The clash occurred between two freshmen.

To Dawn's surprise, one of them turned out to be a reincarnation player!

On the copy map, the punctuation points shown are neutral yellow dots symbolizing the Aborigines,

There are also white dots that symbolize reincarnated players.

It stands to reason that reincarnation players are very utilitarian, and if they are not necessary,

It is unlikely that there will be a conflict with the aborigines.

Unless you receive a side quest.

But now it is only at the stage of entering the dungeon, and it is impossible for anyone to receive such a confrontation task so quickly.

So, the reason for the rest...... There are only one~.

"What do you say?

On one side of the conflict, the reincarnation player's face turned blue and his whole body trembled with anger.

Judging from the recognized translated voice, it should be a player from Sakurajima Province.

"Just [weed], and don't look at their own strength, they come to provoke [Corolla]. "

The aboriginal freshman looked at the angry reincarnation player with a proud expression, and said proudly.

"What, you still want to do it here?"

Ordinary freshmen may be hindered by school rules, and they can just get angry.

But who are the reincarnation players?

Like the "flower crown" that has become an elite by thousands of choices,

They are also the lucky ones who have been chosen to become reincarnation players!

They are the only ones who bully these aborigines,

When did you get this kind of gas?

"You brought it on yourself, bastard!"

The Sakurajima player's face was gloomy, and his eyes showed a hint of cruelty.

The people who can be recruited into this reincarnation dungeon are not good stubble.

Obviously, he has already made a move.

Although there are differences in identity, there is a polemic power.

These freshmen who have not received practical training are even gifted with magic.

It's certainly not the opponent of a reincarnation player who has experienced killing.


The Sakurajima player let out a low cry and directly launched an attack skill.

A thunderbolt that fell from the sky split down in an instant!

Almost just when everyone was caught up in reacting,

A figure that suddenly appeared stopped between the two.

"Devour. "

The hooded shawl on Lane's body flashed, swallowing the thunder that fell from the sky.

Then he turned around, his eyes flashed with silver light, and he suddenly activated the mechanism forbidden!

The student who wanted to fight back had just taken out his magic machine, but found that he couldn't start the terminal.

A commotion above was strangely still.

"What are you guys doing?!"

Seeing that the situation had been brought under control, Nanakusa Mayumi walked out at the right time and said with a cold face.

"Even if you are new students, didn't you read the school motto issued to you when you entered the campus?"

The petite student council president, but the momentum is very powerful, and the tone is full of unquestionable majesty.

She turned her head to look at the Sakurajima reincarnation player.

"You, attack a classmate with magic in the academy, demerit once!"

Then, Mayumi stretched out her hand to the first-year freshman with the [Flower Crown] emblem on her chest.

"You, using the forbidden word weed, and using CAD equipment in violation of regulations in the academy, have two demerits!"

"I will contact the Discipline Committee and deal with your demerits!"

"If you accumulate 3 punishments, you will drop out of school directly!"

Hearing this, the faces of the two parties became even more difficult to look at.

Especially the reincarnation player, apparently received some kind of prompt message,

He was warned that he received a demerit.

He gritted his teeth and looked at Rien, and said suddenly.

"He was involved in the battle between us just now, why didn't he get a demerit?!"

Mayumi looked at him coldly.

"Lane-san, here is to stop you from making more mistakes. "

"If you don't want to be demerited a second time, stop this framing behavior. "

Hearing this, the Sakurajima player shrunk his neck, dumbfounded, and didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore.

I could only look at Lane indignantly.

He could feel that Lane was also a reincarnation player......

And like him, it is an E-class "weed" status.

But why is the gap between people so big?

He was humiliated by the aborigines here, but he had beautiful girls who said good things to him!

"If you accumulate 3 punishments, you will be expelled from school, so that's the case. "

Li En's heart suddenly froze.

At the same time, information about the completion of the challenge event appeared in front of his eyes.

[Challenge Event Completed!] (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

[You get 10,000 reincarnation points, 10 attribute points, and 10 skill points (10 times the income)!]

[You maintain the order of the school, 100 credits will be rewarded!(10 times the income)]

[Increases your reputation in "One Middle" by 500 to "Friendliness" (10x Gain)]

The opening ceremony is almost underway.

The onlookers also dispersed. []

Mayumi looked at the two freshmen who had left and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Li En, thank you for your help. "

The president of the beautiful girl walked over and asked with some doubts.

"But why did you stop me from doing it at the time?"

Why did it stop you?

Li En smiled, but couldn't help but complain in his heart.

In fact, he was afraid that Zhenyu would interfere and cause the incident to fail, so he stopped her.

However, it is certainly not possible to say so.

I have to put it another way.

Li En thought about it and said with a solemn expression.

"The only people who can legally use C.A.D. to cast spells in schools are members of the Discipline Commission. "

"I think that even the Nanakusa, who is the student council president, needs to apply before she can use it. "

"If someone finds out that Senior Sister Seven Grass casts a spell without authorization, the impact on you may not be good......

"So, even if I interfere in this matter and get punished, it's better than letting my senior sister be criticized. "

Perfect excuse.

Lane gave a thumbs up for his wit.

Because judging from the reaction of the other party, the effect is good.

"Hara, so you're thinking about me?"

Nanakusa Mayumi didn't expect Rien to say such a thing with a serious face.

The dignified and beautiful face revealed a moment of shyness,

But soon, under a good upbringing, he re-transformed into everyone's ladies.

"Alright, time is running out, let's hurry to the auditorium. "

Then, she added in a whisper.

"Also...... Li En-san, you can call me Mayumi, you don't have to be so restrained. "

[Nanakusa Mayumi has increased her opinion of you by 50 points (10x gain)!]

[Nanakusa Mayumi's relationship with you becomes a "friend"]

"Okay, Sister Mayumi. "

Rien glanced at the prompt.

I found that even if there is a 10 times income, I only add 50 points of favor.

Sure enough, like this kind of real famous daughter, the difficulty of the strategy is much higher than that of a certain golden retriever tsundere.

The latter only experienced one incident and directly reached an "intimate" relationship.

Entering the auditorium where the opening ceremony was held, the two men separated.

After all, one is a freshman who is going to sit in the audience,

One is the student councillor who has a lot to deal with.

Li En casually found a small seat and sat down, waiting for the ceremony to begin.

"Having said that, Deep Snow's freshman speech should not appear until the end. "

Li En thought as he counted the gains just now.

This kind of ceremony is just too boring.

If it weren't for the fact that you would be punished with a demerit if you quit halfway,

I'm afraid not many students are willing to listen to the long speeches of the school leaders.

"Excuse me, is there no one sitting next to you?"

Suddenly, a somewhat distracted Rien heard what seemed to be an inquiry from him.


(Celebrating the successful solo kill of the male gun gank Svein, plus 1:9).

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