"It's hard work, it's over. "

At Dawn's motion, Deep Snow rose from the device used for detection.

This kind of precision is not something that can be done anywhere.

On the contrary, it is an instrument that can measure the various indicators of the individual's body, fluctuations and other parameters.

Not even in schools.

testing facilities that students have access to,

At most, it's just a simple measurement of head-mounted detector + touchpad type.

I felt the girl's slightly resentful eyes thrown at me.

Rien coughed lightly, turned around and continued to battle the complex data and parameters.

"My brother is so cunning. "

The coquettish voice of the deep snow came from behind from far and near.

Before Li En could react, he was hugged by a pair of white lotus arms.

This is already a dangerous distance to be able to feel the heartbeat and body temperature of each other.

"Deep snow?"

"It made me leave such a shy memory, but my brother was indifferent......"

"Or are you, brother, don't you treat me as the opposite sex?" The sudden honorific of "Seven-Two-Three" revealed the firmness of wanting to get a definite response.

"It's not time yet. "

Li En's answer made Shen Xue, who was a little awkward, slightly stunned.

This is not a rejection, but a ...... Affirmation in some sense?

"Brother, ......what do you mean?"

Deep Snow's tone suddenly became urgent,

I'm afraid of getting a "I was just kidding" reply.

"Until that day came, we were still brother and sister. "

Rien turned around and picked up the girl's pretty face.

"I can only grieve you for a little patience. "

"However, I will also reward obedient and well-behaved children......"


After leaving in the deep snow with a red face.

Calm returned to the basement.

"So, women will only delay me in typing code......"

Rien shrugged his shoulders and continued to work on the composition of the technique.

It's not that he deliberately pretends to be a gentleman.

After all, when he was in Jiatiecheng, he didn't refuse calamus either.

But the situation is different in deep snow.

With her fanatical brotherly control...... Once let go.

I'm afraid I'll do something horrific that even Rien can't imagine.

In terms of danger, it is more terrifying than the night of littering.

In order to avoid this, Li En used the word "drag".

Anyway, he's not the type who can't walk when he sees a woman.

As long as you give a "reward" like today, you can soothe Shenxue's emotions.

When the quest time is almost over,

I'm almost able to receive a personal mission for Deep Snow.

As a reincarnation player, Lane always has a clear awareness.

That was the real mission and purpose of his coming to the dungeon world.

Bubble girls are just an option, and earning points, skills, and props is the most important thing.

After a night, while devoting myself to research,

Time seems to pass at a faster pace.

Li En stretched, but he was not too tired mentally, and his eyes were shining.

The high physique attribute can keep him awake for several days and nights, and his physical strength is also very abundant.

The high will attribute can make him full of energy and can last longer in a state of concentration.

After a busy night's work, it is not without gain.


[Invasion Method: Forced Shutdown]

Level +: E

+ Resistance: Intelligence (affects invasion success rate), Will (affects downtime)

+ Result: Perform an invasion of the target machine, and if it succeeds, it will directly paralyze it and forcibly shut it down

+ Positive: Consumes 50 mechanical power, the maximum number of targets is 1, and the maximum radius (will attribute) meters

+ Note: When this technique is cast through C.A.D., the cast speed is increased by 50%~80%.

+ Note: "Give your machine a rest, don't let it get too tired – Dawn"


"I didn't expect to be able to get it out. "

Wiping his sweat, Li En looked at the activation on the magic machine with pride.

It was the first spell he had developed himself.

It is not difficult to see that the prototype of this spell is [Mechanism Forbidden].

Although it is a bit far worse in comparison, and there are many flaws. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

For example, it can only be used on a single target, and the mental power consumption is serious, etc.

But there are also highlights, the most important of which is...... It doesn't have a cooldown.

"This technique can be further improved, and it ......"

Li En had a new idea in his heart,

However, without hardware support now, it is not enough to achieve. []

With a yawn, Rien walked out of the basement just in time to see Deep Snow preparing breakfast.

"Good morning, brother, breakfast will be ready soon. "

I don't know if it happened yesterday night,

Deep Snow looks in a very good mood today.

"Hmm...... What's that, a bento?"

Rien nodded, glancing at the two carefully packed lunch boxes on the table.

"It's a lunch box at noon today, and I'm going to have a meal with everyone in the student council. "

Shenxue replied as a matter of course.

"But why are there two?"

"Won't my brother come?"

“...... All right. "

Because the chairman of the Discipline Committee is also a member of the student union.

So if Lane wants to get more information about [Discipline Mission: Club Recruitment Day].

You have to go to the student union.

Although Magic High School is special in every way.

However, the basic system is no different from that of a normal school.

Naturally, the first high school also has club activities.......

However, if you want the school to recognize the formality of the club and distribute the activity money.

The community must have sufficient size and achievements.

Size naturally refers to the number of members of the community.

The results come from mainstream magic competitions, such as ...... Nine School Battles!

The Battle of the Nine Schools is a magic competition that has attracted a lot of attention across the country.

Therefore, if you can get excellent results in the competition of the [Nine School Battle].

From the budget of the club to the evaluation of the club, there will be great benefits.

Striving for strong new members to join is the top priority of each club every semester.

After all, there are only a limited number of students with excellent grades, and every club will compete for it.

For these reasons, disputes between societies often occurred during this period. "

Office of the Students' Union.

Ryne carefully tasted the bento made by Deep Snow while listening to Morry's explanation.

"In the past, the recruitment of new clubs may be so intense that it will affect the normal curriculum. "

"So starting this year, the club recruitment will only be held at a fixed time and last for a week. "

Mayumi added on the side.

"During this time, each club will set up a display booth together.,It's a lively celebration second only to the school festival.。 "

"Although there are regulations on the surface, it is a pity...... Over the years, there have been cases of private aggression or the use of magic to attack each other. "

Hearing this, Lane wiped his mouth and asked a question.

"Isn't it forbidden to carry a magic machine?"

"This time is exceptional. "

The head of the Discipline Inspection Commission shook his head helplessly.

"The school actually encourages competition between clubs. "

"That's why the club is allowed to use C.A.D. to present to new students. "

"Although nominally there will be a qualification review...... But in reality, it is no different from 5.2 being completely open. "

Therefore, this period is also the busiest time for the Discipline Inspectorate. "

As for why the university encourages this kind of competition, the answer is simple.

Because the school also hopes to improve the results of the Nine School Battles,

Therefore, even a slight violation of the school rules is just turning a blind eye.

"But fortunately, with the addition of classmate Lien, the burden on the other members of the Discipline Committee can also be lighter. "

Morley smiled as if he had found a coolie who could shirk his work.

"As a second-year student, I am already very content to be able to help my school sisters. "

Li En agreed rather neatly.

After all, he is a reincarnation player, and the longer the mission lasts, the better.

The more time passes, the richer the rewards become.


"Club Recruitment Week, it seems that the plot is about to begin. "

Li En thought silently, recalling a certain plot in the original work.

"Perhaps...... I could have used another way to resolve this incident. "。

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