"So...we just brought her back?"

""Fenrir" shelter, in the house rented by Rean.

Nana is holding a little girl with silver-white hair and almost transparent skin in her arms. She is said to be a"little girl". If you look carefully , you can find that the clothes on her body are all exoskeleton-like"fabric""

"What's the problem? Xiou is so cute and obedient, so I brought him back."

Nana defended naturally.

"Moreover, Mengmeng, if you have Yui... you won’t allow me to hold a Xiou?"

Mengmeng, who held Yui in her arms like a doll, opened her mouth and found that she didn't seem to have any reason to refute.

She could only pinch Yui's little face helplessly

"Sigh, if the branch discovers that there is a humanoid Aragami hiding here, there will probably be a big problem, right?"

"I can guarantee that it won't."

Li En pushed out the door of his room and glanced at the two sisters, each holding a"doll".

"By the way, Yui and Xio are not for you to play with."

"Forget it about Yui, Nana... Xio's saliva is almost dripping out."


Just when Nana was in a hurry and didn't know what to do,

Rean threw her a bottle filled with luminous liquid.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but the shape of this bottle looked like a baby bottle.

"What's this?"

Nana took the bottle doubtfully, and was surprised to find that Xio's eyes were immediately attracted to it.

It was as if the liquid in the bottle had great temptation.

"The source of the [Super Concentrated Aragami Extract] that I processed is the two Aragami that I defeated today."

"Essentially, they are the oracle cells of mid-to-high-level Aragami."

"It is of no use to us, but to Xiou, it is a nutrient similar to milk."

"Since you like Xio so much, then please feed her."

Hearing Li En's answer, Nana also perked up, and then murmured in a low voice.

Although she said so, the girl still happily picked up the bottle and helped Xio"eat".

The atmosphere of this scene was very warm, just Like a young mother breastfeeding her child...

Of course, judging from Nana's barren breasts, using a"baby bottle" seems to be expected.

"Mr. Li En, there seemed to be a very rude thought in your gaze just now."

Mengmeng calmly poked Li En with her arm.

However, judging from the snicker on her face... she may not have the same idea.

"In short, Xio is still in a juvenile state."

Li En coughed lightly, and the expression on his face became serious.

"So for subsequent subjugation missions, I will take out some of the materials and use them as Xio’s snacks."

"After all, I was the one who suggested bringing her back, so this responsibility should be borne by me."

"In addition... I will negotiate with the branch."

It's said to be negotiations, but in fact Rean knew the"plan" behind Xio.

In the plot of"God Eater", the head of the Far East Branch wanted to launch a"Terminal Predation" involving the whole world..Use

"Xio" as the"singularity" of the terminal predator to"prey" all the wild gods, humans and other creatures around the world, and reshape the ecosystem.

And some people who escape to space in the"Ark" will be After the end of"The Predator", just like Adam and Eve in the new world, they rebuilt the glory of mankind on a new planet...

To be honest, Rean was almost tired of similar plots.

He himself used"Lost Christmas" to create I have left"Eden", so I know very well about this kind of thing.

As long as the branch chief is dealt with, this plan will no longer be implemented.

It will no longer involve Xiou.

"Speaking of which, why does Rean care so much about Xio?"

Mengmeng sharply pointed out the key to the problem.

Yui, who had been on standby, immediately became active after hearing these words. Please give flowers. The little girl sighed faintly and said in a vicissitudes of tone.

"Sigh... That's how dad is. He used to love me so much, but recently he just threw me a lot of work and just ignored me."

Li En twitched the corner of his mouth and stretched out his hand to rub Yui's little head. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"When adults speak, children should not interrupt."

In fact, when he saw"Xio", an inexplicable"desire" suddenly emerged in his blood.

It was like there was something about this humanoid god of wasteland that attracted him.

It was like Xio His"eclipse factor" likes to prey on high-level waste gods.

His"Void Emperor" bloodline also showed unusual attention to"Xio".

Looking at the reason, Rean temporarily believes that this is the"Void Emperor" bloodline's""evolutionary impulse".

In other words……""Xio" has clues that can promote the sublimation of bloodline again!

"Xiou has a very special meaning to me."

After thinking about it, Li En simply explained

"This is related to my bloodline, and I am also looking for the reason."

"That's it……"

Mengmeng nodded and glanced at the white-haired little girl who was being held by Nana.

"I believe that Rean will treat her well. After all, there is Yui’s example first.……"

"Or maybe Mr. Li En prefers younger girls?"

In an instant, Li En broke out in cold sweat.

He glanced at the expression on Mengmeng's face. He still had the gentle, sweet and pretty face, but the temperament exuding from his whole body was somewhat tainted with a dark underbelly.

"This question... is definitely intentional!"

Li En carefully considered his words and was about to answer.

However, he heard Yui suddenly raise her hand and say

"That, I received messages from other reincarnation players."

Good job, Yui!"

Li En breathed a sigh of relief and said quickly

"What's up?"

However, Yui's answer also made his expression change slightly.

"There is a member who calls himself [Ouroboros] and wants to pay us to take him on a crusade mission."

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