"Mengmeng and Nana have been feeling strange recently."

Li En yawned and woke up from a light sleep.

Although with his current physique, it doesn't matter even if he doesn't sleep.

But he still habitually stays in sleep for several hours every day.

On one hand, he recovers the lost energy, and on the other hand, he yawns. On the other hand, it's a habit.

Even if the bloodline is no longer human, the habit of being a"human" is still retained.

What's more, Yui helps with all kinds of things during the break, so it's not completely fishy.

"Today's subjugation mission... Tsk, why is it still difficulty level 7?"

Looking at the mission set in the terminal, Li En suddenly woke up and showed a look of disgust. It has been almost a month since he came to this dungeon.

But after reaching the crusade level of difficulty 7 in the first week, even if It is Rean, and it is difficult to receive a subjugation mission with a difficulty level of 7 or above.

It is not that the reincarnation space forcibly prevents Rean from this"cheating" behavior. It is that it is extremely rare to subjugate Aragami with levels 8, 9, and 10!

For""Fenrir", it is actually a good thing not to encounter these extremely dangerous wild gods.

Only reincarnation players who are afraid of the world's chaos can hope to encounter these powerful enemies only in legends

"Um? There is another email...from Amamiya Tsubaki?"

Li En clicked on the email curiously and checked the contents. 740 This was the first time he received an unsolicited message from her since he conquered this new instructor.

"Arid tide...it turns out there is still such a thing."

After browsing the content of the email,

Amamiya Chun's email was not sent to him alone, but a message conveyed to all"God Eaters"!

After a series of measurements and estimates, it is expected to arrive at"Fenri" tomorrow The area near"Er"!

The so-called"Desolate Tide" is a"tide" composed of a large number of small and medium-sized Desolate Gods.

Weak Desolate Gods such as"Ghost-faced Giant Tail" have the habit of moving in groups.

When they decide to go When hunting in a new area, or being stimulated by something, a tidal wave of Aragami beasts will form and sweep across the land!

Because the"Ghost-faced Giant Tail" is also the main food source for some medium-sized Aragami, this movement will also involve Migration to most of the ecosystem!

This is the"Desolate Tide".

For"Fenrir", the"Desolate Tide" means a lot of trouble.

In addition to the inevitable destruction of the Aragami, a large number of Aragami gather, It will also affect some normal exploration, cleaning and other work.

For example, some farmland is cultivated outside the shelter.

Once the"barren tide" comes, it will be difficult to ensure the food reserves inside the shelter.

For a long time The"famine tide" will even lead to bad problems such as"famine".

Fortunately, most of the main bodies that make up the"famine tide" are just middle- and low-level desolate gods.

As long as a sufficient number of"God Eaters" are dispatched, basically everything can be done. Solve the problem.

This situation will happen every few years...

Of course, for reincarnation players, this should be a pure benefit.

A large number of Aragami means a large amount of material drops!

There are also a large number of Crusade mission rewards!

However, what worries Rean the most is that this crusade mission adopts a different combat method! In short, the combat area is no longer just a block with up to 4 people participating in the battle area like before.

It is a small-scale battle.

Instead, it is a large-scale battle composed of dozens of"detachments" to jointly fight against the"Desolate Tide"!

When he saw this attack method, Rean had already thought of many things.

In addition to directly tearing apart Apart from being embarrassed, this is the only opportunity for Rean to find"Liu Xu (bcaf) Sheng" outside of the"Fenrir" branch!

"The first target of the promotion mission is still short of the accumulated defeat number of more than 100 difficulty levels."

"But it doesn't matter... there will be so many Aragami by then, it should be enough to complete the first promotion goal!"

The opportunity for revenge was right in front of him, and Li En gradually became excited and agitated.

He took a few deep breaths and forced himself to calm down.

The more times like this, the more calm you should be. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Fei Lu Novels Internet!)

After a month of intelligence collection, he had almost figured out all of Liu Xusheng’s trump cards.

"Everything is ready, all that is left is the east wind."

Because the time for the"large-scale battle" is tomorrow, there is no use worrying now, so Li En simply pushes the door open and goes out.

He wants to discuss the"Desolate Tide" with Mengmeng and Nana.

Who knows that as soon as he goes out, She saw the two sisters muttering in the living room and not knowing what they were discussing.

When she heard the noise coming from behind, Nana quickly packed up her things and showed an awkward but polite smile to Li En.

"You were just now……"

Rean glanced at the thing hidden in Nana's hand.

It seemed to be a technological product in the style of Debbie Luke.

"It’s nothing, we just miss our sister and we just made a video."

Mengmeng said what happened just now with a smile on her face.


Li En raised his eyebrows.

"Is there any way to communicate with the outside world in the dungeon world?"

Seeing Li En's attention diverted to other directions, Mengmeng and Nana breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, just use this [Dudu Communication Master]."

Mengmeng also took out a similar communication device and said meaningfully.

"Mr. Li En, do you want to know who the inventor of this prop is?"

Hearing this question, the corner of Li En's mouth twitched.

Such an obvious naming style... is obviously the work of the sisters' eldest sister, classmate Lala.

But now he can only pretend to be curious and ask

"Do you know the person who invented this prop?"

"Of course!"

Nana said proudly with her hands on her waist.

"This is Sister Lala’s work! I heard that we couldn't contact her in the dungeon world, so Sister Lala made these two props for us.……"

"cough. Mengmeng coughed lightly and interrupted Nana who was going off topic.

Then she asked Li En in a tentative tone.

"Lala is the eldest daughter among our three sisters, and she is more powerful than me in technology."

"I think Mr. Li En and Sister Lala must have a lot in common."

"You two... would you like to add me as a friend?"


After hearing this, Rean finally realized where the something wrong he felt before came from.

Isn't this kind of rhetoric... a typical excuse used by elders to introduce someone?!.

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