"It's done!"

Because before entering the copy of "Karakuri Girl",

Li En prepared several materials for the drawings.

So it didn't take much effort to make the [Multi-functional Floating Battery].

However, the price of these materials is not cheap.

The most expensive is the control chip.

Although it is only an E-level control chip, the unit price is also around 1000 points.

And it's hard to buy it.

Because this kind of thing is rarely purchased by other players except for players on the technology side.

Li En still asked Uncle Du's connections to acquire a few pieces.

On the whole, the cost of a [multi-functional floating battery] is at least 1500 points!

If it is damaged due to combat or accidental factors, the 1500 points will be completely wasted.

Of course, the high cost of construction brings more tactical options.


【Multi-functional floating battery "cornerstone"】

Level +: E+

+Sex: Durability 500/500, Attack 50

+ Blocks: anti-gravity floating, small-caliber repeating cannon, blank function slots

+ Note: "Plug and play, multi-purpose, it is a good partner for your home travel, murder and arson"


The multifunctional floating turret has very few features, only two.

Can float, hang, fly at low speed, and attack.

But other than that, the biggest highlight is...... It also has a [Blank Slot].

It's this feature gauge that gives it endless possibilities!

During the day, Lane was studying and testing floating batteries.

The action was scheduled for the evening.

"It's just a Karakuri workshop that ruined my sweet night with Rien because of this...... Unforgivable!"

Night after night, he looked at the buildings in the distance, gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

"I know you're in a hurry, but don't worry. "

Li En glanced at the puppet girl, how could she not know what she was thinking.

"Our plan of action this time is to infiltrate, not make a fuss, you better be quiet. "

"In addition, there are other members of this operation......"

Hearing Lee's words, a look of surprise and annoyance appeared on Yeye's face.

"Damn, I thought it was a rare private time for two!"

"You don't know an unknown girl again, do you?!"

"I hope you can say the same when you meet her. "

Lane shrugged, his gaze continuing to sweep over the outskirts of the night.

Suddenly, he felt the smell of something approaching.

It was a very subtle perception, and his five senses did not notice anything abnormal.

But the sixth sense in the Ming Ming is warning him that something is approaching!

The E-rank trait of the mysterious attribute ...... [Sixth Sense]!

However, Lane did not get into combat because of this.

Something "thumped" him in the back.

If it was a sharp knife or some other weapon,

Lai En is now estimated to be more than lucky.

But in fact, the so-called "murder weapon" is a petite girl with a maple red double ponytail.

"Riene, Glass asked me to come to you.~"

Seeing the innocent smiling face of this girl, she exclaimed in horror every night.

"Xiao Zi?!"

The girl of the "flower" in the snow moon flower, Xiao Zi, the youngest of the three sisters.

Her facial features are very similar to those of Ye Ye, and they are all exquisite creations that can be called perfect.

However, rather than being "beautiful", Xiaozi gives people more of a cute feeling.

A carefree look, coupled with a maple red ponytail tied to the sides of the head,

Compared with the girly night and night, Xiao Zi is more like a child.

Or rather, a sister-like feeling.

"That's the way it is!"

Xiao Zi jumped up, put her slender arms around Li En's neck, and said with a grin.

"Glass said that this is the task of the military department, you will use my ability, so let me come~"

"Military Department...... Do you want to find out the truth hidden in the [God's Workshop]?"

Rien nodded thoughtfully.

The forces involved in this exclusive personal mission are also becoming more and more complex.

It's not just about helping Frey find her "family".

I am afraid that my actions will lead to unimaginable consequences.

Just like the [Ogre] incident, which ended up sending Felix to prison.

is different from the two older sisters who have extraordinary combat power.

Xiao Zi's magic circuit is called [Yae Kasumi], and it is a pure support and interference-type ability.

Although the attack performance is not strong, it has a fairly high stealth ability and illusion.

If there is enough magic to support it, [Yae Kasumi] can even deceive the five senses of various creatures,

And then control all the sensory information that can be felt!

That's why Glass would have her come to support Rien instead of the more combat-capable Iruri.

"In that case, let's get moving. "

Dawn glanced at the sky, it was already nightfall.

In the sparsely lit suburbs, the surroundings are plunged into near-pure darkness.

It's also the best time to dive in.

"Brother Lien, please pour things into it as much as you like~"

Naturally, Li En understood the magic of Xiao Zi's words.

But it still knocked her little head.

"Don't learn from night to night, you'll become a, that's not good. "

"What?!Dawn, you actually think of me like that?!"

Night's retort came from the side, but she was nowhere to be seen.

Under the effect of [Yae Kasumi], everyone only showed a faint outline. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

With the help of the dark environment, even if you stand at a very close distance, you will not notice.

