Class Cards are an item dropped by almost every Dark Gold boss.

It doesn't look like it will have to wait long.

Not to mention reincarnation players, ordinary players can have a hero class per capita.

In a team like Dawn that specializes in tackling tough problems.

The value of the transfer card is also decreasing.

"Amazon...... It's a pretty strong profession, but no one is suitable. "

Ryne casually tosses the transfer card into the inventory.

Among the 7 hero classes of "Dark".

Amazon's overall strength is very strong.

Not only is he good at "archery",

Also proficient in elemental attacks,

Because of the existence of passive skills such as "dodge" and "dodge".

The survivability is also very good.

It can be seen from the strength of the "Blood Crow" that he just killed.

And "Blood Crow" is not an orthodox "Amazon" hero class.

If you change it to a real "Amazon".

What Li En had to face just now was not just a simple fire suppression.

There is also the "Javelin Throwing", a big killer comparable to the destructive power of miniature missiles!

The remaining two props were compared to "620" than Li En's expectations.

Because one of them is one of the components of the green suit!

"The base is the green equipment of cloth armor, is that the only one?"

Lane doesn't remember very well.

Just shoot it directly with an identification scroll,

The details of this cloth armor that exuded green light suddenly appeared in front of him.


【Cloth armor "Arctic Fur"】

+ Seek: Strength 12

+Royal: 55 Physical Resistance

+Effect: Increases the defense of this equipment by 400%

+Effect: +10% Elemental Resistances

+ Effect: Requires 2 sets to be unlocked

+ Effect: Requires 3 sets to unlock

+ Note: "This equipment is one of the components of the Arctic Device set"


The individual stats of the set items are decent at best.

Compared with dark gold equipment of the same level, there is not much advantage.

Only if you have 2 or more pieces of equipment of the same series.

The additional set effect is considered to be acceptable.

For current players, though.

In fact, there is no room for picking.

Asuna walked over and looked at her curiously.

Suddenly couldn't help but exclaim.

"55 physical resistance, so high?!"

The dark gold round shield in her hand is only 39 physical resistance!

Such a piece of cloth armor that didn't look very defensive.

The physical defense surface is even higher than her dark gold shield!

"It's okay. "

Lane smiled,

In fact, the defense of this "Arctic fur" can be even higher!

After equipping two pieces of green clothing from the "Arctic Device" series at the same time.

The third effect of "Arctic Fur" will be unlocked!

The effect is "Increases Physical Resistance by 3 times the player's level"!

That is, if the player has level 10

This will increase Physical Resistance by another 30 to 85!

This is already equivalent to the resistance of the "Plate Armor" that can only be equipped at level 20!

The most important thing is that ...... "Arctic Fur" has a low demand for equipment!

12 points of strength, just leave two attribute points to satisfy.

Li En casually handed the cloth armor to the black-haired girl beside her.

"This piece of equipment is more suitable for you. "

"For me?"

On Long Crescent's delicate face, a hint of surprise appeared.

"Don't you keep a few pieces of gear yourself?"

The dark gold shield from the previous one, to the green suit now.

Lane chose to assign it to his teammates.

I only have some temporary blue quality equipment on me.

"If it suits me, I'll keep it. "

Lane shrugged.

"If you don't want to, you can give me the following contract that the Blood Crow dropped. "

"Good. "

Long Xinyue didn't even think about it, so she handed over a contract scroll.

"What do you want this thing for, do you want to recruit [Rogge Archers]?"

The reason for this question,

It's because she's just seen the effect of the "following contract".


【Follow-up Contract】

+ Don't: Dungeon-exclusive items

+ Fruit: Deliver this item to the NPC "Kashya" and recruit a Lv1 Rog Archer to become your follower

+ Fruit: Using this item directly, you can summon 1 Lv1 follower, and the follower retains all skills

+ Note: "This item only works in the current quest and will disappear when you leave the quest"


"I have my own plans. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Actually, when Lane saw the "effect".

Have already made up your mind to collect the "Follower Contract"!

Although summoned followers will also be suppressed by attributes.

But you can keep all your skills!

Originally, Li En was also worried that if he used the "dimensional contract" to summon followers. []

It is also subject to the same restrictions as regular players.

That might as well not be summoned.

Now, there is such an item as [Follower Contract].

Naturally, he was more than happy to summon his followers in this way.

Skills are the key, and as for the attributes linked to the level......

That's it.

"I'll give it to you too. "

Ansenas walked over and handed over her contract.

"It just so happens that I'm going back next, and I have a lot to report to Your Highness. "

Long Xinyue said lightly.

"I don't have anything to do, just take a break. "

Rien nodded.

Then turn your gaze to the last teammate.

"Asuna, what about you?"

"Huh? I ......"

Asuna suddenly woke up,

Come back to your senses.......

"I'm the same, resting in the camp. "

She was actually thinking,

If you can take the opportunity to act alone with Rien...... How nice it should be.

It's like secretly dating a friend behind your back.

It's a pity that there are two other people staring at it.

The girl categorically would not say such a straightforward thing.

"Okay, since it's all arranged, then I'm relieved. "

Riene opens the game menu,

I sent everyone a friend request.

"Add friends in the game so it's easy to get in touch. "

The in-game friend system is similar to "friends" between reincarnation players.

However, the restrictions are relaxed, and you can also add indigenous players as friends.

After everyone added friends,

and tore open the teleportation scrolls one after another,

Returned to the same teleportation binding location, the teleportation station in the Icy Plains.

Unexpectedly, a few hours of hard work.

There are already a lot of players gathered around here!

"There are so many people......"

Rien was also taken aback.

The sudden flood of information made his eyelids jump.

The number of these players is growing.

This is because the teleporter is located near the exit of the Evil Cave.

You can see that players are teleporting all the time.

It's not just reincarnation players,

More of them are terrified aboriginal players!

"I see...... Because of the collapse of the first floor, did it cause a sense of crisis for everyone? "

Rien briefly analyzed the thoughts he had read.

I roughly figured out why this was the case.

"It doesn't seem to be long before this becomes the main gathering place for players. "

Ansenas was the first to leave the team and go in search of the large army of the elves. 5.2

Long Crescent Moon left with Asuna.

The relationship between the two seems to be good.

Friendships between girls are always built so quickly.

Rien looked at himself alone and shrugged his shoulders.

Then, in the direction of the flow of the crowd, he teleported back to the evil cavern.

"So...... Start looking for the World Fragments on this level. "

"But first......

The terrain in the cave is intricate.

And most of the players are flocking in the direction of the Icy Plains.

So Lane easily found a no-man's corner.

He took out a copy of the "Follower Contract" and used it directly!

【Please select the followers you want to summon】

"The followers who have just been summoned are only Lv1, and their survivability is very weak. "

"Just summon 1 follower for now. "

Lane made up his mind in his head.

Subsequently, his choice was confirmed.


(Happy National Day!)

(Normal update during the National Day, 4 changes per day).

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