Global Reincarnation: Becoming A God With My Unlimited Revive

Vol 3 Chapter 137: Iron Mantis after death

Haw Haw!

The little white fox looked at the three-eyed clan around him, and watched the masters of the three-eyed clan come step by step, the little fox was frightened.

It wanted to escape, but there were enemies in all directions, and it had nowhere to escape. It could only hide behind the Iron Mantis, trembling in fear.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it is said that the Moon Clan people are extraordinary and possess special abilities. When I catch you, I must study them carefully to see what special abilities you have mastered."

The master of the Three-Eyed Clan said coldly, the strong aura of the bronze level waving wantonly, making the atmosphere at the scene even more depressing.

This aura was too tyrannical, and even the little fox that was pressed became more and more fearful, and the surrounding black iron three-eyed clan were also moved by it.

"Big brother is too strong, Bronze Intermediate is really not something to talk about casually." A three-eyed clansman worshipped.

"Yeah, big brother is strong, maybe he can hit the silver level in the future."

"That is, the big brother will definitely reach the silver level in the future."


Several people from the Three-Eyed Clan talked a lot and looked at the Three-Eyed Clan expert with admiration.

With such a voice of worship, the master of the Three-Eyed Clan couldn't help but raise his head, he waved his hand and said, "Second, go and catch the Moon Clan."

"yes, Sir."

The second child nodded hurriedly, walked over with a mace, his muscular figure was like a wall, and walked towards the little fox.

When it walked in front of the steel mantis, looking at the corpse of the mantis blocking the way, the second child's mouth opened wide.

"Is this steel mantis brain sick? Why did it kill itself? It stabbed itself with a large knife on its forelimb."

The second child looked at the breathless steel mantis, and felt that the summoned beasts were also brainless, and even committed suicide.

"It's a really weird steel mantis, it's probably because its brain is crooked."

The second child sneered and was about to move on, but the steel mantis stood in front of him. The second child didn't want to detour, so he smashed the two-meter-long mace.

As the second strongest player in the team, the second child can be said to be reaching the limit, not to mention the middle of the black iron level, even the upper black iron can't stop it.

But right now.

At the critical moment when it smashed down.

The steel mantis that was standing quietly moved suddenly, and its figure flashed away like lightning.


The blood sprayed, dyed the earth red, and also dyed the body of the second child.

The forelimb of the steel mantis stabbed deeply into the chest cavity of the second child, directly passing through the chest, and the blood splattered on the ground.

"How... how is it possible?"

The second child lowered his head sluggishly, looking at the blood hole in his heart, and the steel mantis standing quietly, the second child wanted to say something, but unfortunately it no longer had the strength to speak.


The second child's body fell on the ground motionless, and there was still disbelief in his eyes.

The three-eyed people around were stunned when they saw this scene. They looked at the scene in shock, watching this strange scene.

"It...isn't it dead? How can it still move? And it even attacked the second child."

"I remember that there is a kind of ape beast that has the talent of fighting instinct. Even if it is dead, it can fight. Could it be that this steel mantis has similar abilities?"

"No...I don't know, but I have to avenge my second brother and dismember the steel mantis."

The three-eyed clansmen at the scene spoke loudly, looking at the steel mantis solemnly, clenching their weapons one by one, preparing to fight.

It's just that they are a little bit afraid of steel mantises who can still fight when they are dead.

"Don't worry, the Iron Mantis is dead. It's just that the body is affected by the fighting instinct, so it will continue to fight. It can kill the second child, and it is completely dependent on sneak attacks."

The boss of the Three-Eyed Clan opened his mouth, staring at the Steel Mantis bloodthirsty, and continued.

"Although the speed of this steel mantis is very fast, it only relies on instinct to fight. You several go up and divide it up."

"It's the boss."

The surrounding three-eyed clan nodded immediately, approached little by little with a variety of weapons, and stared at the steel mantis bloodthirsty.

At this moment.

The little white fox was still in a cute state, especially when he saw that the Iron Mantis killed the second child of the Three-Eyed Clan in seconds, he was even more stunned.

She never thought that the dead steel mantis could still fight, which is really shocking.

But looking at the three-eyed clan who were approaching around, the little white fox immediately clasped its forelegs together, white light appeared all over its body, and began to use some special abilities.


The sound of breaking the air suddenly sounded, and the little fox only felt that her hair was blown a bit, and then she was stunned again, and some of the abilities she exerted stopped.


The steel mantis disappeared for a second, and after a second, only the boss of the Three-Eyed Clan was still alive, and the rest of the Three-Eyed Clan were all dead.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

A series of sounds of corpses falling to the ground sounded. Except for the boss of the three-eyed clan, all the three-eyed clan were dead, and a big hole appeared in their hearts.

"It turned out to be an instant kill again! Even if the Iron Mantis is dead, it is still so strong. How terrifying was it when it was alive?"

The little fox was terrified, so frightened that his big eyes were round, and his little head seemed to be stuffed up and couldn't turn around.

And on the opposite side.

The only remaining boss of the Three-Eyed Clan looked at the Iron Mantis solemnly. The battle just now was too fast. UU reading solved the battle in an instant.

With such terrifying strength, even the boss of the Three-Eyed Clan was terrified and quickly took a few steps back.


It thought of something, and suddenly grinned.

"The Iron Mantis is dead, but the fighting instinct remains in its body. Anyone who reaches a certain range of it and is malicious to it will be attacked by it.

However, this residual fighting instinct won't last long, it will fall after half a day, and then..."

The boss of the three-eyed clan looked at the little white fox with cruel eyes, stared at him with murderous intent, and swore that he would torture the little fox frantically.

Haw Haw Haw!

The little fox suddenly realized why she was not being attacked, and at the same time, her big eyes squinted at the steel mantis.

Haw Haw!

The little white fox jumped onto the mantis lightly, and its little claws slowly approached the head of the steel mantis, approaching nervously, and at the same time making a chirping sound.


A mysterious pattern shining with white light appeared on the head of the steel mantis. At the same time, the steel mantis became more and more fierce and terrifying.

"what are you doing?"

Seeing this scene, the boss of the Three-Eyed Clan hurriedly asked. He wanted to approach but was afraid of the Iron Mantis, because the danger of the Iron Mantis had increased a lot.

Following the question of the boss of the Three-Eyed Clan, an unimaginable scene suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

I saw that little white fox, which suddenly changed from a little fox state to a human form.

She became an enchanting little beauty with a white tail and a white fox fur costume with a bumpy figure.

The little beauty's skin is very fair and delicate, her appearance is very beautiful and cute, and even her frowns and smiles are charming.

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