Since obtaining the"Devil's Formula", Rean has cracked two solutions.

The third type had been tried before, but it only lasted less than 1 second and failed immediately.

But that was already in the D-level period.

At this time, Rean had an attribute panel that could be called the pinnacle of B-level, as well as an extremely solid knowledge and technology reserve.

It should be possible to go one step further and leverage the third solution.

However, being on the battlefield at this time was not suitable for cracking the [Devil's Formula]. After killing Liu Xusheng, Li En finally settled his worries and began to concentrate on dealing with the"desolate tide" in front of him.

Although he is currently located in the most dangerous tail battlefield of the Arakawa, under the influence of Yui's"Virtual Divine Kingdom", the mechanical soldiers who arrived at the battlefield through space teleportation showed extremely powerful combat effectiveness and directly resisted Enemies that are several times their own number!

Then, Ye Ye, who was in a happy mood, killed him all the way from the left side of the battlefield to the right side!

"Phew... today's battle was so enjoyable!"

Ye Ye smashed a"Sun-tied Lao" into the ground arrogantly and said with a sense of relief.

When Li En went to other dungeons, Ye Ye was not idle either. He often went to various places that had been conquered. There are fights everywhere in the copy

《There were not many enemies in the world of"Devil", so she went to the world of"Dark Bullets" to bully those gastrea animals.

820 Now I found a new toy——《The"gods" of the world of"God Eater".

Although the individual strength of these wild gods is more powerful, facing the divine ingenuity with full state and"extraordinary" level melee combat ability, they still can only be pinned to the ground and hammered wildly.

Finally, after this inhumane crushing match lasted for several hours, a reminder that today's"large-scale battle" was over appeared in front of Rean's eyes.

【You have obtained 18950 meritorious deeds! Currently ranked"No. 1" in the merit list"!】

More than 10,000 meritorious deeds, converted into reincarnation points, are nearly two million!

The second place on the ranking list only has a few hundred meritorious deeds, which is not even a fraction of Rean's.

With a burst of teleportation light, Rean returned to the attack hall in the blink of an eye.

Players from other battlefields also walked out of the elevator one after another, almost all with tired but excited expressions on their faces.

"This large-scale battle is really exciting! It’s much more enjoyable than a mission to defeat just a few miscellaneous fish!"

"Is the guy at the top of the ranking cheating? I've killed dozens of Aragami, and I'm only over a hundred years old!"

"Come on, they are all B-level. You should know that the gap between reincarnation players (bcdh) is wider than that between humans and dogs.……"

"I don’t know which organization I ran into again this time. It seems like I can’t keep my number one position again."

"【Ouroboros] The battle group assembles! Have any of you seen Brother Liu?"

Hearing the last shout,

Li En silently glanced at the assembled members of the [Ouroboros] battle group.

Liu Xusheng was dead. These guys couldn't make any waves.

Naturally, he was also lacking in interest. Too lazy to pay attention to these people, they left the attack hall and returned to their temporary residence.

Not long after, Mengmeng and Nana also returned home with light steps,

"Mr. Li En has come back?"

Mengmeng saw the door of Li En's room was closed, and was about to knock on the door and ask about the outcome of today's"revenge".

Yui suddenly jumped out and reached out to stop Mengmeng's movement.

"Dad is concentrating on a very important matter now, please don't disturb him for the time being."

The little girl's face showed a rare serious look.

But then, Mengmeng hugged her in her arms and pinched Yui's face with her hands.

"Xiao Yui, can you tell me what Mr. Li En is doing now?"


Yui thought for a moment, and the [Devil's Formula] wasn't such a secret.

In the priority of the database, there was no mention of the need for confidentiality, so I nodded.

"Dad is cracking the [Devil's Formula]】"

Hearing Yui's words, Nana had a confused look on her face.

"Devil's formula? What is this……"

"The devil's formula...oh, the Garden formula, right?"

Mengmeng nodded as if she had some understanding, and then looked at Nana with a smile.

"Nana, you know too little about these technological things. It’s normal not to know."


Nana did not refute her sister's teasing.

Instead, she said in agreement. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"If Sister Lala were here, she would know what Yui was talking about right away."

Yui curiously tugged on Mengmeng's clothes.

"Sister Mengmeng, why do you call [Devil’s Formula] [Garden Formula]?"

There is no such alias in her database, which means that even Rean doesn't know about it!

"This... is something that very few people know."

Meng Meng thought for a while and explained as concisely as possible.

"It is a relatively open secret among the powerful people above the extraordinary level."

"The person who left behind such a technologically difficult mystery as [Devil's Formula] is a senior named Gaden."

"But these are just legends. There is no active record of him in recent thousands of years."

"Only the"Devil's Formula" he left behind is regarded as a classic by reincarnation players on the technology side."

Speaking of this, Mengmeng also became interested and asked Yui

"Normally, reincarnation players will only try to crack the [Devil's Formula] when they reach B level.】"

"How many solutions has Mr. Li En solved so far?"

"By the way, I am type 3."

Hearing this, Yui said proudly

"If this time is successful, Dad will also have cracked 3 solutions!"


Mengmeng was stunned. If she remembered correctly... Rean should not have broken through B level yet.

Could it be that when he was at C level, he already had the strength to crack the first two solutions of [Devil's Formula] ?!

In fact, Rean’s first solution was when he was at level E.

And it was completed in the first instance of entering the reincarnation space.

"As expected of Mr. Li En, he has easily accomplished things that ordinary people cannot do."

Mengmeng said with sincere admiration.

Her three solutions were solved one after another after being promoted to B level.

Suddenly, Yui's expression changed.

The originally expressive face immediately turned into an indifferent one. appearance

"Is this...a sign that a large amount of computing power is being used and only the most basic interactive interface is maintained?"

"It seems that Mr. Li En has reached the most critical point.……"

As if they noticed something, the two pink-haired girls glanced towards Li En's room in unison.

The next moment, the strong"void" attribute mechanical power could not be suppressed and overflowed from the crack in the door!

Every few seconds, the escaping mechanical power will become stronger!

"Mr. Li En, he... succeeded!"


(There are a lot of things going on recently, so the update may be late or delayed by about 1 day).

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