The sound of fierce fighting continued to be heard from the open space outside the train.

The roar of the vindictive eruption,

A sonic boom when a fist or kick rubs against the air at high speed,

The raging flames when using sword skills,

It continues to show the intensity of this battle!

Flange has also changed into a heavy armor at this time,

The weapon was switched to a one-handed sword + card combination.

can block damage more effectively.

Because of the enemy they face next...... It's the boss unit of C+!

Only D-rank reincarnation players are no longer able to suppress C+ enemies in terms of attributes.

This means that many powerful confrontation skills will not work!

"According to the detection data provided by Dater, as well as the intelligence of the previous purchase. "

"The main attributes of the lower string are strength, agility, and physique. "

While the flame pillar can still fight against the nest,

Fran tells all players about the next battle ideas.

"Each attribute has at least 170 points. "

"The fighting style is biased towards mid-to-short range, with fast speed and high bursts. "

"And his own combat skills are extremely refined and proficient. "

This kind of enemy can be called the most troublesome type of all reincarnation players.

There is a saying that "the world's martial arts are invincible, and only fast is not broken." "

When a boss-level enemy has great strength and speed,

It also has extremely terrifying regeneration abilities, as well as superb combat skills.

He's a nightmare for all low-level players!

"So we're going to avoid what he's best at. "

"Pull away his attacks by constantly restricting skills and defenses. "

"And then maintain the long-range fire output. "

Aran paused for a moment, then looked at Ryne.

"Mr. Rien, the [Silver Knight] will try to create a safe environment for you to output. "

"You can just output, and we'll take care of the rest. "

Hearing this, it's not just a few casual players.

Even the members of the Silver Knight Warband looked at their own leader in astonishment.

It was the first time they had seen Aran be so partial to an outsider.

Several players who also serve as ranged damage output in [Silver Knight],

I suddenly felt a little unconvinced.

In the warband channel, there are questions one after another.

"Commander, he's a loose man who has no power organization, as for us to spend a lot of effort to provide protection?"

"In the last wave of the boss battle, I hit 20,000 damage alone, why do you want to create an output environment for him?"

"That is, isn't it good to leave the contribution of the leader battle to your own people?"

These people thought that they were discussing on the Warband channel,

Ryne, who is a scattered, will not hear them.

Actually, what they were thinking, Dawn knew very well.

"I really want to unsubscribe from this automatic mind-reading function, I don't want to hear this at all... `..."

Li En complained helplessly in his heart.

But this is also Arram's respect for his personal privacy,

did not put him in the battle of the lower string one,

The proportion of terrorist damage caused is published, resulting in misunderstandings.

The "Paladin" class has a very strong restraint against the evil camp.

But the requirements for their own character are quite high,

It is necessary to maintain order, good attitude and behavior,

in order to receive the favor of the power of the Holy Light.

This is also an important factor for Li En to rest assured that he will cooperate with Yalan.

As for the other players of the Silver Knight Warband...... Not necessarily.

"Everything was decided for the success of the boss battle. "

Aran said on the Warband channel.

"Who is confident that in the next battle, they will guarantee more than 1000 damage per second. "

'I can leave him at the heart of the same place. "


There was a sudden silence in the warband channel.

1000 seconds of injury? What are you kidding!

If you're using an explosive skill with a long cooldown,

It may be possible to reach this value in a short period of time.

But you want to keep it up for a long time...... Unless you are a reincarnation player of C level or above, it is possible!

"Can that Dawn do it?"

Someone retorted unconvinced.

"He can, I testify. "

This time it was not Syria who answered.

Rather, it is Dette, who serves as the brains of the team.

Although only in a short sentence.

But the persuasiveness was stronger than Aram's previous assurances.

Because all the players of the [Silver Knight] warband know,

Dette had the battle data of all of them in his hands.

He said he could...... That's really.

A few of the most unconvinced ranged professional players lost their confidence at this time.

They all looked at Lane with inexplicable eyes.

