After dealing with the blood rain matter, Rean took back the"Royal Stand".

Return your attention to the frontal battlefield.

In the crusade mission of difficulty 6, the enemy's strength is already B+ elite.

Even Mengmeng and Nana can no longer take it as easy as before.

"Is the matter resolved?"

I dreamed that Rean released various mechanical soldiers to support the battlefield, so he jumped lightly and retreated to his side lightly.


Li En nodded slightly, but didn't say much.

He believed that with Mengmeng's emotional intelligence, he wouldn't interfere too much.

Sure enough, the girl just covered her mouth and smiled, with a seductive light shining in her beautiful eyes.

"Although the gentle Rean is also very good, the sharp eyes just now... are also very handsome."

"Just think you are complimenting me."

Rean also relaxed and concentrated on dealing with the Aragami on the battlefield.

He had just learned a lot of useful information from Xueyu, such as the composition and strength distribution of the [Ouroboros] battle group in this 12th copy, as well as""Liu Xusheng"'s general attributes and several trump cards.

Although as Xueyu, it is impossible to know too much details.

But this information is enough for Li En to make a response

"Judging from the information obtained, this Liu Xusheng is indeed quite difficult to deal with.……"

Rean did not underestimate the enemy, otherwise he would not have gone to great lengths to obtain information.

As a B+ peak person who is only one step away from"extraordinary",

Liu Xusheng deserves to spend a lot of time preparing for the"hunt"... and then give him the"revenge" he deserves.

On the battlefield, Nana, who was commanding the summoned beasts to fight against the Aragami, became angry when she saw Rean and Mengmeng talking and laughing!

With a bite of his silver teeth, he led two powerful sphinxes towards the direction where they were!

"It seems that there is no way to paddle."

Li En smiled and shook his head, then snapped his fingers.

What appeared this time was not a"Void Hunter", but two"teams" composed of 6 different types of mechanical soldiers!

Mengmeng originally wanted to help. , but when she saw the mechanical soldiers summoned by Rean, she couldn't help but stop her movements out of curiosity.

She could vaguely feel that the techniques used by these seemingly ordinary mechanical soldiers were very exquisite and ingenious.

They were even mixed with Mixed with some knowledge and technology that even she has never been exposed to!

The two lineups formed identical teams of mechanical soldiers, directly facing the two Aragami brought by Nana!

In their respective teams, each raised a side The solid light shield withstood Aragami's collision!

The"knight"-shaped mechanical soldier took a few hard steps back, seemingly unable to withstand such a huge impact.

Even the alloy bones on his body had cracks..But it still successfully secured a safe fighting space for other"teammates"!

——The war unit"Iron Heart Guards"!

The unit transformed into the"Paladin" profession in"Darkness" also has extremely strong defensive capabilities and auxiliary combat capabilities.

It can even withstand a blow from a B+ elite with its C-level body!

The Iron Heart Guard in the Mechanical Team maintained the light shield with one hand, and directly planted a flag-like void beacon on the spot with the other hand!

In an instant, several different buff effects enveloped all friendly forces on the battlefield!

Increase resistance, armor, damage, regeneration, basic attributes...

Looking at the various lights around herself, Mengmeng looked at Li En in great surprise.

"Mr. Li En, this is……"

Rean explained while asking Yui to pay attention to recording combat data.

"It just left the factory, just in time to test the actual effect."

"Iron Heart Guard……"

The girl studied the names of the military units and couldn't help but sigh.

"The role of this mechanical soldier is almost equivalent to that of an auxiliary player of the same level, and it is also a team auxiliary."

"The cost is definitely not low, right?"

Hearing this, Li En seemed to have thought of something, and a smile couldn't help but appear on his lips. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"If your guess is close, I can give you a few."

"oh? This is what you said."

Mengmeng's eyes suddenly lit up and she became interested.

In fact, she had been coveting these weird mechanical creations in Li En's hands for a long time.

However, the relationship between the two was not good enough to inquire about privacy, so she kept I am more reserved and restrain my curiosity.

"let me guess……"

After thinking carefully, Mengmeng quickly calculated a rough price in her mind.

As the princess of Debbie Luke's nemesis, her horizons must be much broader than those of ordinary reincarnation players.

I have been exposed to a wealth of materials and drawings since I was a child, and I am very familiar with the products of various technologies and knowledge.

So...she confidently reported the answer in her heart

"About 200,000 reincarnation points?"

Hearing this number, Li En was slightly startled, and then laughed. 740

"Your guess is... quite accurate"

"210,000 reincarnation points, only 10,000 missing... you win"


A proud expression suddenly appeared on Mengmeng's pretty face.

She enjoys this beautiful atmosphere among friends more than the reward promised by Rean.

In"reality", because of her identity, people around her were afraid of the"overlord" who was Debbie Luke's nemesis and would only communicate with her cautiously, or they could tell at a glance that they had ulterior motives.

In the"Reincarnation Space", most players of the same level only focus on interests, and there are very few people like Rean who not only have a vast knowledge reserve, but can also chat with her.

After all... there are too few reincarnation players who are purely technological.

As the base camp of human reincarnation players, there are dozens of legendary strongmen on Blue Star.

But there is only one"Tool Emperor" Clement who is a pure"Legendary Mechanic".

Rean's thoughts at this time were much simpler.

"Although I guessed the number correctly, I guessed the quantity wrong, Miss Mengmeng."

Rean thought to himself with a smile.

In fact, 210,000 reincarnation points... is the total cost of the two"basic combat formations" on the battlefield!


(Strange, why there are so few pictures of tolove...I'll go to the p station to have a look).

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