【Demon Eater】

The word didn't just make Felix breathe.

At the same time, it also brought a greater shock to the crowd of onlookers!

"What?!He said Felix was an ogre?!"

"The murderer of the predatory puppet incident that has been making a lot of noise in recent years?!"

"How could Lord Felix be an ogre, that guy is slandering!"

On the stage, Felix's face turned pale.

"I don't know what you're talking about. "

Lane didn't answer.

After he collects 3 "clues", hide the target of the quest side.

Only the last one remains.

[Collect clues (3/3) and subdue the murderer (unfinished)]

So, the next thing is very simple.

"Night, ready to go!"

"I can do it at any time, Riene~ pour your love into it!"

The corners of Lane's mouth twitched, and he decided to ignore the undisciplined speech just now.

The next moment, he and Yeye's bodies burst out with flame-like light at the same time!

[Mechanical Combustion], burns mechanical power, and adds extra damage!

[Mechanical Charge], infuse mechanical power, and comprehensively improve the function!

[Mechanical Strengthening], strengthen the body, reduce durability consumption!

At this moment, Ye Ye is the strongest weapon in Eun's hands!

After the [Blowing] mode is fully activated, Yeye's body is almost transparent,

Leaving afterimages on the surface of the ground "923", like an unpredictable wind!

The rhythm of the Silver Knight Maiden's battle was disrupted by the sudden and fierce attack,

But she's not the trash fish puppets she killed before, just throw away the spear that is not good at melee combat,

Instead, he grabbed a sharp greatsword and swung it against Yeye's attack.


Ye Ye let out a coquettish reprimand, and with his empty hand, he swept away the blade that was slashing at her, and swung out a sharp hand knife!

The Silver Knight doll dodged the attack, despite tilting its head at the critical moment.

But Yeye's fingertips still rubbed against her helmet.

Bang, bell!

On the empty battlefield, the sound of helmets falling to the ground was crisp.

For a moment, even the hustle and bustle outside the stadium was still.

No, it wasn't the helmets that made the onlookers stand still.

It's the face hidden behind the helmet.

It was an expressionless girl's face,

Originally, this face belonged to the assistant to the Discipline Commission named "Lisette Norton".

Ranked No.34 A girl with the landing code name "White Phantom Mist"......

It was also the identity of the corpse that Li En asked Qianjun to find.

At the moment when the helmet of the Silver Knight doll was knocked away, Felix's face suddenly became ugly.

He finally realized what Rien really wanted to do.

He wants to......

"Keep fighting. "

Li En gave instructions to Ye Ye, and then turned his head to look at the chief of the Discipline Commission with a pale face.

"Beat me, you still have a chance to turn the tide. "

"Or, if you want to throw in the towel now. "

Admit defeat?

Felix's face contorted, as if he had been greatly insulted!

"You want me to throw in the towel to you?!

"What the hell have I come to this point for, how can I let you ruin all this!"

"Kill them!"

Silver Knight Doll ...... In other words, the automaton called "Alyssa" shows her true abilities.

Magic Circuit - Ogre!

Just like the [Vajra Force] of the same night,

This is the special power that automata was born with when it was born!

The magic circuit called [Demon Eater] allows Alyssa to capture the circuits of other dolls and use them!

In other words, she can play the effect of multiple magic circuits with one doll!

Li En continued to inject mechanical power and pulled Ye Ye's state to the peak!

The puppet girl acts, like a bullet out of the chamber.

The power of the machine unleashed by Dawn entered her spine, causing her to explode like a rocket!

And what greeted her was a series of sharp water spears condensed out of thin air.

"It's ...... Water Demon Doll's [Water Control] Circuit Effect?!"

"Why do Felix's puppets have this ability?!"

"The other day, the ogre seems to have just hunted the heart of a water goblin-type puppet......"

"Could it be that Felix is really a [Demon Eater]?

Lane's purpose has been achieved.

He didn't need to say much, because the truth was on the stage and the audience was left to judge for themselves.

The surrounding conversation began to tilt in his favor.

However, the most important thing at the moment is to win this battle in order to get the rewards of the side quests.

Otherwise, if you accidentally lose this challenge and lead to a failure, it will be miserable.

The water spears that followed were like machine guns, whizzing out continuously.

But Night and Night did not stop, not even the slightest hesitation, and directly stood up to meet the countless bullets and bullets!

- BATTLE MODE [Celestial Covenant]!

[Consume 100 machine power, and turn to "Tianyu" mode every night!]

[In this form, the Will attribute is increased by 100%, and the global defense is increased by 100%!]

[Magic Circuit "Vajra Force" is at its maximum effectiveness, providing 50% damage reduction and damage increase!]

The brownish-yellow sheen resembles a heavy mountain peak, enveloping the night.

The seemingly sharp spear of water did not penetrate her body,

The high-pressure water that was enough to pierce Sigmund's wings out of the hole,

But you can't even cut through the skin of the night!

Immovable as a mountain!