"Gren, when the battle begins, you'll be responsible for protecting me. "

Dawn ignored these glances,

He rubbed the resolution of the wave drawing,

For the mechanical warrior to maintain a simple maintenance,

"Don't get caught up in the close-quarters of the Nest, it's hard to resist even with your physique and resistance. "

"Well, I know. "

The lion-man warrior nodded, and the alloy greatsword in his hand quickly deformed. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Switched to the same sword and shield combination as Aram.

This variable type of composite mechanical weapon,

also made Li En quite interested,

It's a pity that there is no time to retrofit now,

Otherwise, he would have to attach a [High Frequency Blade] technique to whatever he said. []


Suddenly, Date, who was operating the monitoring terminal, shouted nervously.

"The amount of blood of the upper string is about to reach the warning line!"

"Commander, it's time for us to take action!"

"Otherwise, if you continue to fight like this, when your HP drops below 50%, the kill reward will be greatly reduced!"

"I know...... All members, get ready to get off!"

Aram shouted, and raised his sword again,

Bathing in the power of the Light.

He will perform the "One of the Lower Strings" pre-battle buff state,

Added it again to everyone.

"Let's go!"


The battle outside the Infinite Train has just come to an end,

After the figures are staggered,

The pillar of flame and the chanter of the upper string stood in place at the same time.


A trace of blood appeared on the wrists of the two hands of the Woza,

It's as if I'm just now reacting to the fact that I've been cut off.

But the next moment, the powerful regenerative ability of the winding ghost moon,

Two new palms were directly generated.

"You are very strong, and in this state, even I am no match for you. "

Tsunoza looked at the purgatory Kyojuro with markings condensed on his forehead,

Said with a serious look.

But this technique will cause your stamina to drain quickly. "

"I guess...... You're running out of gas now, and you won't be able to hold on for long. "

"So, I have a proposal. "

Yan Zhu didn't answer him,

Instead, take advantage of the short break to adjust your breathing regimen.

Recover as much energy as possible.

But the next words of the Zodiac made him frown.

"You...... Let's become a ghost. "

"So that I can fight you without any scruples!"

"I refuse. "

Yan Zhu did not hesitate to reject the proposal of the Zodiac Seat.

"Why not?"

The winding of the face showed a look of pity,

"A strong man like you, even among the pillars I have killed, is one of the best. "

"The fighting spirit on his body has been condensed, and he is close to the supreme realm......"

"The thought that a martial artist like you will become weak due to old age and injuries. "

"I felt sorry. "

The sin arm stretched out toward the pillar of flames,

Said with a sincere expression.

"Become a ghost, Purgatory Kyojuro. "

"In this way, whether it is ten years or a hundred years, you can hone your own strength. "

"Maybe you can join me in exploring the highest realm. "

However, the answer to him was still a resolute voice without hesitation.

"I refuse. (The King's)

Hearing Yan Zhu's answer, Yi Woza was not the slightest surprised.

There are only a few regrets and regrets.

"Since you rejected my invitation......"

"Then I'll have to kill you. "

"Just to fill the gap that I haven't killed the Flame Pillar. "

Yan Zhu held his breath and tensed the nerves,

Although the physical strength has been severely depleted,

But he can't retreat!

Because behind him are more than 200 innocent passengers on the Infinity Train!

Just when he was about to fight to the death,

The dim environment suddenly became extremely bright,

Like daylight, thick pillars of light descended directly from the sky!


The Nest held back the urge to fight the Flame Pillar again,

This pillar of light was filled with an aura that disgusted him.

The next moment, the sky darkened again,

But the white light did not dissipate,

but turned into a ball of light,

Haunting the neighborhood, it creates a battlefield filled with holy light!

"The neighborhood has become a positive energy filling environment, and his attributes have been reduced by 10%!"

Aram threw the used magic scroll directly to the ground,

"According to the previous battle plan...... Hunt the Winding Horn!".

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