"It's the Dark Gold Boss, be careful!"

At the moment when the burly and unconventional "Grace Walder" appeared.

All the reincarnation players have concentrated their firepower,

However, the dark gold boss who has been possessed by the "guilty spirit" is extremely fast!

With his beastly instincts alone, he dodged the vast majority of attacks!


[Gracewald: Level 10, HP 4396/4500, Cursed Attack, Torment Possession]

+ Curse Attack: Has a 50% chance to release the Level 10 "Damage Amplification" curse when attacking

+Soul Possession: Possessed by "Torment Soul - Fury", increases global speed by 100% and damage taken by 100%


Cursed Attack!

And it's also a "damage amplification" curse!

As Ryne with the "Necromancer" class.

I know the terrifying effects of this curse!

"No wonder you can kill the Clay Golem with a single hit, if it falls on the player......"

Li En's brain made up "four, three, three" to produce an extremely bloody picture.

Then he looked at the battlefield directly ahead.

He's in the middle of the team, so he's not in danger yet.

But players on the front lines are already miserable.

Although "Gracewald" has a "100% increased damage taken" debuff.

But at least you have to hit it to be effective!

100% increase in movement speed and attack speed,

Turn him into a ruthless war machine!

Fortunately, the Dragon Kingdom players who can come to this dungeon,

They are all the elite of their respective forces and organizations.

The combat quality is very good, and the wounded are constantly replaced.

There were no casualties.

"The boss's HP is dropping too slowly...... Who has the control skills?!"

Someone couldn't help but shout.

"If you have control skills, you have to be able to hit!"

"Damn...... Running so fast. "

"I'm cursed!

In the midst of the noise, Lane finally made a move.

Necromancer in addition to a few cursed skills that can only be learned at high levels.

There are basically no control skills......

But there's one skill that's perfect for a scenario like this.

- Bone Wall!

A bone-based skill that can only be learned by necromancer at level 12.

can summon a dense barrier of white bones,

Stop the enemy's advance!

Ryne casts spells several times in a row, directly trapping the boss in the bone wall.

Rao is "Gracewald" attack no matter how high,

You have to destroy the bone wall in one fell swoop!

At the same time as he stalled, destroying the bone wall.

Skills from other reincarnation players have finally completely overwhelmed him!

Lane didn't even have time to see how much health the boss had left.

The first kill announcement appeared in front of me!

This time the list of personnel is unusually long

Names of almost all players involved in the kill!

It's just that the rewards are no longer in the form of loot boxes.

Instead, they are distributed according to their contributions.

Lane's contribution is not high,

But he doesn't have any eye-catching equipment.

Just pick a glove that increases toxin resistance and you're done.

The main thing is......

After killing "Gracewald".

There's also an additional "Torment Soul Reward"!


[You killed a "guilty spirit" possessed by the dark gold boss!]

You have received the following rewards: (10x bonus)】

[10,000 reincarnation points, 10 attribute points, 10 skill points]

[You have gained 89000 experience (15x bonus)]


"There are many people or there is great power. "

Look at the corpse of the dark gold boss that has disappeared into a stream of data.

Lane couldn't help but sigh.

If his team is to challenge Gracewald.

It will take at least a few minutes.

So many players, even if they only throw 1 skill per person.

Under the Tormented Soul effect, which increases damage taken by 100%.

In less than a second, this dark gold boss was destroyed.

It's a pity that this kind of "crowd tactic" is in the face of the final boss of the scene.

It doesn't make much use.

Because of almost every final boss.

All have skills that can kill in a wide area.

And...... Li En guessed, (If you read a violent novel, you will go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It is very likely that the final boss is not the "boss".

It's the "Dominator"!

This means that they have their own "sphere of domination"!

There is no advantage in terms of numbers in the field.

"It's still on your own. "[]

Rien looked around.

After the death of "Grace Walder".

The number of monsters around has decreased a lot.

This means that the danger level of Layer 6 has been greatly reduced.

Now is a great time to explore on your own.

After saying hello to Xuanyuan Ji.

Rien took Asuna and Long Crescent and left the team.

However, there are a number of skeletons and clay stone demons as "bodyguards".

Even if it's just a squad of 4 people,

It also looks mighty.

Because he received two rounds of guilty soul rewards.

There are 20 free skill points and attribute points at your disposal.

Dawn has already reached the maximum level of 20 with [Summoning Skeletons]!

Can now summon up to 8 Skeleton Warriors,

Each skeleton warrior has more than a thousand shields!

And attacks ignore 50% resistance!

It can be said that this one skill alone .......

Rien can already walk sideways in the first act scene!

Plus the support of [Magnetic Storm Crown].

The deterrent power of these skeletons,

No worse than "Grace Walder"!

"The captain's summon is not only stronger than me, but also has higher damage than me......"

Asuna felt like she was a halo tool now.

It's a lot easier...... But it always feels weird.

"Skeletons don't have auras. "

Rien smiled.

"Besides, how can Asuna be eye-catching with a bunch of skeleton shelves?"

"Again, Captain, are you really...... From time to time, I will make fun of people. "

Asuna was now accustomed to Rien's teasing.

But he still looked at another teammate with some embarrassment.

"And...... If you want to talk about eye-catching, Miss Long is more beautiful, right?"

The listener had no intention, but the girl who said the words

But he was secretly watching Rien's reaction.

"Hmm...... I can't say, I think both of them are one in a million beauties. "

Lane spread his hands.

The water must be level, and he is not a fool.

"I didn't expect the captain to be such a flamboyant person. "

Obviously, it was a question raised by himself.

After hearing Lane's answer,

Asuna became shy and whispered.

"That's how Miss Nameless was coaxed by you......"

She still remembers seeing 4.8 when she first arrived in the Dark Forest.

Talking and laughing, under the opening of a group of summons.

Lane easily found a cage that was hung from a stake.

In the cage was an old man with a white beard.

"This should be the NPC we want to save, Diccakane. "

Dawn glanced at the old man, who was also a simple NPC.

Directly learn and use, a "clear sword" will cut the rope.

"Adventurer, thank you for your help......"

After a series of formulaic lines of thanks.

Decca Kane pulled out a city scroll and returned to the safe zone.

At the same time, a hint for the completion of the hidden mission appeared in front of Ryne's eyes.

"It's finally done, I don't know what the reward will be!"

Lane is in good spirits, and the moment of receiving the reward is always exciting.

Moreover...... The reward for this hidden mission.

In addition to the regular stat points, skill points, and points.

There is also 1 piece of dark gold level jewelry!

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