"Hmph, you can't be envious of this kind of thing, you just need to understand that the boss of the thousand-person area in the future will be the big beast." The black-haired dog said loudly.

"If the mutant beast is the boss, I will be the first to agree." The cloned beast nodded.

"I agree too, such a character is qualified." The black iron turtle also agrees.

"I don't agree. I admit that the mutant beasts are famous, but my crocodile beast only obeys the strong. Unless the mutant beast defeats me, I will never agree."

The Crocodile Beast spoke, with a very firm tone and confidence.

"Just you? Believe it or not, the big change beast slapped you with a slap." The black-haired dog yelled.

"I don't believe it, I'm looking forward to fighting him." The crocodile beast said proudly.

"I don't believe it either. The boss of the crocodile beast has had an adventure, his strength has reached the intermediate level of the black iron, and he has killed the fel doll of the upper black iron by leaps and bounds. It is super strong."

"Leaping the level to kill? It's really powerful." The black iron-level stone man couldn't help but admire.

"That's right, so let's say it's a battle to see who is stronger."

"The crocodile beast will definitely lose, but the change beast boss is the first to gain extraordinary abilities, does the crocodile beast have it?" Wind Rat jumped out and said the key point.

"Although I don't have extraordinary abilities, I have the ability of Dzogchen, and my level is only one level lower, so it's not certain who wins and who loses."

The crocodile beast is arrogant, still very confident in himself, and doesn't believe that anyone can beat him.

Mainly because after he obtained the Great Perfection ability, no one died in their Hundred People Area, so he was very confident.

"Haha, I really can't shed tears without seeing the coffin. When you see the true strength of the Transformer boss in the future, you will understand his power." The black-haired dog said loudly.

"I'm looking forward to it, my crocodile beast only believes in its own fists, unless I defeat me with strength, otherwise, I will never give in,

Even if the changing beast is famous, I, the crocodile beast, still refuses to accept it. "The crocodile beast said arrogantly.

"Humph! Just wait, sooner or later, you will feel the gap between you and the change beast boss." The black-haired dog continued.

"Alright, alright, who will be the boss, we'll talk about it later. By the way, why doesn't the big change beast keep talking?" The black iron stone man asked suspiciously.

"Do you think the big change beasts are very busy? Let me tell you, big bosses rarely show up in chat channels. Most of the time they need to practice, kill aliens, and make alchemy." The black-haired dog said.

"Alchemy? You mean alchemy?" The black iron turtle was stunned, unable to believe it.

Because his master is an alchemist, he has learned alchemy since he was a child, but now he can also use basic blood-stopping powder, blood-coagulation pills and the like.

But now the black-haired dog actually said that the mutant beast can also concoct alchemy, which is surprising.

Because they have only been reincarnated into this world for a few months, but in such a short period of time, the mutant beasts can concoct alchemy, which is really amazing.

"Perhaps refining the basic medicine pill." The black iron turtle said secretly.

"Go to the auction house to see, there are a lot of medicinal herbs from the change beast boss." Wind Rat reminded.


Everyone was looking forward to opening the auction house, and the purpose was a bunch of various in-demand tasks, all of which were released by the big change beasts, and there were many materials in the auction, including treasures that increased spiritual power.

The key point is that there are dozens of moisturizing pills, as well as treatment pills for any injury, all of which are black iron-level pills.

Such a scene shocked everyone, especially the black iron turtle, which opened its mouth in shock.

"My God, there is actually a black iron-level medicinal pill. It's too strong. This is a very difficult medicinal pill to refine." The black-iron turtle said in surprise.

"Ah? Is it that difficult to refine? I think there are dozens of them here." The black iron stone man wondered.

"You don't understand now, my master is a pharmacist. I have studied for several years, but I can't make black iron pills either.

Even his teacher, if he wants to refine the black iron-level medicine pill, it takes a lot of energy, and it is very difficult to refine. "The **** iron turtle continued to explain.

"It's so difficult? Doesn't that mean that the big beast is an alchemy genius?" The clone beast said in surprise.

"Yes, he is definitely a genius. After all, how long have we been reincarnated, the Transformed Beast can refine black iron-level medicinal pills, and he has refined so much. He is really a powerful guy.

I happened to have the materials to exchange, so I exchanged two moisturizing pills to try the effect. "The **** iron turtle immediately began to exchange, and quickly exchanged the medicine pill.


Hei Tie Big Turtle said a word and stopped talking at all, which also caused everyone in the chat channel to be at a loss.

"Big turtle, what's wrong with you? Talk?"

"Hey, are you talking? Don't make your appetite."

"What the **** is going on? Could it be that this moisturizing pill is fake? Or poisonous?" The black iron-level suspicious beast came out to question.

"Fart, you don't know, don't talk nonsense, we have all exchanged for moisturizing pills, and the effect is good." Illusion Lark jumped out and scolded directly.

"Then why didn't the big tortoise speak? He even sent a curse word." The black iron-class suspicious beast continued to question.

"How do I know? Maybe the big tortoise has water in its brain. It's soaked in water every day. It's weird if it doesn't get in." Illusionary Lark continued.


Looking at the illusion lark who cursed like a shrew, everyone was a little speechless.

However, Illusionary Lark admires the moisturizing pill so much~www.wuxiamtl.com~ also makes everyone puzzled, and they don't understand why the big tortoise doesn't speak.

Time passed slowly while everyone was waiting, and soon 10 minutes passed.

The big tortoise, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke, and said in horror.

"My God, after I exchanged the moisturizing pill just now, I asked my master to test it with his teacher.

In the end, his teacher was stunned, saying that this is a high-quality moisturizing pill, and an ordinary alchemist may not produce a single moisturizing pill after refining a hundred furnaces.

But now, I actually have two, that is to say, the auction houses are all high-quality moisturizing pills, and the effect is amazing. "

"Is this... so powerful?" The Black Iron Suspect Beast said in surprise.

"Of course, if you have materials, exchange them quickly. If there is no moisturizing pill in the future, then you all cry, haha, I will exchange for another healing pill."

The big tortoise started the exchange again, took out all his materials, and exchanged for the items in the Luggage Xuan auction.

Everyone quickly started to exchange. After a while, a lot of Runshui Pills were sold, and Li Xuan also obtained a lot of materials.

Summoning the world of beasts.

Plush bear area.

【Ding! Your auction item, Runshui Dan, has been auctioned, and the materials are stored in the temporary storage box. 】

【Ding! Your auction item Healing Dan has been auctioned, and the materials are stored in the temporary storage box. 】


A series of messages flashed, and while Li Xuan took out the materials to absorb, he walked quickly to the southeast, where he locked a summoning circle.


The other head of the two-headed ogre, Mo Er, was looking at Li Xuan with horrified eyes, then mechanically turned his head and looked in the direction behind him, where there was a lot of blood.


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