Global Reincarnation: Becoming A God With My Unlimited Revive

Vol 3 Chapter 157: Armored Pollution Giant

Kacha Kacha!

A strange clicking sound suddenly sounded from the surroundings, and this sound immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Everyone turned their heads and suddenly saw that the frozen giants of pollution began to thaw.

The ice that had always been incomparably strong actually cracked and cracked, and a large number of cracks appeared, and it was rapidly spreading to the entire body of the pollution giant.

"No, all the pollution giants are thawing." The guard pointed to the pollution giants on the vehicles behind and said loudly.


When everyone heard this voice, they hurriedly looked around and looked at the pollution giant in the car.

After seeing that the pollution giant on the vehicle also started to thaw, everyone panicked completely, and a bad idea appeared in everyone's mind.

Normally, when a spellcaster's ability suddenly fails, there is a high probability that something has happened to the spellcaster.

Now that the pollution giant is suddenly thawed, plus so many pollution giants in the mangroves are running out, all of this seems to indicate one thing, that is, something happened to Li Xuan.

"Xue'er, Xue'er, Master Li Xuan, is something wrong?" Xiao Ru hurriedly looked at Xue'er and asked anxiously.

"Yes....No, I can feel the contract is still there." Cher felt the contract and answered truthfully.

"Then why did the pollution giant suddenly thaw? Could it be that Mr. Li Xuan was seriously injured and couldn't maintain the ice?" Xiaoru said again.

"I have no idea."

Xue Er shook her little head, her ruby-like eyes also filled with worry, because there is a real chance of such a possibility.

When the people around heard Cher's answer, they became even more worried.

After You Qi's thawed pollution giant opened his eyes, he looked at everyone with crazy eyes, making everyone panic even more.

But at this moment.

No one escaped, and no one left, because it was useless to escape, and it might become the first target to be attacked.

In the face of so many powerful pollution giants, even the strongest base leader can't escape, and they only have a dead end.

Despair appeared in the bottom of everyone's heart, especially after the pollution giants around them were completely unblocked, and they looked at humans with cruel eyes, which made everyone despair to the extreme.

"Flesh, fresh flesh, eat enough this time, hahahaha."

A tyrannical voice came from the pollution giant, and a black iron high-ranking pollution giant slowly walked forward and turned his attention to the two girls, Xueer and Xiaoru.

Facing fresh young girls, the pollution giant seems to be more interested.

Such eyes also made the two girls' faces turn pale, and deep fear rose in their hearts.

Roar! !

The roar of the sky resounded through the sky, the sound was very loud, like a thunder blast on the ground, and the sound was also mixed with terrifying power.

The black iron giant who was advancing, immediately retreated after hearing the roar, and then looked at the mangroves with fear and awe.

The surrounding pollution giants also looked the same, all looking at the mangroves with fear and awe.

In such fearful eyes.

There was a dull sound of running in the mangrove forest. With this sound, there were many people in the forest, and powerful pollution giants began to appear.

There have been several appearances in the lower rank, middle rank, upper rank, black iron, bronze, and even bronze middle rank.

At the end, a burly pollution giant more than ten meters tall appeared.

The giant was covered in white bone armor, and his body was extremely burly. The entire giant stood there, like a hill, giving people a very strong pressure.

Looking at this huge pollution giant, everyone was even more frightened, and some timid ones even slumped on the ground.

Because the aura emitted by this pollution giant is very terrifying, even the leader of the base can't bear the pressure of such aura.

"Bronze superior, it is definitely the controller of the mangroves, the armored pollution giant in bronze superior." The leader of the base shouted loudly.

"Is the bronze superior? It has no injuries at all. I haven't seen Mr. Li Xuan now. Could it be that something happened to Mr. Li Xuan?" The guard said in horror.

"I don't know, but the armor pollution giant is unscathed, so the chance of an accident for Mr. Li Xuan will be very high, very high." The base leader showed despair, feeling that this time is really over.

"Huh? Why don't the giants move? Why do they all stop?" Someone suddenly spoke, pointing to the stationary giant and reminding him loudly.

"It's really not moving. Strange, what are they doing?"

Everyone was surprised and looked suspiciously at the dozens of pollution giants that ran out of the mangroves.

So many giants are standing still, which is very confusing. The key point is that these giants suddenly turned their heads and looked in the direction of the mangroves, which made everyone even more strange.

Suddenly, the armored pollution giant suddenly showed a frightened look, hurriedly covered his **** with his hands, and looked at the mangrove forest in fear.

Also at this time.

A small figure flew out of the mangroves, holding a football-sized essence in his hand, looking very happy.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I didn't expect that giants also have the habit of collecting treasures, and they have such a large piece of essence. This time is really good luck."

Li Xuan muttered happily, and slowly flew to the top of the armor-contaminated giant's head. He stepped on the giant's head with his two small feet, and looked at the people below.

"Let's go, keep going." Li Xuan calmly said.

"It's your lord! But, what happened to these pollution giants? They don't attack humans?" The base leader pointed at these and couldn't help saying.

"Oh, this armored pollution giant has been subdued by me. It has the ability to dominate low-level giants, and it happens to be used as a cargo worker.

With the armored pollution giant, you can relax, you don't need a little luck giant. "Li Xuan said calmly, as if he was talking about a trivial matter.

"Ah? Are you subdued?"

When everyone heard this, they were all dumbfounded and looked at Li Xuan like a dream.

You must know that the pollution giant is very tyrannical and cruel, and will never surrender to human beings. Even a silver-level swordsman has not been able to surrender a pollution giant.

Even the legendary blind mother-in-law has done experiments and wanted to control all the giants by subjugating them.

Unfortunately, they all failed, and no one could tame the pollution giant.

It seems that the two words unyielding are written in the genes of the pollution giants. They will never succumb to anyone. Even if they are beheaded, they will not succumb.

But now.

Seeing that the armored pollution giant was actually subdued by Li Xuan, this simply subverted their cognition, and the world view collapsed because of this.

So everyone was sluggish, like a dumb goose.

"Okay, let's go."

Li Xuan lifted his foot and kicked the armored pollution giant's head, and ordered everyone to leave.


The armored pollution giant roared and began to order all the pollution giants to move forward.

"Be quiet, it's too noisy." Li Xuan kicked the armored giant on the head and frowned.


The armor pollution giant's eyes showed grievances, and he let out a low voice. After seeing that Li Xuan didn't beat it again, he breathed a sigh of relief and started to move forward.


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