A few days later, Jagged City.

Li Xuan's life is getting busy gradually. In addition to teaching his disciples every day, he also learns the knowledge of summoned beasts and summoners.

This knowledge is very rich. It has been accumulated by the Jiang family for thousands of years. It is said that their family once appeared in a terrifying existence that surpassed the gold level.

It was also at that time that the status of the Jiang family was officially established, and it became a family that has been passed down for thousands of years and is still scary.

Although the Jiang family has not had a gold level in the past two hundred years, they still survive very well and are respected and valued by many people.

And such a thousand-year-old family has accumulated a huge amount of information, and Li Xuan is looking forward to the large amount of books.

In the days that followed, Li Xuan read this knowledge as much as possible, and learned a lot of knowledge about silver and gold levels.

"Gold level is called the most gorgeous level, and it is also the symbol of the real strong. They can condense golden wings, golden armor, golden weapons through aura..."

Li Xuan read little by little, eagerly learning all kinds of knowledge about the gold level, and this study lasted for a few months.

During this period, Li Xuan came into contact with the knowledge of spiritual weapons, and immediately became curious, and then told the Grand Marshal.

As a result, people from the Alchemy Guild came the next day and brought a lot of books to teach Li Xuan about all kinds of alchemy knowledge.

Li Xuan also learned a lot of knowledge in the following time, but unfortunately, the resources in this world are scarce, the number of soul crystals is very small, and it takes several days to get a dozen.

And in the later stage, the number of soul crystals is getting smaller and smaller, and even one or two can be obtained in half a month.

This speed is too slow, too slow, Li Xuan has given up hope, and only hopes to get the extraordinary fruit as soon as possible.

"Master, don't worry, the Grand Marshal has been talking to the royal family for the past few months, hoping to take out the extraordinary fruit treasured by the royal family.

Listening to the Grand Marshal, the royal family is a little relieved to see your contribution, but there is only one extraordinary fruit in the treasury, which is very precious.

So the royal family wants to see you and make more contributions to the human race. "

Jiang Yun explained it solemnly, telling all the information he knew.

"More contributions?"

Li Xuan frowned, feeling that the extraordinary fruit was too difficult to obtain, and the contribution required exceeded Li Xuan's expectations.

Although he intends to stay in this world and learn the knowledge of alchemy and summoning beasts, he still wants to get the extraordinary fruit as soon as possible.

This kind of fruit is too important and must be eaten as soon as possible. Unfortunately, the extraordinary fruit is in the hands of the royal family. If you want to get it, you can only earn contributions.

Sighing, Li Xuan turned around and went back to his room, holding the alchemy book to read.

Two months later.

Thanks to Li Xuan's teaching, the first batch of disciples finally came out. Although they could only refine the hemostasis pill, and temporarily unable to refine the moisturizing pill, they still played a role.

And as long as they study for a long time, they can definitely refine the moisturizing pill.

Of course.

During this time, Li Xuan also refined a large number of medicinal pills, which were taken away by the Grand Marshal to enhance the strength of the front-line soldiers. Together with the medicinal pills that Li Xuan had refined before, the strength of the front-line soldiers was greatly increased.

In a later battle, the human race defeated the dark army. Although the damage at the silver level and above was very small, the dark army at the bottom was severely damaged.

This battle, also known as the Battle of Destiny, completely changed the fighting situation on both sides.

The human race recaptured the Kassel Mountains and captured important strategic locations.

Such a huge credit is naturally due to Li Xuan's victory, so half a month later.

A big gift appeared on Li Xuan's table, which made Li Xuan extremely excited.

"Finally, finally got it."

Looking at the extraordinary fruit in the box, Li Xuan was overjoyed, and at the same time he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He has been restless these days, always feeling that something dangerous is about to happen, so he is also in a hurry. Now that he has the extraordinary fruit, he is finally relieved.

"The extraordinary fruit of the wind element should improve my tornado skills."

Li Xuan looked at the extraordinary fruit in the box, endured the desire from his heart, and slowly picked it up.


Li Xuan's big mouth opened, and he swallowed the extraordinary fruit in one breath. In an instant, something in Li Xuan's body seemed to be shattered, and the terrifying wind element power enveloped all directions.

Kacha Kacha!

The sound of breaking sounded constantly in Li Xuan's mind, and the endless wind elements rippled along his body, and even merged into his body and soul.

Li Xuan only felt that he had a good control over the wind, as if he could unleash a terrifying tornado at will with a single thought.

【Ding! Your Dzogchen tornado breaks the shackles, achieves extraordinary, and evolves into an extraordinary tornado. 】

The mechanical system sound prompts, Li Xuan listens to the system prompt sound, feels the wind power surging around his body, and is very excited.

With deep anticipation, Li Xuan opened the data panel to check his status.


Name: Li Xuan, 1400 Honor Points

Physique: Two-Headed Ogre [Bronze Lower Rank]

Soul: Bronze Upper

Master: Qin Yue, Jiang Yun

Advanced: Portable Space, Ground Spike, Earth Wall~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Poison Resistance

Dzogchen: Self-healing, Fireball, Speed ​​Enhancement, God's Vision, Transformation, Invisibility, Fighting Instinct, Magma Survival, Healing, Meteor Shower, Gigantic, Dragon Might, Ice Freeze, Wind Wings, Underwater Breathing, Simulation communicate.

Extraordinary: strange power, self-destruction, defense, tornado


"My strength has been terrifyingly improved. Not only has my soul been upgraded to a bronze rank, but my skills have also been greatly improved."

Looking at his various data, Li Xuan nodded with satisfaction, especially looking at the extraordinary level tornado, he couldn't help but want to cheer.

It's a pity that some essences are very rare in this world. After searching for a long time, I couldn't find a few. As a result, Li Xuan's four talents did not reach great perfection.

But it doesn't matter, the current strength is enough, enough for him to wantonly show his strength.

However, at this moment, a feeling like a awn on the back came again, and it became more and more intense.

It was like someone holding a dagger behind his back, ready to kill Li Xuan at any time.

This feeling made Li Xuan's complexion change slightly, and he frowned: "Is this kind of weird feeling again, is it the fighting instinct that is warning me?"

Li Xuan looked around, even using God's perspective, but still didn't see anything.

"I feel uneasy with such a strong strength. Now there is only one possibility, that is, an enemy with extremely terrifying strength is staring at me."

Li Xuan was silent for a while, picked up the pen and paper and started writing quickly, and soon finished writing the three letters.

"Brother, what's the matter with you? I feel like you are very worried."

Mo Er scratched his big head, puzzled, and couldn't figure out why the elder brother was so serious.

"Magic Er, do you like your current life?" Li Xuan suddenly asked.

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