
The ninety-ninth area of ​​the summoned beast world.

Boundary Valley of Fire Peacock and Stuffed Bears.

A battle of life and death is going on on the grass in the valley.

The two fierce three-eyed clans were holding serrated long knives and waving wildly.

The two Three-Eyed Clan's swordsmanship is exquisite, and almost every blow is aimed at the key point, making it hard to guard against.

The same two creatures fought against the Three-Eyed Clan.

One of these two creatures is a petite girl in white.

She has a beautiful face, snow-white skin, and a soft temperament, as cute as the little loli next door.

Unfortunately, at this moment, the girl was covered in blood, her milk-like skin was full of wounds, and even her delicate body was a little unstable.

In such a state, the girl struggled with a short knife and fought a short three-eyed clan.

Beside the girl in white, an ape was waving a stone stick in his hand, blocking the attack of another Three-Eyed Clan.

The rank of the monkeys is only the lower ranks of the black iron, while the three-eyed clan are the masters of the upper ranks of the black iron.

Now the wounds on his body are so dense that he can't even count them, even his eyes are blind.

But it still didn't fall, and it continued to block the enemy's frantic attack. Every time, it blocked the attack at a critical moment.

However, I don't know when, the ape has lost its breath and lost its soul. Although it is still fighting and wielding weapons, it is its instinctive reaction.

Yes, it is an instinctive reaction, because it is an ape beast, and its innate ability is fighting instinct.


Another collision, sputtering dazzling sparks.

The three-eyed people took two steps back and stared at the monkey beast with a solemn expression.

"Brother Hong, why don't you attack?" The short three-eyed clan who was fighting with the girl in white on the other side wondered.

"There's no need to attack, this ape beast is dead! As long as you don't get close to it, you won't be attacked." Brother Hong said faintly.

"Dead? Could it be that it has been fighting with its fighting instinct?" The short three-eyed clan asked in disbelief.

"Yes, its fighting instinct is very powerful. If I expected it well, its fighting instinct has reached an advanced level." Brother Hong continued.

"Advanced? It's a really strong talent. It's obviously a low-level summoned beast of black iron. With its fighting instinct, it has persisted for so long under our attack. It is really a difficult summoned beast."

"Yes, but the problem has been solved. After a while, its body's will to fight will subside. When that time comes, the woman in white will be solved. Come back first."

"Okay Brother Hong, when the monkey beast dies, let's deal with the girl in white together."

Following the words of the short three-eyed clan, he quickly moved to a distance and stood beside Brother Hong.

The two three-eyed people stood not far away, holding long knives and looking at the monkey beast, and the girl in white with scars beside them.

They are going to wait for the ape beast to die, and then work together to deal with the girl in white, which is much simpler and easier.

"do you died?"

A melodious voice like a yellow warbler sounded, and the girl in white covered her bleeding abdomen and slowly came to Li Xuan, staring at it with a pair of bright and beautiful eyes.

Looking at the ape beast that was covered in blood and lost both eyes, the beautiful eyes of the girl in white slowly moistened, and a drop of clear tears fell from the corner of her eyes.

She remembered the scene a month ago.

At that time, she saw the dying ape beast, she was kind-hearted and helped the ape beast and saved its life.

However, what the girl didn't expect was that since then, the monkey beast has been following her to protect her safety, which made her very grateful and happy.

But now, looking at the ape beast standing still, watching its eyes lose its light, watching it covered in blood, the beautiful eyes of the girl in white are full of tears.

"The eldest miss has disappeared, all the sisters are dead, only myself are left, and now even you have left me, what am I still holding on?"

The girl in white was clutching her bleeding abdomen, her face was as pale as paper, the rapid flow of her life force made her realize that she was about to die.

Thinking of the death of the monkey beast that guarded her for a month, the girl in white gave a tragic smile, clenched the short knife in her small hand, and slowly placed it on her neck.

"What are you doing? Stop it!"

When the two three-eyed people saw this scene, their expressions changed slightly, and they rushed towards the girl in white like lightning.

They were also going to torture the girl in white to find out the whereabouts of the Eldest Miss of the Spirit Race, but unexpectedly, the girl in white chose to commit suicide.

Such a decisive suicide caught the two Three-Eyed Clan off guard, and it was too late to stop them, so they could only rush forward anxiously.

Also at this time.

At the moment when the dagger slashed across the girl's snow-white neck, a hand suddenly grabbed the dagger, freezing it down.

"Can death solve the problem?"

Li Xuan's hand was holding the dagger tightly, making the dagger unable to move at all. At the same time, Li Xuan turned his head to look at the two Three-Eyed Clan rushing over.

"To stab!"

Swish swish swish!

The dense soil thorns suddenly drilled out of the ground, rose like lightning, and instantly filled a large area.

"not good!!"

The two three-eyed tribesmen turned pale with fright, and hurriedly avoided the earth thorn~www.wuxiamtl.com~ But the earth thorn was too fast, and the range was too wide, so they had no time to dodge, nor could they find a place to dodge.


what! ! !

The screams resounded throughout the valley, and the blood along with the screams dyed the earth red, the grass dyed red and emerald green, and the girl in white who was about to commit suicide stared wide.


The girl in white was completely messed up, stammering and speechless, buzzing in her little head, and her whole body was in a circle.

You must know that the ape beast she rescued was only inferior to Hei Tie, and they fought very hard before.

But the girl in white wanted to commit suicide, and the monkey beast actually used a terrifying method, killing two three-eyed clans in an instant.

This scene is almost like a fantasy event, which makes the girl in white unable to react.

"You... were you hiding your strength before?" the girl in white couldn't help saying.


Li Xuan's hand slowly approached the belly of the girl in white, and the light of the next second treatment began to shine, quickly healing the girl's injuries.

Under the powerful effect of the advanced treatment, in just a moment, the seriously injured girl in white stopped the bleeding from the wound.

This scene once again shocked the girl in white, making her even more confused.

"Okay, go over there to rest for a while and tell me your story. Besides, I have something I want to ask you to help with." Li Xuan invited.

"Oh well."

The girl in white was still very dazed, she didn't understand what was going on.

She could only follow Li Xuan to the lake in confusion and sit on the ground.

"Tell me, your name, and your story." Li Xuan took out the orange from the space and said while peeling it.

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