"By the way, what kind of place is this?"

Xiao Zi asked in a low voice.

"It looks tattered, it doesn't look like a Karakuri workshop. "

"Actually, this is part of the God's Workshop. "[]

Li En held Xiao Zi's hand to prevent it from getting lost.

"This is [the orphanage]. "

"Orphanage, does this workshop still have a charity industry?"

"Charity...... Scold. "

Hearing Xiao Zi's suspicious voice, a rare trace of gloom appeared on Li En's face, as well as killing intent.

"Didn't the military department ask you to collect incriminating evidence? In that case, let me show you what they are doing. "

Night Night was also silent at this time, as she was connected through her connection with Riene.

found that his emotions at this time rarely contained indescribable ...... Wrath.

The Orphanage is actually the former home of Frey and Loki.

They grew up here and were then discovered by Bronson to become puppeteers and attend night parties.

There were a lot of people dressed as farmers patrolling the neighborhood, shotguns in their hands.

"It's a Karakuri shotgun, a special weapon for automaton armor. "

Xiao Zi immediately recognized the weapons and equipment in their hands.

"This weapon is a controlled item and civilians have no access to it, which ......"

"This shows that they are indeed the security guards of the [God's Workshop], and we are not in the wrong place. "

Dawn interrupted Purple talking to herself.

Not far from them, there was a huge building surrounded by an iron fence.

From the entrance, you can see that there are iron cages set up inside, and the smell of dangerous and alert creatures emanates from them.

There are not chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep raised here, but all kinds of dogs.

"Great Dane, Golden Retriever, German Spaniel, Doberman, Shepherd, ......"

Xiao Zi was itchy and pulled Li En over to find out,

After all, it's the character of a child, with some curiosity and hyperactivity,

If you leave it alone, I'm afraid you'll get lost in a while.

Rien had no choice but to sneak over with Ye Ye Ye with him.

"All of them are large dogs that are used as police dogs or military dogs. "

"The black hound beside Frey must have been selected from this. "

Lane notices that they all have special armor on their bodies, proving their identity as automatons.

But if it's a doll...... The appearance and habits of these big dogs are also too real.

"Look, there's a suspicious-looking room in there!"

Night Night pointed to the deepest part of the room, where there was a small room made of stone bricks.

In a house full of wooden structures, it looks particularly incongruous.

"Steel gates, magic seals, iron fences...... Tsk, I'm afraid that others won't know that this is a prison. "

Rien realizes that what is locked up here is the "family" that is important to Frey.

The first machine named "Hellhound" named Huangquan.

"What's the matter, small. "

The moment he stepped into the cell, the room sounded like an old man's voice like a candle in the wind.

This frightened Ye Ye and Xiao Zi, who didn't know the truth.

"Dogs, dogs talk?!"

"No, the problem is that it can actually find us!"

"Quiet. "

Lane reached out to cover the mouths of the two girls,

But the next moment, he regretted making this move a little.

Night and night, this guy actually took the opportunity to rub oil!

The corners of Lane's mouth twitched slightly, and finally decided to keep some discipline in front of outsiders.

"I was commissioned by Frey to take you out of here. "

A giant hound, chained, his aged eyes casting a gaze at where Rien was.

"That kid doesn't seem to have the guts to make that decision. "

Obviously he was a dog, but Huang Quan's tone was like that of an old man full of wisdom.

"And you're an intruder in the workshop, why should I leave with you?"

"They'll soon abandon you anyway, after all, maintaining the survival of the forbidden puppet is also a lot of expense, isn't it. "

Li En replied easily, familiar with the plot,

He didn't need to do any complicated investigation to get straight to the point.

The two sides were silent for a while.

Eventually, Huang Quan walked towards Rien, but did not show an attacking stance.

It sat down, and stuck its neck out.

"If you can help me untie it, I'll go with you. "

Huang Quan said flatly.

It wears a Karakuri collar around its neck that looks very intricate and sturdy.

Not only are there multiple mechanical shackles, but there are also magical seals attached to them.

"A combination of technology and magic, but it's a pity that as long as it's mechanical...... None of it worked for me. "

Lane just glanced at the circle, and it automatically "snapped" and let go of the ring.

Prohibited by the agency.

Huang Quan was still stunned, as if he couldn't believe that freedom came so suddenly!

The shackles that had plagued it for several years were untied by the young man in front of him so easily!

"Frey, who the hell is he?"

With a thick doubt, Huang Quan turned to face in the direction of the entrance and wagged his tail slightly.

"I know you're here, and it's not just for me, an old dog. "

"Come with me, I'll take you to visit the darkness and sin that is really hidden in the [orphanage]. "。

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