When they saw Rean appearing on the screen unscrupulously, all the Voodoo Gang members present felt a chill in their hearts.

As a professional involved in the dark side of Night City.

They know the meaning of the other party's daring to reveal his true identity - this unknown intruder is confident of clearing out all"witnesses"!

At this moment, a low roar of suppressed anger came from the entrance of the headquarters

"what happened?! The headquarters was attacked? Why did all the servers just show that they were overloaded?……"

A dark-skinned woman wearing a fur coat and short hair walked in quickly.

Maman-Bridget, a skilled network hacker.

At the same time, she is also the leader of the ruling voodoo gang.

The moment his eyes fell on her,

Rean's eyes had automatically marked the other person's identity.

Although he does not have the scanning function of mechanical prosthetic eyes.

However, the auxiliary effects provided by"Intelligence Brain" are almost the same.

"Bridget? I have some impression of this name……"

Li En just wanted to look through his memories and find the plot corresponding to this name from the depths of his mind.

But the next moment, he felt that the virtual network of the Voodoo Gang began to struggle.

Bridget is worthy of being the leader of the Voodoo Gang.

Her joining at least gave the Voodoo Gang a moment of respite.

"Who are you?"

Bridget's brows almost turned into knots.

She had used all the technical means just now, but she still couldn't completely eliminate the influence of the other party's invasion. This is enough to show that this man is an extremely terrifying opponent!

However, Rean did not I have no intention of chatting with her about home affairs.

"Bridget...oh, I remembered, it was you."

Rean crossed his chest with one hand and rubbed his chin with the other, thoughtfully.

In the original plot of"Cyberpunk 2077", the protagonist V, the character played by the player, was hired to go to Arasaka Tower to steal the"Soul Killer" chip. The culprit is this guy named Bridget!

"I didn’t expect that this angle would be connected to the main plot one year later.……"

Rean's thoughts flashed rapidly, although Bridget would hire Evelyn to steal the"Soul Killer" a year later.

But this does not mean that the current voodoo gang knows nothing about the"soul killer".

After all, such an important action must have been planned for a long time.

Maybe he can get information about the"Soul Killer" now!

Moreover, based on the performance of the Voodoo Gang in the original plot.

Maybe they are closely related to the artificial intelligence after the"Black Wall".

Soul killer, black wall and artificial intelligence... these two are also the two most critical things in this dungeon world!

"Maman Bridget, I'll give you a chance."

After thinking about it, Li En said

"I might consider letting the Voodoo Gang go."

Hearing the terms"Soul Killer" and"Ott Cunningham" uttered from Li En's mouth, the leader of the Voodoo Gang, who was already frowning, turned even more livid. A huge wave was immediately felt in his heart.!

She had just confirmed that Yorinobu Arasaka had stolen an experimental"Soul Killer" chip from the Arasaka Company headquarters laboratory. This news was clicked by this strange intruder before it could even be announced within the gang.

It's out!

If it's just information about the"Soul Killer", forget it.

But the Voodoo Gang has been crossing the black wall and contacting the super AI named"Utt-Cunningham".

This matter only comes from the core of the Voodoo Gang. Several members of the gang knew!

Bridget's expression changed repeatedly, and she once suspected that there was a mole among the gang's top brass.

"I... have no comment."(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The more she thought about it, the more Bridget felt that there was a greater possibility of a mole.

If there was a mole to help the other party and create loopholes from the inside, the other party could easily It made sense to invade the Voodoo Gang headquarters.

She still didn't want to believe that Rean's technical strength far exceeded the entire Voodoo Gang...

In other words, Rean's methods were beyond Bridget's imagination.

So she chose The stupidest solution

"Cut off the power! Physically isolate yourself from intruder attacks!"

The Voodoo Gang headquarters suddenly fell into darkness, and the lights of various equipment were instantly extinguished, including various display screens that reflected Rean's head.

Not only the power system, but also the surrounding network was directly cut off to prevent Rean from attacking again. Invasion

"Really, that's a shame."

Looking at the extinguished display screen, Rean chuckled.

He had already given the other party a chance.

Now that she had made a choice, then...she should also be aware of paying the price.

Anyway, these gang members have done a lot of dirty work. There are countless jobs to be done.

Even if we kill them all, the most we can count is cleaning up non-burnable garbage.

"So, sorry"

"Now I can only get this information from your head myself."

He deliberately revealed his true appearance. In addition to deterrence, he also had another purpose, which was to leave traces of the [Voice of the Gods]!

Just when the members of the Voodoo Gang headquarters breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that they had escaped.

One of the survivors The hacker member with a mohawk suddenly looked horrified.

"no no! he came! He hasn't left yet!"

Bridget saw his prosthetic eyes glowing with a strange red light, and immediately reacted and quickly pulled out a gun and pointed it at the gang member.

"He was hacked remotely! Everyone, turn on ICE and don’t be manipulated!"


There was a gunshot, and Bridget killed the members controlled by Rean without hesitation!

But the next moment, she was horrified to find that all the members around her were silent.

No one listened to her command, but all Turning his head, the mechanical prosthetic eyes glowed with a red light symbolizing"Error". In an instant, Rean had taken over everyone's prosthetic bodies with a crushing attitude!

"The destruction of the Voodoo Gang should be worthy of a resounding name."

Rean's voice came from the mouth of a member of the Voodoo Gang with a stiff expression.

He said words that were difficult for Bridget to understand.

"I hope your sacrifice will not be too cheap"

"Otherwise I will have to kill a few more gangs."


"Good morning, Night City!"

"Welcome to Night City News, here’s an urgent message"

"The notorious illegal cyber hacker gang [Voodoo Gang] has just been discovered to have been destroyed"

"The Voodoo Gang headquarters in Taiping Prefecture was massacred by unknown forces."

"The leader of the Voodoo Gang, Maman Bridget, is also on the death list"

"In this regard, the Voodoo Gang's old enemy, the Animal Gang, has remained rare silent."

"As for the clues that led to this tragic massacre, the only remaining clues are the messages left on the walls at the scene."

"It seems to be the last words left by the leader of the Voodoo Gang before his death. There is only one letter.……"


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