"It's been three days and I haven't even gotten a single high-level crusade mission!"

【In the room rented by the Ouroboros battle group, the members of the third detachment, headed by Liu Xusheng, were having a meeting with a sad face.

"If this continues, we will barely be able to complete the main mission, let alone the mission assigned by the deputy leader!"

Liu Xusheng's face was very ugly and he said in a low voice.

"It doesn't matter if one or two people can't grab the mission. Why is it that the crusade level of the entire team of more than a dozen people is only difficulty 2?"

"What do you do for food? Can't you even grab a mission?!"

The other members of the battle group conveyed a vague look.

They thought to themselves, didn't you also grab the high-level mission? You still have the nerve to criticize us.

However, due to Liu Xusheng's usual atrocities and pressure, no one dared to say this. Tell the truth.

After venting all the anger in his heart,

Liu Xusheng frowned and calmed down.

"We can't continue like this... there must be someone secretly doing something behind the scenes."

"I went to communicate with the people in other detachments, huh, I don’t believe that anyone would have trouble with money!"

His solution is very simple, just use money to open the way.

Directly use the profits to bribe other players who have grabbed high-level crusade missions, and let them lead the members of the [Ouroboros] war group to complete the crusade mission.

In this way, all the players can be quickly transferred. The team members' subjugation level is raised.

It's nothing more than spending more points or props.

With the"Hidden Dragon" on its back, Ouroboros can still bear this loss.

It's kind of like being slapped, but there is no trace of it. The suffocating feeling of not knowing where the enemy is

"Damn you guy, when I catch you, I will cut you into pieces!"



Seeing the monitoring data sent back by Yui, Li En sneered.

"I've always wanted to see this guy trembling with anger, but acting like there's nothing I can do about it"

【Ouroboros] What happened to the battle group was naturally Rean’s handiwork.

He only needs to give orders to Amamiya Chun, and he can directly influence the"luck" of these people.

The crusade missions they thought they had"snatched" were actually low-level missions arranged the day before.

There is no chance of getting a high-level crusade mission by chance.

Suddenly, Li En seemed to notice something and reached out to turn off the surveillance screen.

"Mr. Rean, it's time to go on a crusade mission."

Mengmeng's voice came from outside the door, with a girl's unique sweet voice.

"I'll come right away."

Pushing the door open, Li En saw the two sisters who were sorting out their props at a glance.

After a few days of getting along, he also had a general understanding of the various equipment they wore.

For example, they seemed to be just beautiful dresses with no attributes. , is actually a growable A+ armor!

Its properties will continue to increase as the owner's strength increases!

It also comes with various enhancement plug-ins, such as the"anti-gravity wing system".

After unfolding, a pair of demons will be formed The wings are like wings, which can provide Mengmeng and Nana with the ability to fly freely in the environment with or without gravity.

However, this function does not seem to be commonly used by them, and they are used to summoning their own transportation tools to achieve the same function.

"Rean, today should be a difficulty 5 subjugation mission, right?"

"Eh...it's a bit difficult to face these two Aragami at the same time."

Hearing Mengmeng's emotion, Li En couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

Although"Chiyou" and"Fu Riluo" are both B-level elite units, it is estimated that both Mengmeng and Nana can kill them by themselves..The

"troublesome" mentioned here may mean that it is more time-consuming to capture.

"Hey, I said……"

Nana, who was listening to the conversation between the two, seemed to have finally discovered something fishy.

Suddenly he slapped the table and looked at his sister as if he was suddenly awakened.

"Why did you just call this guy by his name?!"

Mengmeng blinked and said with a smile.

Compared to her sister who has a childish personality,

Mengmeng's temperament is more calm and dignified... at least when she doesn't deliberately do pranks. (Read Baoshuang novels, Just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"It is a normal thing for companions to call each other by their names, Miss Nana."

Li En also made a pointer in time.

"I said it’s okay, Mengmeng?"

"Well, Rean is right, this is common sense in the reincarnation space."

Mengmeng responded with two consecutive blows very cooperatively, and nodded with a smile.

"Damn it...what's with this feeling of loneliness where I'm the only one left out?"

A very subtle look appeared on Nana's pretty face.

"That's what she said, Mengmeng, what do you think?"

Li En turned to look at another pink-haired girl.

".It's not good to bully her too much, so be it."

The latter said in a low voice.

Although he said he was bullying his sister...

Judging from Mengmeng's expression, he seemed to be enjoying it.

Sure enough, there will always be some black in the pink hair.

As the difficulty of the crusade mission continues to increase, , even Rean’s team, each with their own unique skills, had to seriously deal with the Aragami in the subjugation area.

"These two guys have already been captured, shall we kill them directly?"

As the"boss position" in the team, Nana suggested before starting the battle.

Whether it is"Chi You" or"Fu Ri La", they have actually been encountered in the difficulty 4 crusade mission.

The reason for today's crusade The mission is difficulty level 5, which is purely the reason why two powerful Aragami are brought together to fight against each other.

The trouble caused by the cooperation between two powerful enemies is by no means as simple as 1+1.

Therefore, even Nana has no more troubles. Ask for capture, but"kill""

"Yes, but...can you leave this to me?"

Looking at Rean who volunteered (for money), even Mengmeng was quite surprised.

Because although Rean has not been able to paddle these days, the battle has been left to the end.

He is either doing research The divine machine is either studying the"predator" system.

It doesn't look serious at all.

"Speaking of which, I haven’t seen how you fight?"

Nana looked at Rean very curiously.

She didn't doubt Rean's strength.

After all, it is impossible for Rean to create a perfect virtual life like"Yui" without any real material.

"In this case, it seems that the audience today is the two of us."

Mengmeng summoned the floating flowers in advance and was ready to watch the show.

She was also very curious about Li En's strength... In other words, everything about him was mysterious.

Feeling the two focused eyes behind him, Li En He smiled happily.

Then he snapped his fingers

——Secondary space teleportation!.

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