Click, click, click!

A white chill filled Li Xuan's palm, and along with the chill, a beautiful little snowflake appeared in mid-air.

In this scene, Captain Spectacles and the others were very at a loss, and couldn't figure out what they were doing.

But the next second, a shocking scene appeared.

I saw that the small snowflake suddenly shattered, and in an instant, a terrifying cold air rushed out of the cave, sweeping out of the cave like a raging ocean wave.

The cold air was so terrifying that the stone walls, roads, stones, and plants of the entire cave all froze into ice and turned into a vast expanse of white.

The roar that originally came from outside the cave, with the cold air of the forest, the sound outside stopped abruptly, there was no sound anymore, it was terrifyingly quiet.

Clap clap clap!

Li Xuan clapped his little hands, turned his head to look at the three people in the cave, and said calmly, "Follow me."

When the words fell, Li Xuan's wind wings flapped lightly and slowly flew out of the cave.

Inside the cave.

The glasses captain, Xue Er, and Xiao Ru solemnly looked at Li Xuan who was leaving, looked at the cold ice in the frozen cave, and looked at this icy scene, all three of them were terrified and completely shocked.

"Xue'er, what kind of existence have you created? It's too strong." The glasses captain said in horror.

"Yeah, how strong is he when such a large area is frozen in an instant?" Xiao Ru's beautiful eyes were full of brilliance.

"I don't know what's going on. It seems that I have some kind of contract with him." Cher's ruby ​​eyes blinked, and her little hand couldn't help scratching her head.

"Contract? What is that?" Xiaoru hurriedly asked.

"I don't understand either, let's go out first." Xue Er shook her head, and her ponytail shook with it.

"Okay, let's go."

The three of them took the ancient scroll and hurriedly walked out along the cave.

During this process, the coldness of Sen Leng made the three of them shiver, but they were more shocked.

Because these ices are not only very cold, but the key point is that this seemingly not thick ice cannot leave a trace, and it is extremely strong.


The captain of the glasses clenched his right fist and punched Han Bing hard. As a result, Han Bing was not damaged in the slightest. Instead, his right hand trembled because of the shock, and the corners of his eyes twitched twice.

Originally, his left arm was fractured, and he had been in constant pain, but now there is pain in his right fist, which made the glasses captain very depressed.

However, he was more amazed at Frost's protective power, because he was a physique-shaped ability user, and the most powerful thing was his body.

As a result, such a strong body cannot leave traces on the ice, which is scary.

"This ice is too strong, it's obviously so thin, but I punched it with all my strength, and I didn't even leave a trace. This ice is not simple." The glasses captain said solemnly.

"Yes, and it's very cold. It's super cold. I can't take it anymore." Xiaoru was thin and trembling all over.

"Let's go, let's go out and see how the pollution giant is doing."


The three speeded up, followed the mountain wall quickly to the entrance of the cave, raised their feet and stepped out of the slightly dark cave.

The scene in front of them changed, and the three people who were illuminated by the strong sunlight were a little dazzling. They couldn't help raising their hands to protect their eyes.

When their eyes got used to the scene outside, they looked forward carefully.

In the end, it didn't matter. They widened their eyes again and stared blankly at the scene in front of them.

I saw it in front of them, on the pitch-black grass.

A five-meter-tall pollution giant looked up at the sky, with its muscular and knotted arms raised high, its mouth wide open, as if preparing to roar up to the sky.


The roar of the pollution giant did not come out, because the cold ice froze it, completely freezing it in place, forming a vivid ice sculpture.

The three of them looked at the ice sculpture standing still, and the giant's muscular body was frozen like this, unable to move at all.

They were shocked and looked at Li Xuan with horrified eyes.

"Really strong! What level is this little gentleman?" Xiao Ru couldn't help but ask.

"I don't know, but I know that this time Xueer definitely made a lot of money, and she actually created such a terrifying existence,

But also be careful, if the other party wants to kill us, it's just a matter of thought. "The glasses captain worried.

"No, he won't hurt us. I can feel that he has a contract with me and will protect us."

Xueer's ruby ​​eyes blinked, and she looked at Li Xuan curiously, at this handsome little man with fluttering long hair.

"You are my Master?"

Li Xuan slowly flew to Xue'er and carefully looked at this heroic girl.

"Master? What is that? Oh, by the way, my name is Xue'er, this is our captain's glasses, this is Xiaoru." Xue'er spoke quickly and introduced the other two at the same time.

"Well, my name is Li Xuan. I was summoned by you. I have a temporary contract with you, and I will protect you for a while in the future." Li Xuan carefully felt the contract and said.

"Temporary contract? Can you tell me what it is? I don't understand this." Xueer asked nervously.

"Yes, the temporary contract is that you provide me with a sacrifice, and call me to this world to protect you for a period of time. After completing the task, I will return to my own world."

Li Xuan explained calmly, through the summon reminder just now, Li Xuan has a deeper understanding of the black contract circle.

This black magic circle is not an ordinary summon, but a taboo summon, similar to some people consuming sacrifices to summon devils or monsters from other worlds.

Xue Er herself did not offer sacrifices, but the scroll contained a wealth of soul power. As long as Li Xuan was in this world for one day, he could get a lot of soul power.

These soul powers can even support Li Xuan to stay in this world for half a year.

But these soul powers are still a lot worse than Qin Yue's. The soul power they provide to themselves every day is only 70% of Qin Yue's.

Therefore, Li Xuan is not going to stay in this world for too long. He accepts the summons to obtain the materials of this world. If the world has the materials he needs, he can stay longer.

If there is no material, only soul power, then Li Xuan does not want to waste too much So Li Xuan said: "Tell me about the situation of this world, and what is the situation of this giant? Life force is so tyrannical. ."

"Okay, these are pollution giants, with super self-healing abilities, they can pollute the environment, and if they are polluted by them for a long time, it is very likely that humans will become pollution giants.

The earliest ancestor pollution giant appeared ten years ago, it came out of a mysterious labyrinth in ancient times, and the ancestor pollution giant was huge..."

Xue'er opened her mouth slightly, and whispered everything she knew, and told the situation of the pollution giant and the superhuman, little by little.

the other side.

In the woods three kilometers away.

The two soldiers with long knives on their backs ran fast, their faces dignified.

"Come on second, that roar is coming from the direction of the ancient ruins, and the strength is likely to reach the strength of the superior pollution giant." The burly man who took the lead said solemnly.

"Big brother, did those three children who asked for directions really go to the ancient ruins? There is nothing in the ruins. It doesn't make sense for them to go there, should they not go?" The second child at the back asked in doubt.

"I'm sure they definitely went there. When they asked for directions, I felt they would go to the ruins,

Originally, I didn't take it seriously. After all, this kind of thing happens often, but I didn't expect that there would actually be a pollution giant there. "

The sturdy man looked very solemn. There were not many survivors in the base, and there were even fewer people with abilities. If three children with abilities died, it would be a loss to the entire base.

"But eldest brother, the high-ranking pollution giant is too strong, and we can't beat it at all. If we fight, I'm afraid... I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to survive." The second child worried.


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