Rean didn't know much about the head family of the Yotsuba family.

Although it is tied with"Seven Grasses" as the most powerful family among the"Ten Master Clans".

But compared to the Nanakusa family, which has blossomed in all walks of life, the Yotsuba family is more like an outsider living in seclusion in the mountains and forests.

However, no one underestimated the strength of the Yotsuba family because of this.

As one of the few heretical families with the ability to operate in other areas, the Yotsuba family became famous after a certain famous time, and was known as the"inviolable taboo" and was feared by all magician families.

"In addition, the members of the Yotsuba clan must include magicians of both systems."

Walking on the dark forest path, Miyuki introduced the family's secrets to Rean.

Although it was said to be confidential information that could not be shared...

But to Miyuki, these were nothing compared to a single hair of Rean's.

"One is a person who is born with psychic interference powers."

"The second is people who are born with powerful special magic calculation fields."

"Because of the characteristics of these two magics, the family is also famous in the field of mercenaries and killers."

Rean was thinking while listening to Miyuki's explanation.

Several dungeon worlds ago, he also teased Yotsuba Maya with the information about the"Supreme Throne".

But at that time, it was just a casual mention.

After all, several Before the dungeon, Rean's strength was completely incomparable to what he is now.

Not to mention the"Supreme Throne", not even the Yotsuba family had the strength to compete.

But now, his power has already made earth-shaking progress.

Back to The world of evil dungeons.

It feels like returning home in glory.

With all the technical means that Rean has mastered at this time, as long as he doesn't seek death too much, he will be jointly targeted by all the forces in this world, and will be hit with several rounds of"strategic magic" Bombing indiscriminately... basically there won't be much trouble

"However, it would be too arrogant to directly let Yui launch an invasion of the Supreme Throne."

This time Rean returned to Yotsuba's family just to discuss with Yotsuba Maya whether he could use her identity as the"Seven Sages" to unknowingly set up a backdoor in the"Supreme Throne" system.

Just like He did the same thing to the"Mikoshi".

While thinking, Miyuki had already brought Rean to the deepest part of the family.

This is also the residence of the current head of the Yotsuba family,"Yokoha Maya"

"Brother, please wait here for a moment. Miyuki stopped in front of the gate and whispered to Rean.

"I'm going to inform Aunt Maya……"

"No, she already knew we were coming."

Rean felt the"magic" that suddenly agitated in the surrounding environment.

He knew that Yotsuba Maya had already"reacted" to his arrival.

As if to confirm what he said, the originally closed door automatically opened, inviting the two of them. People enter

"Let's go, don't keep her waiting too long."

At this stage, Rean is walking in front.

Because he is the one who is about to negotiate with Yotsuba Maya, not Miyuki.

"speaking of……"

Walking in the grand and wide corridor like a palace,

Rean's eyes swept across the dim space and said casually

"Is it because too much light can damage the skin? Aunt Maya doesn't seem to like turning on the lights very much……"

Da, da, da, da da da...

As soon as he finished speaking, the surrounding candlesticks and the chandeliers hanging from the ceiling bloomed with brilliant colors.

If it weren't for Li En's comment just now, this would have been a very gorgeous opening.

"You're more confident than you were a few months ago...and a lot less glib."

A soft and soothing female voice came from the throne in the middle of the hall.

Then, a woman named"Yoshiba Maya" came into Li En's sight.

Apart from the brief contact last time by phone, this should be The first official meeting between the two in this world

"I've always been so confident."

Rean responded calmly, looking at the legendary"witch" with undisguised eyes. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Even though she was called"aunt" by Miyuki,

But Yotsuba Maya's appearance is extremely young.

Apart from the mature temperament exuding from her body, some people will probably believe that she is Miyuki's older sister.

It seems that time cannot leave a trace on her body.

If you indulge in ( bcbc) With her charm, she might become the toy of this"witch" at some point.

Yotsuba Maya waved her hand, and within a moment, several waiters presented tea to Rean and Miyuki.

Four Ye Zhenye also picked up the teacup with a teasing look on her face.

"There must be something important for you to come to me this time."

"Could it be that... you have finally made up your mind to propose to Miyuki?"

Hearing her aunt's teasing, two blushes appeared on Miyuki's face.

"If that day comes, I will remember to send you a wedding invitation."

Li En smiled, then put away the smile on his face.

"I came here this time to make a deal with you."


The head of the Yotsuba family raised his eyebrows slightly, with a look of interest on his face.

"What do you want from this transaction?"

The last time Rean authorized the family's flying technique, the Yotsuba family has benefited a lot.

There is a faint tendency to overtake the"Nakusa Family" and become the strongest"Ten Master Clan".

I don't know what Rean will do this time. Bring something.

However, Rean's next words made Yotsuba Maya's eyes immediately narrow.

"For example... I need to take a closer look at the scene when you connect to the [Supreme Throne]."

With [The Demon King of the Far East]】、【Queen of the Night] one of the most powerful magicians in the world.

Yotsuba Maya looked condescendingly at the young man who easily told the information about the"Supreme Throne" from his mouth.

This should be a term that only a very few people would know.

And she knew that she... knew that"Yokoha Maya" was the controller of the [Supreme Throne].

It can almost be said that there is no

"Your words... are they the same as last time, are they also a provocation?"

"I sincerely want to trade with you."

As he said this, Li En snapped his fingers.

"Yui, unfold the virtual kingdom of God"

"OK, Dad!"

The cheerful little girl's voice came out of the void, followed by a jagged crack that spread rapidly in front of the three people's eyes.

If you look closely at the jagged edge, you can find that it is data that is devouring"reality" Flow!

In the blink of an eye, a virtual world isolated from"reality" was created.

It was so fast that even Yotsuba Maya couldn't react.

"To use the definition of mysticism to describe it, we are now in a [secret realm] isolated from the world."

Li En patted Yui's little head as she flew over to ask for credit.

"……What do you want?"

Yotsuba Maya thought about it again and again, and finally gave up the idea of ​​using magic to forcefully crush this"space"

"In other words, what kind of chips can you pay?"

"This is a good question."

Li En saw that the right to speak was gradually in his own hands, and he couldn't help but smile with deep relief.

"Such a deal?".

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