"Hidden mission?"

Seeing the prompt in front of him, Li En was slightly stunned.

The quest to find Old Man Kane......

Isn't it just a very ordinary side quest?

How did it become a hidden mission?

However, since it says it is a hidden mission...... That doesn't matter.

It would be nice if the rewards could be higher for that.


【Hidden Mission: Kane~'s Search】

+ Mark: Find and rescue "Decca Kane"

+Reward: Decca Kane Opinion +50, Gold x3000, Low-Level Dark Gold Jewelry x1

+ Note: "Hopefully, he will be alive before that town is burned down by demons"


Because it's an in-game mission.

So there's no such thing as rewarding reincarnation points.

It's a little better than the game rewards that Rien remembers.

For example, it also comes with 1 dark gold ornament!

The ornaments in "Darkness" are similar to the concept of "ornaments" in the reincarnation space.

But there are also some minor gaps.

For example, in the "Dark" game setting.

"Jewelry" refers specifically to 3 types of items: rings, necklaces, and belts.

That's right, belts are also accessories.

"This quest can be claimed by up to 4 people. "

"Just enough for 1 team...... Also, it's quite thoughtful. "

Li En followed the system prompts,

Slapped 1 identification scroll on the "Tree of Ennivers".

Suddenly, this scroll became a quest item: the Ennipheus Scroll.


【Anipheus Scroll】

Type +: Quest item

+ Fruit: A rune scroll that contains magical powers and depicts esoteric magical patterns, which can be used to open the portal to the "Old Tristram".


The scroll depicts a magic circle with intricate patterns.

And on the five corners of the magic array,

There are huge towering stone pillars.

At a glance, Lane could tell that this was the 5th layer of "Stone Wilderness"

The area where the Dark Gold Boss "Lacanihu" is located.

"Speaking of which, it seems that no one has gotten Racanihu's first kill yet. "

"Looks like we're going to have to go back. "

Originally, Rien wanted to sell Lakanihu's information to the elves.

I didn't expect the outcome of the talks to be so unsatisfactory.

He can only find a way to kill this dark gold boss with "lightning enhancement" again.

However, now the ranks of the members of the team have been raised.

It has already been able to rank on par with "Lacanixiu".

You can even go up 1 level higher!

So, the pressure will also be reduced a lot.

While Rien was busy with the task here.

The battlefield over there is over.

In the end, there was no doubt that the final execution was carried out by Nameless.


[Full Server Announcement: The team led by player "Lien" has won the first kill of the dark gold boss "Tree Head Wooden Fist" in the 8th Dark Forest!]

[Serverwide Announcement: Players "Ryne", "Asuna", "Dragon Crescent", and "Nameless" have received the achievement "Champion Boxer"!]


Two announcements were issued in a row.

Because it's not a hidden achievement.

So when it comes to getting the "Champion Boxer",

Announcements were also made.

Stone Wilderness, the home of the elves.

It seems that she has returned to normal, and her face is as cold as ice.

After all the affairs have been distributed to the various clansmen.

Returned to his resting place.

When there is no one around,

Eudora has a delicate and beautiful face like a fairy.

A drunken flush emerges.

"Ah...... Mr. Lai~"

"When will you come to take away this from someone......" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu novel network!)

If you let those ordinary elven youths outside,

Seeing His Highness, whom they admire,

To utter such filthy and obscene vulgar words for the sake of a human being.

I'm afraid that it will directly declare war with humanity!

"Your Highness......

Ansenas standing aside,

Seeing Eudora whose body was constantly twisting and trembling.

His face couldn't help but show deep helplessness.

"Please control your emotions......"

"Xiao An, I know...... I gradually understood everything. "

Eudora stretched out her palm obsessively,

Gagged Ansenas's lips with wet fingers.

"I'm not in the right place. "

"It should be the sequelae of [forbidden knowledge]......"

"It made me madly obsessed with Mr. Lane. "

Hearing this, Ansenas couldn't help but say.

"Now that you know your status......"

"Why don't you try to control it?"

Yu Duola shook her head slightly, covering her hot cheeks and said.

"I can't, my mind is full of Mr. Lane's voice right now. "

"Able to maintain a normal posture in front of other people. "

"All my energy and reason have been used. "

"If you don't indulge like this in private......"

"I'm afraid I can't even keep my mind talking to you like this. "

"This ...... It should be his punishment for me. "

Thinking of this, even Yudora who fell into madness.

His expression couldn't help but flash a hint of deep fear.

She didn't want to recall the "twisted" experience she had inflicted on her that day.

As the daughter of the Duke of the Elves,

Naturally, she knows something about "forbidden knowledge".

Even her family itself has some "corrective knowledge".

But she's never been so simple and crude,

Forbidden knowledge is directly poured into the mind-

This is tantamount to mixing nuclear raw materials directly with the brain pulp!

It is estimated that it is only Rien

I take this kind of thing as a daily routine.

"Forbidden knowledge" is extremely depleted to the mind and is difficult to reverse.

Especially the "Voice of the Gods" is on the list of taboos,

It can also rank in the top 30% of medium and high-risk taboo knowledge.

Eudora still has a little time to wake up,

On the one hand, it is the mercy of Lien's subordinates,

I didn't think about turning her into a vegetative state.

On the other hand, it is the spirit resistance that comes with the elves.

Otherwise, Eudora now does not exceed the attributes of a D-rank reincarnation player at most.

I'm afraid it's long ago twisted into an indescribable tentacle monster,

Shine the health bar directly in front of all players.

Maybe you can even explode a piece of equipment if you kill it.

"That'...... After we leave the dungeon, shall we go to the elders of the clan for help?"

Ansenas tries to come up with a solution.

But it was quickly vetoed by Eudora immediately.

"No, I look like this, with this face...... Definitely not to be seen by anyone else!"

"Except for you...... Only Mr. Lane ......"

"Only Mr. Lane ......"

Ansenas quietly watched His Highness fall into a state of infatuation again.

He sighed imperceptibly.

I suddenly remembered a sentence that Rien often put on his lips.

"If you knew this was the case, why did you do it in the first place. "。

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