Global Reincarnation: Becoming A God With My Unlimited Revive

Vol 3 Chapter 103: Extraordinary fruit with its own rules

Those cultists were like marionettes, controlled by some kind of power. The cultists' bodies were baked in the flames. Even if they were protected by some kind of power, they were still burnt horribly.

The temperature here is too high, there are flames in all directions, and the key is the strange fire poison erosion.

In such an environment, let alone the weak congregation, even the Bronze Great Perfection was severely restricted and could not stay here for too long.

But now.

Those cultists stood in the flames like robots, their eyes staring blankly in front of them.

This scene made Li Xuan very repulsive, especially because there were some children in the congregation, which made Li Xuan feel even more uncomfortable.

He wasn't feeling well, so don't think about others being comfortable, so Li Xuan squinted to observe each other, and finally locked on a little boy like a white porcelain doll in the crowd.

"Jie Jie Jie, little gorilla, are you interested in joining our Strange God Cult?"

In the sect of the deceitful gods, the little boy with fair skin like a porcelain doll smiled, and his cute appearance gave people a feeling of being harmless to humans and animals.

But Li Xuan found that there was a strong murderous and **** aura around the opponent's body, which only people with blood on their hands would have.

He didn't know much about the sect of the gods. Although he occasionally heard about the sect of the gods on the street, he only knew that it was a cult.

"What is the purpose of your Strange God Sect?" Li Xuan suddenly asked.

"Of course, it is to believe in the ghost gods and save the people. Only by believing in the ghost gods can you gain eternal life and save this world that is on the verge of being broken."

The little boy continued to laugh, his head suddenly turned to the left at a 90-degree angle, and his eyes turned into triangular eyes.

With this strange appearance, Ye Fan in the corner almost cried out in fright, and hurriedly covered his mouth with his hands.

"Save the common people? Just save the common people like this?"

Li Xuan pointed to those cultists whose bodies were purple and jumped into the lava in a sluggish manner, and a killing intent emerged in his heart.

"They are returning to the arms of the deceitful gods, what? Are you interested? I am very welcome to become our sect members. You are very suitable to be my servant."

The little boy continued to twist his neck and made a circle, like a snake, staring at Li Xuan mournfully.

"Not interested." Li Xuan coldly refused.

"Really? Jie Jie Jie."

The little boy smiled, his mouth cracking wider and wider, gradually cracking to the base of his ear.

This terrifying appearance made Ye Fan in the corner cover his mouth even more tightly, trembling all over, mainly because it was too scary, too terrifying.

Even though Ye Fan was well-informed, this scene still made the young Ye Fan feel scared.


What everyone didn't expect was that Li Xuan was not afraid at all, and even looked at the little boy like a clown.

This kind of stare made the little boy feel a little depressed, and he felt like a clown.

"Little orangutan, aren't you afraid of me?" Blood flowed from the little boy's eyes, tick-tick very oozing.

"Why are you afraid of you? The way you shake your head, you look better than the mother orangutan." Li Xuan said deliberately.

"What? Prettier than a mother orangutan?"

The little boy was stunned, his head was rumbling, and he couldn't say a word.

He never thought that Li Xuan would actually say such a thing. This suddenly subverted his cognition and gave him an answer, that is, what the orangutan sees is different from that of people.

The scenes that humans feel are very scary, in the eyes of the orangutans, are very good-looking, which makes the little boy depressed.

I was frightened here for a long time, but I was regarded as a female orangutan by an orangutan, which was terrible.

The depressed little boy was a little embarrassed, and wanted to kill Li Xuan, but there were the city lord and deputy city lord, and Xie Nineteen, who had a ghost in his heart.

So the little boy just gave Li Xuan a sullen look and made a gesture of wiping his neck.

It seemed that he was going to kill Li Xuan when the matter here was finished.

For all this, Li Xuan didn't care at all, and he even planned to kill this guy in turn.


Li Xuan suddenly thought of a perfect plan, and turned to look at the big fat man of the Fel Organization.

This big fat man is using one method after another, constantly testing the magma pool.

He even took out a luminous secret treasure to protect himself and quickly rushed into the magma.

But he only lasted for a minute, then immediately returned to the shore, looking at the magma with a solemn expression.

"It's such a domineering power of rules. Unless you use physical methods, you won't be able to get extraordinary fruits at all." The fat man said solemnly.

"Really? It seems that I can only use my corpse method." The little boy like a porcelain doll stared at a pair of triangular eyes and clasped his hands together suddenly.

Kacha Kacha!

The controlled congregation suddenly trembled, the sound of bones breaking quickly resounded, and soon they twisted into a weird shape.

Then, these cult members merged together to form a strange circle, and at this moment, the surrounding body condensed into a strange wolf-shaped phantom.

The next second.

These cultists jumped into the magma pool, but strangely, they did not die all at once, but died gradually in a slow state.

During this process the wolf-shaped phantom quickly approached the magma, moved forward like an octopus, and finally came to the red fruit and came to the magma waterfall.

Puff puff!

The hot magma rolled and washed the wolf-shaped phantom. Those cultists began to die at an extremely fast speed, which also caused the wolf-shaped phantom to shake constantly.

The little boy on the shore was sweating coldly, his hands were tightly joined together, and the body also quickly condensed blood.

Ka Ka Ka!

The wolf-shaped phantom in the magma made a strange cry, its body swelled suddenly, and it continued to charge forward quickly, and finally came to the extraordinary fruit and reached out to pick it.


The moment the wolf-shaped phantom was close to touching the transcendent fruit, it instantly swayed, kept shaking, and almost collapsed.

Fortunately, after a few cultists died, the wolf-shaped phantom steadied its figure and began to pick it up quickly.

But the next second.

The billowing magma washed away violently, drowning the wolf-shaped phantom in an instant, and all the cultists died.

"Damn, the rules of this extraordinary fruit are too powerful. Unless you find a crack, you can only pick it hard." The little boy said weakly.

Following his words, the atmosphere at the scene became solemn.

Two consecutive silver-level masters have failed, which also indicates that it is difficult to pick extraordinary fruits in a short period of time.

"As expected of an extraordinary fruit, I really can't underestimate it."

The deputy city lord shook his head. He became less and less confident about picking the extraordinary fruit. He could only look forward to the special equipment that would be created in a month.

But even with that piece of equipment, the deputy city lord has no confidence, so he can only try it when the time comes.

Also at this time.

Li Xuan suddenly squatted down, squatting on the edge of the magma, and then stretched his right hand into the magma.

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