Since it is not a combat mission, the rewards for this exclusive mission are not very large.

However, it gave Rien a rare melee skill.

[Nine-fold Flow Fighting Technique] is also the ontological combat power composition of the original male protagonist.

It can even be said that in addition to magic, it is the most important combat power.

Because of the relationship between the [Formula Deconstructor], Si Po Tatsuya's regular magic output is not very strong.

In most cases, it does not involve scenes above the tactical level.

They all use melee + obstruction-type spells to solve battles.

Even in terms of pure fighting ability, he has surpassed his master, Kuju Yakumo.

And the task prompt that popped up later made Li En suddenly understand why this skill was rewarded.


[Exclusive Personal Mission: Morning Exercise (Repeatable)]

+degree: E+

+ Mark: Arrive at the temple before 7 o'clock tomorrow and fight against the Ninefold Stream Cultivators and win

+ Incentive: 1000 reincarnation points/time

+ Note: "As a magician, it's normal to know how to fight skills."


Unlike what used to be, this is a repeatable task.

This means that for the next two months, Lane will be able to perform the [Morning Exercise] mission once a day.

Although the base reward is not much, it can be regarded as a considerable income under the 10x increase.

60 days is 600,000 reincarnation points!

"This mission alone can earn back 300% of the ticket money, which is worthy of the protagonist's exclusive mission!"

Provided, of course, that Lane can hold on.

Normally, even if you get the [Nine-Fold Flow Fighting Technique], it is only in the state of Lv1.

If it follows the original plot, tomorrow's morning exercise,

What Li En was facing was a ninefold stream cultivator who was nearly in the double digits.

In the end, he had to have a few tricks with his master, Jiuju Yakumo.

It is still difficult to complete the task smoothly.

However, Li En does not lack this skill point, and directly pulls the newly acquired skill to 927 to ensure that nothing goes wrong.


[Nine-Stream Fighting Technique increased to Lv10!Melee DMG +30%]

【Please select the direction of advancement!】

[1.Nine-Stream Fighting Technique - Grap: Make all your melee attacks have a grappling decision based on strength attributes]

[2. Nine-Fold Flow Fighting Technique-Turn: You can now consume stamina and use melee attacks to offset and block attack damage]

[3. Nine-Fold Stream Fighting Technique - Shock: Your melee attacks can inflict additional attribute damage based on special energy]


Compared to [Melee Mastery], which also increases combat ability.

The Nine-Fold Flow Fighting Technique is obviously more effective, and the direction of advancement is also very distinctive.

"Capture" can turn the player into a ruthless control machine,

As long as you get close, you will fall into an endless hell of grabbing!

"Turn" can provide a lot of survivability for fighting players.

It's like blocking bullets and flying arrows with your hands in the movie, you can do it!

"Shock" is more inclined to enhance the output ability, and it also comes with attribute effects.

Players such as Demon Warriors and Qigong Masters will enjoy it very much.

"[Turn] looks good, but it requires too much melee proficiency. "

"I have some melee ability, but I don't need to gamble my life in areas that I am not proficient in. "

"[Earthquake]'s words...... I'm not close to the battle output right now, and this promotion is a bit wasteful. "

In the end, Lane chose "capture" as the promotion reward.

Because his goal is to achieve [Heptathlon] in every level.

Therefore, the strength attribute will be increased to the full value.

You can maximize the effect of "capture"!

With his luxurious basic attributes, melee players with slightly worse equipment really can't beat him.

"If you can put on power armor in the future, you might be able to use your mecha to use grappling skills!"

Rien thought with some excitement.

Although there is still a certain distance from making a mechanical creation of the level of a power mecha.

"Hmm, how can there be a + here? "

Just as Ryan was about to close the status panel.

only to find that there was a flashing prompt on the talent page.

After clicking in, I found that it was a [Conquistador Accessibility] prompt message.

[You have a target that you can do "Conquest"]

[1. Innate Ability - Excessive Imagination (Grade B), cost 50,000 points]

[2. Nine-fold Flow Fighting Technique - Grappling (D Rank), cost 30,000 points]

"So expensive?!"

The corners of Lien's mouth twitched, and he felt a little liver pain.

"It should be 10,000 points as a base, and every time you improve 1 level, you will get 20,000 more points. "

"It seems that you can't just conquer things of little value. "

"Otherwise, the cost of conquest alone will be lost. "

Li En glanced at the balance of points, he still had more than 130,000 reincarnation points.

One B-rank talent, one D-rank skill.

The difference is only 20,000 points.

Fools know which one to choose.

"I hope the effect after the conquest is worthy of my points. "

Rien thought silently.

He doesn't intend to conquer the "Ninefold Stream Martial Arts".

For him, this skill is not worthy of the price of 30,000 points.

He's already invested 10 skill points in it,

There is no need to pay such a high price.

[Are you sure to conquer the "B-rank Innate Ability - Excess Imagination"?]

[Spend 50,000 points, after conquest, this skill will become the only skill after strengthening]

"Yes. "

There was a stirring in his mind, and Rien groaned softly, feeling extremely comfortable.

It was as if a place that had been blocked for a long time was suddenly unblocked, and his mind suddenly became clear.

