Global Reincarnation: Becoming A God With My Unlimited Revive

Vol 3 Chapter 105: Extraordinary spontaneous explosion


Name: Li Xuan, 16,000 honor points

Physique: Elf in the palm [Lower Black Iron]

Soul: Black Iron Great Perfection

Master: Qin Yue

Ability 1: Intermediate Tornado, Intermediate Speed ​​Enhancement, Portable Space, Simulated Communication, Intermediate Stealth, Intermediate Change, Dzogchen Defense, Dzogchen Self-healing.

Ability 2: Advanced Magma Survival, Advanced Fireball, Advanced Healing, Advanced God's Vision, Advanced Giant, Advanced Dragon Might, Advanced Ground Thorn, Advanced Earth Wall, Advanced Poison Resistance, Advanced Ice Freeze, Advanced Wind Wing.

Ability 3: Extraordinary power, extraordinary self-destruction


Listening to the voice of the machine, watching the extraordinary self-destruction in the data panel, and the perfect soul of Hei Tie, Li Xuan was overjoyed.

He never thought that he had been promoted twice, which made him very happy.

Li Xuan was in a very good mood. Looking at the big fat man and the little boy on the shore, he was ready to implement the plan he had planned before, that is, the method of self-destruction.

This body is really not suitable for him, Li Xuan has long wanted to change it, and the big fat man and the little boy over there are not good things, so Li Xuan naturally wants to cheat them.

In addition to being able to test the power of extraordinary self-destruction, it can also solve a lot of unnecessary troubles, so Li Xuan is ready to implement this plan.

With a smile, Li Xuan said arrogantly: "The transcendent fruit tastes good, but you just can't eat it, so you are mad."


Fatty Fel and the little boy's eyes became colder and colder, and their bodies were filled with terrifying aura, ready to kill Li Xuan at any time.

As long as Li Xuan dared to go ashore from the magma, they would dare to kill Li Xuan immediately.

"Hey, what are you doing here? You want to kill me too?" Li Xuan suddenly looked at the city lord and the deputy city lord.

These two have a very good reputation in Blackrock City. They have protected Blackrock City many times from being attacked by mutant beasts. They are considered good city lords.

Li Xuan wants to test the self-destruction, so naturally he has to drive them away. There is no way. Li Xuan himself does not know how terrible the extraordinary self-destruction is.

"No, we didn't want to kill you. If you're worried about causing misunderstanding, we'll leave." The city lord said bluntly.

"Let's go, the extraordinary fruit was eaten by me, what's the use of you staying?" Li Xuan continued.

"Okay, let's go."

The city lord and the deputy city lord nodded and turned to leave decisively. They vaguely felt that something was going to happen, but they couldn't guess the result.

But leaving was the best choice, so they were very decisive and left the small secret realm directly along the secret realm passage.

Ye Fan, who was hiding in the dark, also left, because the items he needed were gone, and it would be meaningless to stay.

It's just that he was very curious about what would happen next, so he dropped a small eyeball for remote monitoring on the ground.

Not only did he want to see the next scene, but the city lord and deputy city lord also put down similar things.

Even the big fat man of the Fel Organization and the little boy of the Deviants have been using image transmission tools to transmit the scene of the scene to other places.

Li Xuan had discovered this for a long time, but he didn't care, because it was only when someone was watching that it would have a better effect, so Li Xuan smiled slightly.

"Yeah, I offended you anyway, so I'll show you my true colors today."

When the words fell, Li Xuan's body slowly changed, gradually changing from an orangutan to an elf.

"It turned out to be you! That half of the ancient book is with you!"

When Fatty Xie Neng saw Li Xuan's elf appearance, he immediately recognized Li Xuan's identity, and the killing intent on his body instantly became ten times stronger.

"You mean that half of the ancient book is in its hands?" The little boy from the sect of the gods was surprised.

"Yes, he killed the little giant and stole the half of the ancient book. You should know how important the secret of the ancient book is." Fatty Xie Neng said coldly.

"Of course, I can't kill it now. I have to catch it and torture it first, but it looks like it has a tough mouth." The little boy said sullenly.

"Don't worry, I have hundreds of ways to torture it and make it confess, such as driving nails into its ten fingers and toes and making it suffer heart-piercing pain,

Stripped its back, nailed its lute bones, pulled out all its nails, plucked out its hair and teeth,

I will torture it with various tortures. Under my torture, it will definitely tell where the ancient books are. "

Fatty Xie Neng opened his mouth with cruel eyes, screaming with murderous intent, staring at Li Xuan like a pig.

"Your torture is outdated, I have more fun." The little boy grinned, his sharp teeth gradually revealed.

"Okay, let's cross-examine it together, if you don't believe it, it won't confess."

The two silver-level experts spoke quickly, and at the same time they shared the scene of the scene to their base, and also blacklisted Li Xuan.

Just at this moment.

Just when they clamored.

Li Xuan flapped his wings and slowly flew upwards, letting the hot magma wash over his body.

The magma that others are very afraid of is like river water to him, completely unaffected, and even his rosy mouth always has a shallow smile.

"Looks like I can't run away today."

Li Xuan muttered to himself, without looking at the two silver levels, and finally stopped in mid-air, in the lava waterfall.

"Don't try to do any In the face of the silver level, you have only one fate, and that is death!"

The two silver-ranked people spoke arrogantly, and stared at Li Xuan with the victory in hand.

"Yeah, you are a powerful silver rank, and I'm just a black iron subordinate. Since I'm doomed to die, let's die together!"

Li Xuan clasped his hands together abruptly, and his body swelled like a balloon.

"Wait, what do you want to do? Stop it!!"

The big fat man and the little boy shouted in horror, and suddenly fled to the exit of the secret realm.

Boom! ! !

The terrifying explosion suddenly appeared, spread suddenly in the tumbling magma, and swept all directions with the might of a natural disaster.

The power of this explosion was so terrifying that it almost instantly formed a huge ball of scorching energy, and it exploded in violent fluctuations.

Terrifying light and heat swept through the entire secret realm, mixed with the complete spread of the contaminated magma.

The explosion was too fast, and the power of the self-destruction was too terrifying, combined with the polluted magma, and this secret area where there was nowhere to hide.

In this way, the two silver grades were submerged by self-destruction in despair and fear, gradually disappeared in the endless light and heat, and completely disappeared.

Boom! !

The Flaming Mountain seemed to have undergone a magnitude 10 earthquake, trembling continuously in the violent shaking, and the next second the Flaming Mountain erupted.

Billowing black smoke swept the sky, and dark red magma spewed out from above, mixed with a large number of red-hot stones, spewing into the sky.

Then it fell from the sky, forming a doomsday scene like a meteor shower.

This scene is too scary, too terrifying.

The city lord, deputy city lord, and Ye Fan, who had seen everything through the surveillance equipment, were so frightened that they ran wildly and ran away quickly.

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