Several players from the ghost camp joined the battlefield,

Directly melee with the Nest Seat.

Instantly relieved the pressure on the [Silver Knight] warband.

"What's going on?"

Everybody has ~ a little confused,

"I used a C-class prop that creates illusions. "

Lane rubbed his head, lying without blinking his eyes.

Use the [MONOCULUS-Change] spell to control players in the opposing faction

Block the boss's attacks for yourself.

This trick he used perfectly.

Especially after obtaining the [Unrestrained Eye].

All units that cannot be countered by any of the attributes,

The base success rate affected by his illusion is increased by 50%!

Therefore, deceive these ghost camp players who are hiding in the shadows to watch the show,

It was already easy for Lane to be effortless.

He created the [Silver Knight] warband with heavy losses and everyone dying,

Even the pillar of the flame fell into the illusion of being seriously injured and weakened,

The players who lured these ghost camps rushed directly and killed the killer -

It's just that Lane will be a hostile target in a false memory,

All of them have been replaced with the real-life "Bottom String Call"!

That's why the eyes are in scuffle.

"Commander Alan, I hope it will be reimbursed after the war. "

"I see. "

Aram breathed a sigh of relief,

Either way, it's just a matter of relieving the current stress.

"Thanks to Mr. Lane for saving the scene, the question of reimbursement is easy to say. "

"Regroup, guys!"

Alan's expression was solemn, and he instantly returned to his usual leadership demeanor.

"Our efforts have not been in vain. "

"The amount of blood of the upper string is only about 100,000 left. "

"Fight again, and we'll be able to kill him!"

In an environment full of positive energy,

Evil units' health regeneration is suppressed.

Although it can't be done like the sun wheel knife and the sun,

Not only does it prevent the regeneration of demons, but it also deals damage over time.

But it is also enough to stifle the regenerative capacity of the upper winding to an acceptable range.

So...... The last question faced by players involved in boss fights.

is how to kill this C+ boss at the same time,

Keep yourself safe!

Just when the [Silver Knight] warband was reorganized,

The players of the ghost camp who have entered the chaos have also died and fled.

They are only temporary teams in their own right.

In terms of coordination and equipment, it can't be compared to the [Silver Knight] warband.

I haven't lasted more than two minutes in the hands of the Woza,

It's already in ruins!

"It's up to us. "

Aram said in a deep voice.

"Mr. Lane, please don't make a move until the damage increase skill is triggered. "

"Well, I understand. "

Rien nodded.

He knew that this was to keep himself from being the primary target of the Zodiac Seat.

At the same time, it is also a tactic to maximize output!

To put it simply, it's to avoid OT (Hate Detachment).


"One by one, they rushed up to ...... death"

At this time, he was covered in blood,

When the power is consumed enough to affect his state,

Only then did he realize that his surroundings were filled with an aura that disgusted him.

Even if you ignore the pride of the strong, you eat the flesh and blood of the weak.

I can't regain much of my own strength.

"These people are not civilians, nor are they swordsmen of the Demon Slayer Team, but they all have strange abilities......"

The word "escape" flashed in the mind of the next string,

But the dignity of the strong made him restrain this impulse.

What's more, if Wu Miao knew that he was forced to flee by a group of weak people......

Maybe he will be angry and directly withdraw the essence blood of the ghost king given to him!

When the Under-String Warrior is tired of being killed,

No misery is on the grounds that the strength is too weak,

And disbanded all the Ghost Moon,

In addition to "One of the Lower Strings - Nightmare",

The rest of the lower strings were all taken back by the blood of the ghost king and wiped out on the spot!

Zodiac doesn't want to repeat the mistakes of these ghosts.

"Hmph, here we go again. "

Looking at Aran and the others who surrounded him again,

A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth,

"How many lives are you going to leave behind this time?"

- Blood Demon Spell - Destruction Kill - Spell Unfolding!

However, this time, the azure snowflake battle array only flickered for a moment,

It's completely extinguished!

The face of the "fighting ghost" changed, and he could feel a huge and complex force,

Directly dispersed his condensed fighting spirit!

Thus making his blood demon magic unleashed!

- Disintegration of the technique!

[The confrontation of wills is successful!]

