
[Server-wide announcement: Players "Lane", "Asuna", "Ansenas-Moon Song", and "Dragon Crescent" squads are the first to enter the 3rd floor of "Icy Plains"]

At the same time that Rian's party entered the Icy Plains.

An announcement appeared in front of all players.

Some people are no longer surprised by such notices.

But there are also people who have some subtle reactions.

"Asuna ......"

In Rogge camp, a boy with a fair face suddenly stopped.

He whispered the name "Asuna."

"Kirito, why did you suddenly stand there and not leave? "

An old-looking young man walked over,

He patted the boy on the shoulder.

"Didn't we say that we were going to go to the Blood Wasteland together to fight monsters and upgrade?"

"Well, I know, Klein. "

The black-haired boy known as "Kirito" came back to his senses.

He always felt that the name "Asuna",

It feels familiar.

Seems...... He should know the owner of this name.

But in fact, in addition to the "Klein" he met when he first entered the game.

He doesn't have any other gaming friends.

After all, as a "cheater" and "lone player".

He tried not to get too close to the other players.

"The Cheater ......"

Remembering this term, Kirito - the original male protagonist whose real name is "Kiriya Kazuto".

I couldn't help but feel a bitterness in my heart.

The "Ayn Grant" in front of him and the 650 closed beta games he is familiar with.

It's not the same game at all!

This also leads to the "closed beta" experience he has.

It doesn't come in handy at all!

On the contrary, it may be because of the wrong common sense,

and put yourself at risk.

That's why he chose to team up with Klein.

Thus missed the opportunity to meet the heroine "Asuna".

As for now.

Kirito is also leveling up in the Blood Wasteland.

And Asuna is already under the leadership of Rien.

Always at the forefront of the strategy progress.

The distance between the two is destined to get bigger and bigger.


[You have discovered "Teleporter - Icy Plains"]

[You can teleport through the discovered teleportation station]

[It is also possible to bind a teleportation scroll to a teleportation station]

[The current teleportable locations are as follows: Camp Rogge]

[After the collapse of the ground floor, the teleportation station will become a new safe zone relocation location]


"I see, the teleportation station has a lot of functions. "

Rien looked at the teleportation station in the dungeon world.

In his impression.

The teleportation station in the game is just a small stone slab.

But in the dungeon, the size of the teleportation station is tens of square meters!

When you get closer, a hint will appear.

Do you need to teleport or bind a teleportation scroll?(BGAC) "Bind the teleportation scroll to the city return location." "

Rien said to several of his teammates.

"In another 48 hours, there will be no going back to Camp Rogge. "

"We used the teleportation station as a base to explore deeper. "

Although the location of the [Evil Cave], he has been broadcast to all players.

But the entrance to the "Icy Plain" on the 3rd floor

It's not something you can find in a moment.

Lane uses the "Dungeon Map" for guidance.

In order to be in the intricate underground cave tunnels,

Straight to finding out the right path.

The other players are expected to have to go around the cave for a long time.

On the premise of sharing information with each other, a path can be summed up.

"Take a half-hour break and sort out your skills and props by the way. "

Riene's words were addressed to Ansenas and Long Crescent.

Including himself, at the moment of stepping into the "cold field".

The main quest has been updated.

Except for one chance to unlock skills and items at random.

New main quest objectives have also been added -

Look for the entrance to the 4th "Burial Ground".

With Li En here, naturally there is no need to worry about the route.

Therefore, he focused more on unlocking this opportunity.

"In terms of skills, the most critical [Magnetic Storm Crown] has been unlocked. "

"Do you want to try unlocking the next item?"

Rien couldn't help but think. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

His combat effectiveness has now returned to the usual level of 30%.

The other 7 percent come from the mechanical legion, bloodline ability, and professional skills.

In his opinion, 3 achievements are enough to cope with the difficulty of the "first act".

"Forget it, my props are too miscellaneous, and the probability of unlocking the props you need is too low. "

Thinking of the pile of mechanical gloves stored in his spatial ring. []

Rien dismissed the idea.

Directly selected to unlock a random "skill".

In addition to vocational skills, bloodline abilities, knowledge and skills.

He doesn't have a lot of other skills.

Therefore, the random range can also be roughly guessed.


【Randomly drawing your sealed Action Skill ......】

[Drawing is complete!You have regained the "Easy Repair"!]


Seeing the result in front of him, the corners of Lien's mouth twitched.

Even give him a "mechanical affinity" or "mechanical research".

I didn't expect it to be this skill.

"Forget it, it's the skill that made me rich. "

"It's like reliving the old days. "

Look at "Easy Repair" in the skill bar.

Lee's mind seemed to go back to the copy of "Iron City".

Take the initiative to talk to the calamus,

Scene when requesting repair of a damaged gun.

"And it happened to be used to repair equipment, and there was one less reason to go back to camp. "

Rien casually touched the steam gun.

The Steam Gun has dropped to 70% of its durability and instantly refills.

"Captain, I have something I want to ask. "

Suddenly, the girl's voice came.

Rien turned around and saw that it was Asuna.

"Something, just say. "

"That's right...... I'd like to ask you about the skill selection of the Paladin's class. "

The girl said the problem in her heart with some twist.

Although she has already changed the role of [Paladin]

But in the face of a complex skill system and bonus points.

Asuna suddenly felt like she didn't know what to do.

"Oh...... How many levels are you now?"

Rien touched his chin.

He remembered that there was a skill system for the Paladin.

They are "Attack Aura", "Defense Aura", and "Combat Skills".

The first two can actually be counted as one, both of which are "aura" skills.

"I'm level 5. "

Asuna opens the game menu.

Show your own status panel.

Only then did Dawn realize that

It's useless to keep all her free attribute points!

"If you are level 5, you haven't unlocked the stage 2 class skills. "

"You should be able to learn [Aura of Strength], [Sacrifice], [Shield Strike], [Fire Resistance], and [Prayer] by now, right?"

Asuna was stunned and flipped through her skill panel.

Then he looked at Rien with reverence.

"That's right...... That is true. "

"However, I put 1 skill point into [Shield Strike]. "

"It should. "

Lane thought for a moment, then said.

"My suggestion is that [Aura of Strength], [Fire Resistance], and [Sacrifice] each have 1 level. "

"Keep the remaining 1 skill point for later use. "

"At level 6, you'll be able to learn new skills. "

"In terms of attributes, it depends on the strength of the equipment demand points, and the rest of the full points of physique. "

Asuna listened carefully to Rien's advice.

Wait until the latter finishes speaking.

Nodded earnestly.

"Thank you, Captain. "

[Asuna's opinion of you is increased by 50% (10x gain)]

[Asuna's relationship with you has been upgraded to "Friend"]

Well...... Is it a windfall?

Just as Dawn was about to assemble the team.

When you're ready to set off on your next goal.

Near the "Evil Cave Exit" near the teleporter.

A few more figures teleported out!

Someone is only one step slower than them, and they have reached the cold field!

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