[Serverwide Announcement: Players "Lien", "Asuna", "Dragon Crescent", and "Ansenas-Moon Song" have won the first kill of the Dark Gold Boss "Corpse Anger"!]

A few seconds later, on the messy battlefield, 4 blue portals appeared.

At the moment when the last portal closes.

The members of the [Shrine] led by the two "Divine Sons",

Rushed into the area where the corpse was on fire.

"It's gone...... Moreover, the announcement just now ......"

Yueyu's face was gloomy, and his eyes looked as if he was about to kill.

It was supposed to be the first kill of nine out of ten.

But when he was about to kick the door,

Suddenly someone snatched it away!

No one can accept this kind of thing.

What's more, it is a noble and arrogant "son of God"!

"Who are they?"

Amaterasu muttered to himself with some confusion.

"Judging by the name, it doesn't look like the official reincarnation formations of other countries. "

"It's more like a ragtag army. "

The announcement only revealed the names of the members of the first-kill team.

"Lane" and "Dragon Crescent" are supposed to be from the Dragon Country.

And "Ansenas-Moon Song" is a typical elven name.

As for "Yasi" nine-zero-three "Na......

There's nothing strange about the name.

At this moment, the young master gritted his teeth and stood up.

"Your Highness the Divine Son, I know what the origin of that guy named Li En is......"


Camp Rogge, Tavern.

The inn on the second floor of the tavern,

It should be the safest and quietest place out there.

Because the price per room is 200 gold coins/day.

For 99% of players, this is an unbearable burden.

Therefore, it is also suitable as a base for "selling stolen goods".

"It's only a few seconds away, and the group of players from Sakurajima Country can't be angry. "

When I think of myself and the others leaving,

The player who arrived later,

Looking at the empty boss room,

What would it be like?

Anyway, Rien is cool now!


[You have killed the Dark Gold Boss "Corpse Flame"!]

[You have gained 5000 experience (10x gain)]

[You have gained 4870 gold (10x return)]

[Your reputation in Camp Rog is increased by 5000 (10x gain)]

[Your reputation in Camp Rog has been increased to "Reverence"]

【Your level has been increased to level 10!】

[Your "Steam Craftsman" profession and professional skills have been lifted]

[You have achieved the achievement "First Blood"!]

[You can now specify a skill or item to unlock]

[You have obtained a "Corpse Burning Loot Box"]


This "expedition" can be said to be full of harvest!

Experience, loot, rank, reputation...... And the achievement!

The first thing Lai did,

It is to directly designate [Perfection - Mechanical Control] as the unlock target!

After reaching level 10.

Lane's average stat has reached 55 points.

All 45 free attributes are invested in "will"!

His will was at the D-class limit at this point - 100 points!

In the case of being occupied with 90% of mental power.

He still has 1,000 mental power and 2,000 mechanical power!

The Energy Shield has a capacity of 5000.

The most important thing is...... After having "mechanical power".

He will be able to unlock the "Magnetic Storm Crown",

Deal terrifying extra damage based on the amount of power used!

"I don't know where the next opportunity to unlock skills of your choice is. "

Li En put away his personal panel,

Pulled out the loot box from the inventory.


["Corpse on Fire" loot box]

Level +: E

+ Description: Loot boxes from the Dark Gold Boss "Corpse Flames", from which you can get up to 3 items

+ Note: Wasteland + kill, loot quality increased by 100%


"It's time to unbox!"

Lane rubbed his hands together, a little anticipatory and excited.

Opened his loot box.

Suddenly, the props inside poured out-

The first thing that catches your eye is a large number of pink liquid potions!


【Rejuvenation Elixir】

Level +: C

+ Fruit: Instantly restores 35% of max health and mental power, with no cooldown

+ Note: "No more, come back immediately!"


Rejuvenation Elixir!

Rien's eyes lit up.

This is a recovery potion called "Little Purple" in "Dark".