【Conquest Complete!】

["Excessive Thoughts" has been strengthened to "True-Excess Thoughts"]


[Innate ability: True-Excessive Thoughts]

Level +: A (Unique)

+ Description: omitted

+ Fruit: Your maximum mental power is increased by 10 times


10x Mental Power Increase!

In this way, even if there is a [Formula Deconstructor]'s 90% mental power cap. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Ryne can also restore his normal maximum strength.

At most, you can't enjoy the increase of [True-Excessive Thoughts].

These two natural abilities, positive buffs and negative effects, happen to be hedged.

After some changes, Rien's power has also been changed to 1050/10500......

The total cap is even over 10,000![]

Unfortunately, only 10% of them can be used.

"Brother, do you need to prepare any drinks for you?"

Deep Snow has also changed out of his uniform,

Instead, she wore a shorter skirt that was cooler than (BGBC).

is different from what you show in school.

An inviolable awe-inspiring temperament like a kaolin flower.

Whether it is the beautiful calves that reflect the white luster,

Or the soft back of the neck that looms behind the loose collar.

At this time, the deep snow seems to be intentionally in front of Riene,

Show your feminine side.

"Coffee bar, hard work. "

Rien relaxed and stretched.

Tomorrow there is an even more difficult task ahead of him.

The temple is located on a small hill, but the people gathered inside are not monks.

Words such as "martial arts enthusiast" and "practitioner" are more appropriate.

However, among these people wearing cultivation clothes, there are also a few people who seem to be out of place.

"Huh? Someone else...... It's the player. "

Ryan glanced at the dungeon map and saw that the temple happened to have a side quest that could be triggered.

Of course, he is now in the state of a promotion mission.

This side quest naturally translates into ......

[Challenge Event: Devil Practice!]

[Complete the highest difficulty practice of the "Nine Folds and Eight Clouds" stream!]

[Current Participants: 5]

"I knew it. "

With his previous experience of triggering an emergency, Lane wasn't too surprised.

He was curious about how these reincarnation players found the temple.

However, with such a large number of reincarnation players, there will definitely be a few people with unique skills.

For example, "Thousand Armies" have a special ability to search for other players.

It wouldn't be surprising if a player's innate ability is specifically looking for side quests.

Seeing Li En enter the mountain gate, several reincarnation players who were waiting to receive practice cast their eyes at him.

["Information decomposition" is underway]

【You have obtained the details of the target】

"Huh, how can you do this?!"

Lane stared as if nothing had happened.

But from his point of view, the information of these players is full of lists!

[Park Young-shu, E-level reincarnation player, belonging to the Great Cold Netherworld, attribute ......]

[Jin Xiuli, E-level reincarnation player, belongs to the Great Cold Netherworld, and has ...... attributes]

[Shuji Nakatani, E-level reincarnation player, belonging to Sakurajima Country, attribute ......]

[Li Chen, E-level reincarnation player, belonging to the Dragon Kingdom, attribute ......]

In addition to him, there are a total of 4 reincarnation players.

Two people from the underworld, a player from Sakurajima Country, and one player from Dragon Kingdom.

"Hello, you're here for the trial, too?"

The Dragon Kingdom player had also had a meeting at the [Silver Lily], and he had some impressions of Lane.

So I took the initiative to meet it.

After all, everyone else is a reincarnation player in another country.

There are fellow villagers in the Dragon Country, so they naturally want to hold a group.

"Trials? Oh yes, that's right. "

Lane glanced at the side quest, and although he was doing a challenge event, he could still view the content.

The goal of the side quest is to pass the [Ninefold Flow Cultivation Trial].

This trial is divided into 3 levels, from low to high, which are "Beginner", "Elite", and "Master".

Entry-level Trials require defeating 1 "Ninefold Stream Cultivator".

Upon completion, you will receive a Lv1 level "Fighter Master."

Elite-level trials, you need to face 3 cultivators at the same time,

The reward is the "Fighting Master" skill that is directly upgraded to Lv3,

Alternatively, you can simply upgrade 1 E-rank melee skill by two levels.

In the "Master" level trial, the number of enemies faced has been increased to 5!

The reward has been changed to "Kufre-ryu Fighting Lv. 1" and you will be eligible to practice in the temple!

"I want to challenge the elite level, I don't know if I can beat three cultivators of the same level. "

Li Chen is not very old and has a big personality, but he is quite comfortable to get along with.

"What level of trial do brothers participate in?"

"I'm ......"

Rien glanced around, but didn't find the figure of the nine-fold Yakumo.

Presumably, he was hiding in a corner and observing the performance of these trialists.

Including him.

"I'll talk about it then, and I'll try again one last time to see how difficult it is. "

"Wise choice. "

Li Chen nodded and said with emotion.

"It's a pity that I can only try elite at best. "

"If you are tested by these foreign players to complete the [Master] level. "

"The only cultivation qualification here will be snatched away by them!"

Hearing this, Li En scratched his head and asked puzzled.

"Uh...... Is there anything special about this cultivation qualification?"


(Although the Conquistador's support will definitely be used after unlocking, you are too strong to be guessed so quickly to enhance the "Excess Imagination").

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