Global Reincarnation: Becoming A God With My Unlimited Revive

Vol 3 Chapter 101: Fel Organization Evil 19

When the city owner heard this, he helplessly shook his head.

Why wasn't he in a hurry to get the extraordinary fruit, but the magma field in front was too terrifying. The waterfall-like magma washed the extraordinary fruit 24 hours a day, making it impossible for everyone to start.

The power of the rules that comes with the key extraordinary fruit pollutes the magma here, causing the magma to become stronger.

Many of their methods are affected, and they can only use physical methods to harvest extraordinary fruits.

However, the physical method was seriously hindered by the magma, so they felt that things were very difficult.

Also at this time.

A black-faced subordinate hurried in and reported anxiously.

"Report that the city lord, the deputy city lord, and the people from the fel organization are here, and they have chosen to be stationed outside the secret area. There are three people in total."

"Three people? What is the level of the strongest?" The deputy city lord hurriedly asked.

"The strongest is a silver-level master, and the pressure is extremely strong." The black-faced subordinate said hurriedly.

"One silver level? Why is there only one? Strange."

The deputy city lord was puzzled, but he was relieved, because a silver rank was not competitive at all and could not stop them at all.

Even the deputy city lord felt that the evil energy organizations outside did not dare to enter the secret realm, so they could only hide outside.

Just as the deputy city lord thought.

Three people outside the secret realm were standing depressed, looking at the secret realm but never entered.

"It's really trash. Both of your requests for help have been stolen. You guys are really trash."

A fat man with a round face spoke up, and his round body exuded a tyrannical aura.

His name is Xie Nineteen, he is the head of the evil energy organization Black Rock City, and he is also a very difficult expert.

His rebuke caused the two subordinates to remain silent, not daring to move, and could only bow their heads respectfully.

"Have you found out who stole it?" Xie Nineteen asked coldly.

"Reporting to the nineteen leaders, one piece of information was stolen by that kid Ye Fan, and we lost two good players."

"Ye Fan? It's this kid again, **** it, sooner or later I will deal with him. Who took the other piece of information?" Xie Nineteen continued to ask.

"I... we don't know, even the people we carry the information don't know why the information is not available.

They originally left Blackrock City with information, but after leaving the city, they found that the information was gone. "

The subordinates explained anxiously, with confusion in their eyes.


Xie Nineteen frowned, feeling that this matter was not easy.

He thought of the two strange things that happened in Blackrock City.

One is the fact that the summoner Wang Jun was shot to death, and the other is the elf in his palm. This elf was very strange and even killed the little giant he made.

You must know that the little giant is his powerful trump card, but the little giant was destroyed just like that, which made Xie Nineteen very depressed.

"I knew that Black Rock City was so weird, I shouldn't have agreed a month ago and transferred here." Xie Nineteen muttered depressedly, regretting coming to this broken city.

Unfortunately, regret is useless. He can only choose to wait. After the new information is released, the reinforcements from the organization will come.

Time passed slowly, and soon half an hour passed.

The three waiting fel energy organizations suddenly turned their heads to look at the foot of the mountain, and their expressions darkened immediately.

"The gods save the world!"

"The gods save the world!"


A low and hoarse voice sounded from a distance.

Following this voice, a group of people dressed in ordinary people's costumes, shouting the gods to save the world, came over neatly.

The strength of these people is very weak, 90% are ordinary low-level summoners, but there is no fear in these people's eyes, no fear, some are just fanatical.

Even though their feet were pierced by sharp stones and bleed, they still ignored it and moved forward step by step mechanically.

"The gods save the world!"

"The gods save the world!"


The hoarse voice became louder and louder, and many people broke their throats, but they still opened their mouths mechanically and kept shouting these four words.

"It's the sect of the gods. The troublesome guy is here. Sooner or later, I will destroy the sect of the gods!"

Xie Nineteen's expression changed, strange patterns appeared on his hands, and he slapped the ground violently, and instantly three coffins rose from the ground.

bang bang bang!

The lid of the coffin was opened, and three stiff figures slowly walked out of the coffin, exuding a cold atmosphere.

After these three figures appeared, Xie Nineteen's expression relaxed a little, squinting at the guys who came.

"Jie Jie Jie, it turned out to be Xie Nineteen. Do you want to join my False God Cult? Only my False God Cult can save this dangerous world."

There was a gloomy voice in the delusional sect, the voice was hoarse and sharp, like the harsh sound of a stool being pulled on a floor tile, very unpleasant to hear.

"Bug Ying, did you take away another piece of our information? How did you know that there is a secret realm here?" Xie Nineteen asked coldly, with a blood-colored long knife in his hand.

"Another copy?"

The sullen voice paused for a while, and laughed disdainfully, "I have thousands of followers of the Strange God Cult, why use your intelligence."


Xie Nineteen frowned, feeling that the other party didn't seem to be lying. At their level, they no longer bothered to lie.

So, this further confirms that the information may have been taken by the hidden masters in the city.

"Xie Nineteen, do you want to temporarily form an alliance to enter the secret realm? I guess, you dare not enter the secret realm because you are worried about being besieged by the city lord and the deputy city lord."

The gloomy voice sounded, making people very irritable.

"Alliance? Good."

Xie Nineteen thought about it and felt that this plan was feasible. The Sect of Gods and the City Lord's Mansion were even more incompatible, so forming an alliance would be a good way.

"That's right, this is an extraordinary fruit."

The gloomy voice sounded again, and with this voice, a group of ordinary people with stiff faces, shouting for the salvation of the world, marched forward in an orderly manner and entered the small secret realm.


The flames steamed in the secret realm, and the scorching high temperature swept through these ordinary people instantly, but they ignored it and let the flames burn their bodies.

Although a strange light film appeared at this time to protect these ordinary people, those ordinary people were still suffering from the fire, their skin began to dry up, and they began to approach the mummy.

"What a perverted church."

The Xie Nineteen of the Evil God Sect also followed He was the only one. After seeing this scene, he became more and more afraid of the Evil God Sect, feeling that it was a devil sect.

However, his strength is not weak, even if he can't beat him, he can start to escape, so he is in the back, silently following.

The two parties walked into the secret realm one after the other, stepped on the rocks, passed through the red passage with blazing flames, and finally arrived at their destination.

That is, in the magma area in the depths of the secret realm, I saw the tumbling hot magma.

Xie Nineteen immediately saw the extraordinary fruit, excited he waved his right hand, and the big hand condensed by the evil energy flew out directly, grabbing the extraordinary fruit in the magma.

But the big hand of evil energy just flew over the magma, and it kept shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally vanished into nothing.

Such a scene made Xie Nineteen's complexion change slightly, and he immediately used other means to test.

On the other side, the Strange God Sect is also testing, with various abilities emerging one after another, and even sending cultists directly into the magma to test the temperature.

Such a perverted approach made both the city lord and the deputy city lord angry, because these cult members were the people of the slums of Blackrock City.

Now that they are being controlled to die, the faces of the two city lords are very unsightly, and they can't wait to kill the sect of the deceitful gods on the spot.

It's a pity that they couldn't make a move. First, the False God Sect and the Evil Energy Organization are all here, and second, they are worried about leaving behind a handle.

Because the world's most powerful man, the Emperor God, once issued a ban.

It is allowed to preach in the slums, and no city can stop it, let alone attack and kill it.

If you dare to disobey the order, you will be at your own risk.

After this incident was announced at the time, it caused an uproar, and a king-level expert blatantly refused and killed the ghost religion in this city.

But the result was that the king-level master fell and was killed by the emperor with one finger, shocking the world.

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