"of course yes."

Li Xuan replied calmly, inciting the Wings of Wind to fly in front of the frozen pollution giant.

"Yes? Then how should I take it back?" Xue'er was puzzled, her ruby-like eyes blinked.

"you guess."

Li Xuan smiled slightly, and kicked his right foot against the pollution giant's chin with a loud bang.

The pollution giant was kicked into the air, flying directly from the ground to a height of ten meters, and then crashed down.

Due to the huge size of the pollution giant, the five-meter tall and burly figure brought a strong wind pressure when it fell.

Xueer and the others were under the pressure of the wind, and their bodies were a little unstable. Especially, the place where the giant fell was above them, which also shocked them.

However, at this time, a small hand suddenly touched the pollution giant's heart, causing the rapidly falling pollution giant to suddenly stop in mid-air, and then just held it high.

The giant five-meter-tall pollution giant was just held up in the air, and the person holding the pollution giant was a little man, a little man smaller than the palm of a human.

Such a scene is like an ant lifting an elephant, which is very shocking.

Seeing this scene, Xue'er and the others were immediately stunned and dumbfounded, and looked at Li Xuan holding a five-meter-tall giant in one hand.

"Too...too strong. He even raised the pollution giant with one hand!" Xiaoru exclaimed in shock.

"Yeah, just now I was worried that I wouldn't be able to transport it back to the pollution giant, but who would have thought that Mr. Li Xuan raised his hand with one hand, it's too strong." Xue'er exclaimed.

"It's terrifying. This is a five-meter-tall pollution giant. The power of this Mr. Li Xuan is too terrifying."

The captain of the glasses was also terrified, and together with the other two brothers, they stayed where they were.

The scene in front of you is really shocking. Think about it, a small person holding a five-meter-tall giant with one hand. This scene is like a human holding a building, not to mention shocking.

The key point is that the little man is still not blushing or breathing, and he looks very relaxed, which is a bit scary, and makes everyone's scalp numb.

"Don't be stunned, go, just raise a broken giant, why are you making such a fuss?" Li Xuan shook his head speechlessly.

"What a fuss? Mr. Li Xuan, do you know how heavy a pollution giant is? Last time our base leader captured a median pollution giant.

In order to transport this giant back, we dispatched a large number of vehicles and many people, and it took a lot of effort to transport the pollution giant back.

But you raised your hand with one hand, and the gap between them was suffocating. "Xiaoru couldn't help saying.


Li Xuan frowned, feeling that the leader of the base was so weak that he couldn't even bring back a median polluting giant.

You know, Li Xuan didn't even use supernatural powers, he only used his own strength and physique to strengthen.

So Li Xuan felt that it was normal, and he didn't feel any shock.

But such an ordinary action actually shocked the people around him, which was a surprise.

"Actually, there's no need to be surprised. Forget it, let's go."

Li Xuan shook his head, held high the pollution giant frozen by the ice, and flew away slowly towards the base.

"Okay... okay."

Several people nodded dumbly, looking at Li Xuan's small body, holding up a huge five-meter-tall pollution giant.

It took a while for them to return to normal, but when Xueer discovered something, her expression instantly became extremely solemn.

"What's wrong, Xue'er?" Xiaoru couldn't help asking when she noticed the change in Xue'er's expression.

"Xiaoru, have you noticed? We're going to the base." Xue'er said seriously.

"Yes, is there any problem with this? Aren't we going back to the base?" Xiao Ru was puzzled and didn't feel that there was a problem.

"Yes, we are going back to the base, but it is not us, but Mr. Li Xuan who will lead the way." Xue Er said solemnly.

"You mean!!"

Xiaoru thought of something, her complexion finally changed, her beautiful eyes were full of disbelief.

"Yes, Mr. Li Xuan came to this world for the first time, but he actually knew the location of the base. This is not normal." Xue Er said seriously.

"This... this is really abnormal. How did he know the location of the base?"

Xiaoru was frightened, really frightened, her voice was much lower.

The glasses captain next to him was too frightened and couldn't help saying.

"Mr. Li Xuan, how do you know the direction of the base? You only came to this world."

"This is simple, I calculated the position based on the traces of activity." Li Xuan replied calmly.

He has been reincarnated so many times by summoning beasts, in addition to acquiring a lot of memory, he also gained a lot of useful knowledge, such as the search skills of beasts.

After the summoned beasts leave home, they mostly rely on special recognition skills to determine the direction and the location of their home.

With this knowledge, Li Xuan can easily calculate the direction of the base by scanning the traces around him with God's perspective.


Li Xuan said it was an understatement, but for Xueer and the others, it was more shocking.

Because they can't see anything from these traces, even those well-informed old people who suddenly appear in a new area need to observe carefully before they can determine the direction.

But Li Xuan lifted the pollution giant and left, and confirmed the direction in a very short time. This ability is really surprising.

"I've heard of some powerful old hunters before, who can use footprints and various traces to determine the direction and search for prey,

But now is the end of the day~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Pollution giants are wandering around, releasing pollutants recklessly, they have already destroyed all kinds of traces,

In a very short period of time, Mr. Li Xuan can still confirm the direction, which is really remarkable. "The glasses captain exclaimed.

"Yes, I came out and did many missions, but I couldn't see anything."

Xiaoru's little head looked around, trying to see what was different, but there were no footprints on the ground, so she couldn't see anything.

"Mr. Li Xuan, can you teach us this skill?" Xueer felt that this skill was very important and couldn't help but ask.

"You are my Master, you are qualified to study, others can't." Li Xuan replied calmly.

"I... can I?" Xiaoru raised her little hand, and her snow-white face was full of anticipation.

"No, you are not qualified." Li Xuan refused directly without any hesitation.

Such a refusal made Xiao Ru stunned for a moment, her mouth pursed, feeling a little aggrieved.

But she didn't say anything, but followed the team in frustration, her cute little face full of disappointment.

Feeling the change in the atmosphere, Xue Er hurriedly changed the subject and began to tell the knowledge of this world and everything about this world.

that's all.

Everyone continued to move forward, heading towards the base.

After walking for a few more minutes, Li Xuan saw a forest of oranges from God's perspective. He turned his head and asked.

"Are the oranges in this world edible?"

"Contaminated ones cannot be eaten unless they are purified." Xue Er explained.

"That's it, let's go then." Li Xuan didn't say anything else and continued to set off.

Xiao Ru in the team thought of something, and the feeling of loss disappeared instantly, replaced by anticipation, and even her big eyes turned into crescent moons.

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