As an excellent student of Arasaka Academy.

Naturally, it is impossible for Li En to do something like "skipping class" that will leave a punishment.

So early the next morning,

He came to Arasaka Academy at Gloria's urging.

"Tsk, it's a whole different world from the homeless apartment buildings everywhere. "

Looking at the clean, futuristic and sci-fi style classrooms,

Rien shook his head and pulled out a somewhat worn piece of equipment.

Compared to the latest model of Mewtwo devices worn by other students.

His old model, which had been discontinued, looked a little out of place.

"Yo, why haven't you dropped out of school yet?"

A pompous voice full of sarcasm came from the side.

Dawn turned his head and looked,

There were several groups of students who were "547" in sight.

The leader is a swaggering little white face.

He glanced at the dilapidated equipment in Lane's hand,

"Snorted" disdainfully.

"Those who can't even afford to buy teaching equipment should not pollute my social circle. "

"I don't understand why the rats in the slums are qualified to join us in class......"

"If you know each other, get out of this classroom as soon as possible and submit your withdrawal application yourself. "

As he spoke, Xiao Bai shook his head and walked towards Li En with a few followers.

It's aggressive, and it looks like it wants to hit it directly.

"Is this Otanaka...... Sure enough, it's so cheap that people can't help but want to beat him. "

Li En raised his eyebrows, and a challenge suddenly appeared in front of him.

This quest is not unique.

Rather, it's a random event that gives rewards based on how it's done.


【Challenge Mission: Law of Victory】

+ degrees: D

+ Target: Defeat several provocateurs led by Tanaka-san

+ Reward: 3000 reincarnation points, skill chip x1

+ Note: The type of skill chip will be determined depending on how you win



Dawn initiates the "subjective delay",

to get more time to think.

The difficulty of this task is not high,

Only D-grade level.

After all, he's just dealing with a bunch of kids.

Although the prosthetic plug-in owned by the other party is quite advanced,

But in front of Riene,

Still like a young child with a sharp weapon,

It doesn't exert any power at all.

He was interested in...... Rewards for this challenging mission!

"Skill Chip......

Li En thoughtfully,

At the same time, he dodged sideways with a punch thrown at him by the little white face.

He moved extremely quickly,

Even this punch has not yet been implemented,

He has already come behind "Tanaka-san"!

As long as he wants, a shot of extremely accurate hand knives can directly stun the enemy in front of him!

It's just that Lane didn't choose to complete the task in this way.

"I remember that there are many types of skill chips in Cyberpunk. “

"If I complete the challenge with a melee attack. "

"There is a high probability that the chips obtained are only skill chips in hand-to-hand combat. "

"In that case......"

Ryne's eyes flashed with a silver light,

The surging power is centered on him,

Instantly spreads into a miniature "field" with a radius of about 10 meters!

This is after his development of the "Void Throne",

The created "mechanical field",

Although the scope and intensity are nowhere near as good as the "Void Throne". (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But practicality is not inferior!

Once the field of mechanical power is opened,

It will cut off all signals from the outside world - and you can't enter unless Rien agrees.

In other words, in any monitoring device,

The area around Lane is an absolute "black hole"![]

I can't sense any images, sounds, or information!

Even with ubiquitous virtual networks,

At this time, there was also a brief "blank" area!

The purpose of this is, of course, to prevent the next thing from being exposed.

"Yui, how long can you hold back the academy's security system at most?"

"5 seconds!"

Yui's voice responded quickly in Rien's headphones.......

"I haven't completely cracked the underlying network protocol of this world......"

"Moreover, the network protection here is like an impregnable wall, and it is impossible to shake it!"

"5 seconds...... That's enough. "

The next moment, time returned to normal in Lane's eyes.

And several students, led by Tanaka,

After being stunned in place for a few seconds, he reacted quickly.

"You guy, wait and see!"

Tanaka-san, angrily yelling at Rien.

He was then dragged back to his seat by a few of his attendants.

"Okay, okay, it's almost class time, don't be like him. "

The others heard the commotion coming from this side,

Just glanced at it, and they were accustomed to each other's busyness.

As if this dispute had already happened many times.

Each time it ends with the victory of Tanaka,

They don't bother to take another look......

It's just that this time it's different.

Lane felt the new nodes in the mechanical network.

I couldn't help but nod slightly.

At the moment when the mechanical field is lifted,

He had already invaded Tanaka's neural operating system......

Directly turned them into their own puppets!

"Even there is a chip in the brain, and the people in the 3.6 realm of this world are too crazy. "

"However, it is also convenient for me. "

The scene just now was just played by Li En manipulating Tanaka and the others.

After all, after the monitoring returned to normal.

He didn't want to make a big deal out of it.

Attract the attention of a behemoth like Arasaka Corporation.

You just need to quietly get the task reward in your hands.

While waiting for the official start of the course.

Dawn clicked on the prompt message,

Found a few new quest reward hints.


[You have completed the challenge quest "Law of Victory"!]

[You have gained 30,000 reincarnation points!]

[Based on the way you complete the mission, you get the "Skill Chip: Virtual Puppet"]


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