[The release of the blood ghost technique of "The Lower String of the Strings-The Nest of the Nest" failed!]

Seeing the prompt in front of him, Lane breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now, he asked Aran for a bottle of [Intermediate Mental Protection Elixir] (read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Let his will attribute in the confrontation, it can temporarily reach the level of C+ level.

With 160 points of will, you can just successfully suppress the Zodiac in the confrontation!


Seeing this, Aram's face was overjoyed.

In the absence of a battle formation[]

The Zodiac will not be able to unleash the subsequent destructive blood ghost spells!

It's much easier to deal with, and you can take advantage of the opportunity to hang up!

The light of white order condenses into a pattern full of strange laws,

Directly imprinted on the body of the Woza,

It complements the black "sin mark tattoo" all over his body!

- Order Brand!

- Breaking the Evil Slash - Group Judgment!

With the blessing of the [positive energy] environment,

Two damage enhancement skills in a row have all passed the judgment,

Directly brings up to 100% extra damage bonus to everyone!

"Oops, I can't feel the flow of vindictiveness right now......"

He instantly sensed the death crisis that made him panic too!

He now has two options.

One is to directly carry the player's attack,

Forcibly unfold the technique and directly break the game with the strongest attitude!

The second is to temporarily avoid the edge, and wait to grasp the gap of the attack,

Then re-unfold the technique and fight back!

The former needs to withstand countless attacks,

Maybe there's one weird attack that can deal a lot of damage to yourself!

The latter needs to fall into a period of passivity,

Without [Blood Demon Magic-Sabotage Kill],

He can't fight back effectively!

Nest has honed hundreds of years of combat experience and self-confidence,

Let him choose the second tactic - temporarily avoid the edge!

He believed that he could seize the gaps in the attacks of these "weaklings",

Find the right time to break the game!

"Sure enough, it was exactly what I thought. "

Lane sneered,

When he saw that he did not choose to forcibly carry out the operation,

Instead, he directly distanced himself and dodged the player's skill bombardment.

Shook his head again and again.

"The self-esteem of the strong...... Oh, the one who survives is the strongest. "

Nest is able to dodge other players' attacks,

But you can't dodge Lane's floating cannon array!

In order to be able to ensure hits,

Lane swapped all the bullets for special ammunition for a wide range of attacks!

For a while, the battlefield was directly covered by the fire of the explosion and the ice fog that exploded!

Even other players, who are comrades-in-arms, can't help but be speechless.

"Boy, is this the mechanic's saturation blow...... I have seen it for a long time. "

"If this round of salvo fires, even if it's just E-level special ammunition, you will get at least 1,000 points......

"It's just burning money!"

"It's good that I didn't burn my money. "

"Fortunately, Dette is a virtual mechanic, otherwise our group really can't afford to raise it. "

Hearing the whispers of the group members, Aran couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

He remembered what Lane had asked him for reimbursement before.

Suddenly there was an urge to regret it.

But that's just thinking.

If you can take down the leader of C+ in front of you.

The points reward alone can earn tens of thousands!

Not to mention that there are dozens of attribute points and skill points in the account!

"He's running out of blood, watch him!"

Dat, who monitored the enemy's state throughout the process,

Raise your voice to remind everyone.

"We've reached the 5% HP threshold!"

"Don't let him run!"

Hearing this, everyone's spirits lifted.

Victory is at hand!

However, when the flames and ice fog dissipated,

There was only one figure on the battlefield who fled in a hurry,

In the blink of an eye, it is already hundreds of meters away from the battlefield!

"Fake, wasn't he arrogant before?!"

"How can you turn around and run now?!"

Even with the cultivation of the holy warriors,

Yalan couldn't help but squirt a dirty word on the spot!

"Don't worry, he can't run away. "

Lane looks like he has the chance to win,

and there was no pursuit,

Instead, he looked directly in the direction of the Zodiac escape.

A few seconds later, a blazing flash of fire flashed through the pitch-black woods

[Dungeon Announcement: The Terran Faction has killed "The Upper Winding Nest"]

[You have met the second condition of the hidden achievement "The End of Samsara"]

[Based on your Boss Battle Contribution, you have gained ......]


(Thank you for the flowers and monthly passes, which will be added tomorrow).

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