It's incredibly powerful!

Can instantly restore 35% of mental power and health!

There's no cooldown, and it's not delayed!

At a critical moment, you can directly pick up a life!

Lane killed hundreds of monsters along the way.

But none of the bottles fell out. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Only on enemies above the elite monster.

Only then may there be the output of "Rejuvenation Elixir"!

And Lane opened 10 bottles at once!

"Yes, whether it's used to save your life or trade, it's hard currency. "

With the effect of [Rejuvenation Elixir]. []

Lai is not worried about having no buyers.

Even if you don't need it.

It can also be used to trade with other players.

Underneath a pile of potions,

Holding a card,

And also...... A skill book!

"The look of the card in this chapter is a little familiar, could it be ......?"

Lane perked up and took the card in his hand.

Expected information suddenly appeared in front of me.


【Class Transfer Card: Paladin】

Level +: B

+ Ask: None

+ Ming: Paladin who transforms you into one of the seven hero classes

+ Note: This class expires when you leave the dungeon, but you can keep the skill points you earned when you level up


"Sure enough, it's a job transfer card, but it's just ......"

Rien looked at the class card in his hand and fell into deep thought.

"Paladin...... Not quite in line with my power system. "

If he had to choose, Rien would actually prefer a "necromancer".

After all, the "Red Wing Array" skill was unlocked later.......

Classes with many summons can reach their full potential.

Moreover, he also has a "Ring of Domination" that he touched from the "Young Master".

It can greatly increase the strength of summons.

So, Lai used this transfer card.

As for the last loot, that skill book.

It made Lane even more shocked!

Because this is the skill book of [Ghost Strike]!

"It's worthy of the first kill reward, the corpse is on fire, brother, this is taking out the coffin!"

Although in the hands of the "corpse fire",

This skill looks a bit silly.

But in the hands of the reincarnation player......

Play 1,000 tricks!

"Melee limited, maybe Ansenas will need it. "

"Look at what other people have come up with. "

Rien pushed the door open,

It was discovered that Dragon Crescent and Ansenas had also left the room.

It seems that he should have just finished counting the loot.

"Exchange information?"

Lien's proposal was nodded in affirmation by the two.

A job transfer card seems to be standard.

Everyone opened one.

Ryne is a "Paladin".

And in the hands of the dragon crescent is the "druid".

Ansenas prescribes "Assassin".

It's one of the seven classes in the original "Dark".

"Ghost Strike?"

See the skill book in Lane's hand.

Ansenas's eyes lit up.

As a melee player who has experienced the power of "Ghost Strike" up close.

He is also a "Wind and Thunder Swordsman" who has mastered the elemental sword technique.

This melee skill provides high elemental damage.

Naturally, she is deeply loved.

"If you want it, you can exchange it for the [Assassin's] transfer card. "

When Dawn saw the [Assassin] transfer card.

I had a certain idea in my heart.

"Good. "

Ansena nodded in agreement without hesitation.

"I need a lot of gold. 5.6"

Long Crescent also put forward its own needs.

"The [Witch] transfer card is still there at the camp NPC. "

"I want to buy it as soon as possible. "

Hearing this, Lane pondered for a moment.

"I remember that the price of that transfer card was 10,000 gold coins. "

"How much gold do you have on you now?"

"More than 2000. "

"That's enough. "

Rien nodded.

"You give me the gold and I'll buy it - I have a high reputation level and a 20% discount on shopping in the camp. "

"Good. "

Long Xinyue trusted all the belongings on her body to Li En.

By the way, I also sent the [Druid] transfer card.

"Use it for the rest of the gold coins. "

"That's fine. "

Anyway, Lane will definitely not suffer.

He cleared his throat.

"Finally, there's one more thing. "

"I'm going to go to a higher level area next. "

"Because of my current level, I basically can't eat the experience at the bottom. "

"So...... This team may be disbanded. "。

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