbed to the rear, there was nothing behind him.


Severe pain appeared on the female inspector's head. The next second, he fainted and fell to the ground.

"Yes, I have quite a lot of combat experience, but unfortunately I'm too weak, I can't even hold my head down."

Li Xuan quietly flew in the air, flicked his index finger lightly, and looked at this person with a trace of disdain.

Li Xuan will never let go of this kind of perverted character, as long as he sees it, he will definitely solve it, no matter in any world.

Because such people are scum and have no effect on the world, but only bring danger to the world.

Li Xuan hates such people very much, just like he hates human traffickers.

Click! Click!

Li Xuan easily stepped on the female inspector's legs, then took his hand and slipped away like a dead dog.

During this process, the female inspector's face was always close to the ground, and she was slipped into the distance in the friction.

After a few minutes.

Li Xuan and Xueer rented a small courtyard in a residential area, threw the female detective into the cellar, and then fell into silent waiting.

Because Li Xuan knew that the city lord of this city would definitely come to visit him and ask him to help him find the shapeshifters.

Three kilometers away.

The city lord, Golden Claw, brought the sheriff and many gifts to the residential area in a hurry, with a solemn expression on his face.

"Lord City Lord, do you really want to ask Lord Li Xuan to take action? The cost of a silver-level action is not low." The sheriff said worriedly.

"There's no way, it's too difficult to catch shapeshifters. Even if you give you another month, can you catch shapeshifters?" Jin Claw, the city lord, asked really seriously.


The sheriff was silent, unable to say anything to refute, because he really couldn't do it, even the Sword Saint, one of the top ten masters, couldn't catch him. How could he be a small sheriff.

However, the sheriff thought that although Li Xuan was at the silver level, it might be difficult to catch the shapeshifter, so he said again.

"However, even if Lord Li Xuan is at the silver level, he may not be able to catch the shapeshifter. After all, even Lord Juggernaut has failed."

"No... I don't expect Lord Li Xuan to capture the shape-shifter, I just hope that Lord Li Xuan can protect my daughter for a while and scare the shape-shifter away." City Lord Jinclaw said solemnly.

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