But with strength and speed beyond defense!

Like a bullet piercing the curtain of water, Night Night moved to the sky above Alyssa in the blink of an eye,

Then, lift her white and slender jade legs and smash them down hard!

This blow hit Alyssa's head directly and impartially......

This is a heavy attack that can blast out a big crater even on a stone-brick street!(If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


A large number of water droplets splashed up, but Yeye's feet passed through Elisa's body and swept into the air.

The puppets of the members of the Discipline Commission turned into water droplets and white mist, splashing in all directions,

Then in an instant, he condensed into a human form and guarded Felix's side.

"It's ...... The power of the Lisette puppet!"[]

Charlotte covered her mouth and looked at the battlefield in disbelief.

She lives in the same dorm room as Lisette and is therefore very familiar with the latter's puppet circuit.

This ability to transform into water and mist is the origin of Lisette's landing code name [White Phantom Mist].

Now that the magic circuit of the "White Phantom Mist" has appeared on the [Demon Eater].

That is to say......

Her roommate, who had become more than lucky, had become food for the [Demon Eater].

A strong feeling of vomiting came up from the abdominal cavity.

I remembered that I had lived with the [Demon Eater] disguised as a roommate for several semesters.

Charlotte felt indescribably nauseous.

What shocked her even more was the blonde noble son she used to have a good impression of......

It's actually the manipulator of the [Demon Eater]!

If Felix is also a reincarnation player.

I'm afraid I'll get a series of "Opinion -100" prompts.

But now, this noble son, whose identity has been exposed, has no time to think about the private affairs of men and women.

"Your puppet is very good, but you can't win against me by brute force alone......."

Felix smiled maniacally and spoke defiantly.

"I also witnessed the whole battle that day, but in fact, your way of fighting is very simple. "

"Relying on the puppet's punches and kicks, as well as the big blackout, it was just a group of garbage that was shocked. "

"If it weren't for Sigmund's majesty, I'm afraid you would have been powerless to succeed long ago. "

Felix stretched out his hand, and Alyssa shot directly out of the water spear like a rhino!

Several spears in succession, instead of attacking Yeye, they aimed directly at Riene!


Night and night passed by the spear of water, and his voice was full of anxiety and worry.

"Don't get distracted, keep attacking!"

Lane let out a low snort, forcing Ye Ye to switch to "Blowing" mode.

He threw a barometric shock grenade in an attempt to dodge the water spears.

The first few attacks were missed, but the last water spear sliced through his abdomen, and blood gushed out.

[You are under attack by "Forbidden Doll - Alyssa the Ogre"!]

[You take 45 damage and start bleeding, losing 1 health every 2 seconds!]

[The bleeding lasts for 5 minutes, and the effect decreases over time]

"Cough, hiss......"

This was the first time that Lane had been injured so badly in a dungeon world.

He clenched his teeth, covered the wound with his hands, and stood up in pain.

"Crush her, Night!"

Although the puppet girl gritted her teeth at Rien's injury.

But she still followed the instructions and approached Alyssa once more.

Punch, kick up, sweep!

A dizzying flurry of quick attacks, splashing everywhere, but in vain...... Is it?

At the same moment when Alyssa uses her body to water elementalize and dodge Yeye's physical attacks.

Lane covers the wound with one hand and shoots with the other!

The muzzle of the Colt "Monty Python" spewed out a cloud of ice mist.

Frost Bomb!

The smile on Felix's face suddenly froze, like Alyssa's body that instantly froze into ice.

"It's now, night ......"

Rhine gasped for air, and he could feel his body getting colder and colder as the blood drained.

Two pearl-like tears slipped from the corners of the puppet girl's eyes,

With a sad and indignant look, the momentum suddenly increased by 5.3,

The arms condensed into a sword-like qi blade, instantly slashing out a half-moon-shaped sharp cold light!

- Special Move-Blowing Blow: Catalpa Knife Shadow!

"It's over. "

Kimberly, who was originally sitting on the rooftop and watching, stood up at some point.

The beautiful professor snorted and took out a black robe out of nowhere.

This is the uniform of the Magicians Guild's inspectors.

Only when you need to deal with something special, special, very troublesome.

She will reveal this identity.

Because it's really troublesome, I have to repeat it 3 times.

"What a trouble-making little ghost, just like you. "

[Silver Mask] shrugged his shoulders undeniably,

Surrounded by six automata, disappear into the night.

on stage.

"Dawn ——!"

The sound of the night seemed to come from far away.

Lai felt his eyelids be very heavy, and he could only see the flickering text messages clearly.

[Hidden Side Quest: Demon Eater Completed!]

[The task reward has been deposited into the allocated space, please complete the allocation as soon as possible]

[Exclusive side quest "First Victory" has been completed!】

[You defeated the girl with the No.4 Silver Spear", you get 9600 Win Points (10 times the gain)!]

[According to the rules of the "Night Party", you are promoted to No. 4 Star Picking"!]


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