Night City, a suburb.

The second floor of a remote motel.

A burly man with sunglasses sits on a sofa,

There was suspicion in his thick tone.

Even with sunglasses, you can feel the scrutiny in his gaze.

"You're Gloria's son?"

Mann's gaze fell on the package in front of Ryne,

"Why did she let you do the trade?"

"It doesn't matter. "

Lane shrugged his shoulders and opened the package.

The "Sianweistan" plug-in inside was revealed.

"The important thing is to pay with one hand and deliver with the other. "

Seeing this military-grade advanced prosthetic,

Even a mercenary who licks blood on the tip of a knife all year round,

I can't help but feel a kind of excitement that my fingertips are numb......

This is a high-end product that is extremely rare on the black market!

A team of mercenaries like them who roam the streets,

At most, you can only find some civilian-grade junk at the prosthetic doctor.

"Pila, inspect the goods. 747"

The strong man winked at a slender monkey-like man next to him.

The latter glanced at Rien with a strange smile,

His arms are as slender as those of a gibbon,

snatched the package in front of Riene's eyes at once,

In front of himself, he kept tinkering.

Lane only glanced slightly, and then stopped paying attention.

"Pila, the technologist at Mann Wood. "

"In game terms, it's the kind of character with a higher engineering point. "

He and Mann weren't the only ones in this room.

After all, Lane is sending transaction information anonymously.

Without knowing the roots,

It's normal for Mann to be on guard.


When the other party sees that they are only one person.

This precaution is expected to soon turn to a different attitude.

"I've brought the goods, it's your turn next. "

Li En said lightly.

"According to the price agreed before, you need to pay 50,000 yuan. "

Hearing this, Mann and Pyrrha glanced at each other,

Then he burst out laughing.

"Boy, you're still a little too tender—"

Mann stood up, his burly body like a hill,

The shadow directly shrouded the "emaciated" Lane.

"Our trader is Gloria, and she has nothing to do with you. "

"Want money, let your mother come and ask for it in person!"

While talking, a rugged double-barreled shotgun,

It was already on the door of Riene's head.

Obviously, he saw that Li En was weak,

I'm going to eat black directly-

Anyway, in their opinion,

Ryne must have stolen San Westein behind Gloria's back,

Maybe even if you kill him directly,

There was no hassle either.

However, it is a humanitarian consideration......

Mann is just scaring and scaring this "hairy boy".

Let him know that the waters of Night City are deep,

It's not a place for a kid like him to set foot in. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"How's it going, little ghost, did you cry out in fear?"

Pyrrha let out a nervous shrill laugh,

Ran around and mocked.

"It's okay, we won't laugh at you - go home and cry to your mother, haha!"

Suddenly, (BGDD), Riene, who had been expressionless, let out a soft sigh. []

Although Mann's mercenary team is the main character team in the original story,

But Lane didn't plan to start from scratch like "David".

The strength of the two is different, and the starting point is naturally different.

"First of all, I need to make you understand one thing. "

He whispered.

"I'm most annoyed...... It's being pointed at gunpoint. "

Even though Lane's voice is not loud,

But a chill suddenly rose in Mann's heart, who was armed with a shotgun!

This battle-hardened mercenary instantly became vigilant,

However, he couldn't believe it......

Let him be as murderous as if he were facing a great enemy,

The source is actually the young man in front of him!

Are you kidding!

He has slain too many people,

How could you be scared by a kid who looked like he was in his early twenties?!

Mann instantly recovered from the horror in his heart,

With his rich experience in killing, he made a decision in an instant - shoot!

However, in Lane's mocking gaze,

The shotgun in his hand was like a rusty gear,

No matter how you pull the trigger, you can't shoot a bullet!

- Forbidden by the Agency!

Seeing Mann's unusual expression, Pyra

also instantly entered the combat state,

But just as he wanted to take a step,

The body seems to be disobedient to commands

Tripping to the ground in embarrassment.

- Smart Invasion!

"It's a shame you didn't bring the hackers in your team, otherwise you would have resisted for a few seconds. "

Lane stretched out his hand,

Under the horrified gaze of all,

It's like kneading plasticine,

Bend the shotgun barrel directly into a "U-shape."

"You, you guy...... What the hell is going on?!"

Mann felt like a mutiny all over his body,

It's an experience that can only be experienced when confronted with cyber hackers with terrifying technological prowess!

But the other party didn't make any connection or scan from beginning to end!

It's almost just a face-to-face effort,

Just keep him and Pyrra under control!

"Now, let's talk about the price. "

Rien sat back down across from Mann.

"Sianweistan, 50,000 yuan. "

"Lives for both of you...... Make your own offer. "。

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