On the form that outputs statistics.

Ryne's damage percentage is firmly in first place with a percentage of 36.5%!

That means he alone has hit nearly 100,000 damage!

"Hasn't he been dealing with those Nightmare Eyes?!"

Aran was only stunned for a moment at this damage figure,

For elite-level mechanic players,

It's really an amazing thing they can do.

Because of the relationship between the characteristics of the profession,

A mechanic player with many mechanical creations,

It can be called "one man into an army"!

If you don't count the output consumed,

It is indeed possible to do the damage of a team of the same level on top of one person.

But here's the problem......

Throughout the battle, not a single player was affected by the Nightmare Eye.

This meant that Lane's preparedness was perfect.

But the more so...... Where does he get the time to output?

"Commander, what should I do next?"

Dite whispered "Two-Six-Three" said.

Because there are more than 3 players participating in the boss battle.

So it will take the form of contribution distribution,

to deal with all the loot dropped by "One of the Lower Strings".

Originally, the [Silver Knight] warband was able to rely on the numerical advantage,

There are a few good rewards to be secured.

But Lane directly disrupted their plans.

"Let the reincarnation space be automatically allocated first, and then we will trade with him. "

Aram pondered for a moment and decided.

"He's a mechanic, so he shouldn't need the output of this copy much. "

"There are also some props and skills on the technology side in the team's warehouse. “

"Maybe he'll be interested. "

The break is only a short 5-minute break.

So it didn't take long,

Fran clapped his hands, gathering everyone's attention.

"Time is tight, so we just let the reincarnation space be allocated. "

"You don't have any objections, right?"

The people of the [Silver Knight] warband naturally have no opinions,

Fran's words are mainly addressed to casual players, including Lane.

Let the reincarnation space be automatically allocated,

It is a relatively fair way to distribute.

There were no objections.

"One of the Lower Strings" does not drop Bounty Tokens.

Instead, the proceeds of 3 bounty tokens will be directly transferred

Directly assigned to all players involved in the battle.

[Based on the contribution of boss battles]

[You have gained 210,000 reincarnation points, 210 attribute points, and 210 skill points]

[Some prestige of the ghost killing team, several ghost killing feats]

Naturally, Lien's harvest far exceeds that of other players.

But he was more concerned about ......

"How should the loot chests of the boss battle be distributed?"

The next moment, he knew the answer.

[You rank first in your contribution in this boss battle]

[Please choose 3 items from all the dropped items as your loot]

At the same time as the prompt emerges,

Descriptions of many props appeared in front of Lane's eyes.

"There are more things than solo bosses, but there are only a few high-value things. "

Dawn glanced at it,

With his current vision and experience,

I can easily distinguish the value of the props,

directly chose the blood of the ghost king,

and two other pieces of D+ gear.

"It's a pity that I still don't have any use. "

Shook his head helplessly,

Rien closes the loot space.

Then he saw Syria coming towards him.

"Hello, Mr. Lane. "

The paladin held out his hand to him and said in a calm tone.

"How's the catch?"

"I'd rather trade these things for points. "

Rien shrugged, he had just read Aram's thoughts.

Knowing that he would definitely come to him.

Hearing this, a smile appeared on Arran's face,

"Mechanic players, this dungeon is more torturous. "

"I wonder if you're interested in bartering?"

To this, Li En answered in the affirmative.

"I hope you have something I can use. "

Li En is still looking forward to the inventory of the [Silver Knight] warband.

Because this warband has mechanics like Dette who specialize in virtual directions. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

So there must be a lot of inventory on the technology side.

Maybe there's a prop or skill he can use.

"I wish to exchange the blood of the Ghost King in your hands. "

"As for the remaining two props, I'll need to look at them before I think about them. "

Aran handed a list to Riene. []

"This is an item that our warband can provide for exchange. "

"You can take a look at it and make a decision quickly. "

"Because the winding is coming soon. "

There were less than two minutes left before the Uzuza arrived at the battlefield.

Rien nodded, and took out all the loot he had gotten as well.

"Let me see the inventory of [Silver Knight]......"

The [Silver Knight] warband is mostly melee players,

So there are a lot of weapons, armor in the inventory,

There are also consumables such as mental protection potions that have been distributed before.

There are also a few dungeon tickets,

Li En browsed it all, and it was all a copy of the world with no impression,

"Hey, this is ......"

In the miscellaneous categories, Li En found something that he was more interested in.......


[Drawing: Intelligent UAV "Sparrow"]

Level +: D

+ Seek: Mechanical Assembly Lv5, Intermediate Mechanical Research Lv5

+ Block: reconnaissance module, intelligent control module

+bits: 1

+ Note: "Although the sparrow is small, it has all kinds of organs"


"Drones...... Could it be the kind that Dater used to scout?"

Lane's heart moved, and he locked the drawing.

In addition to the blueprints for this chapter, he also found a recipe for a potion.


【Recipe: Crimson Mana Elixir】

Level +: C

+ Seek: Potions Lv. 10, Drug Harmony Lv. 8, Elementary Alchemy Lv. 5

+ Result: Consumes part of your life and restores mental power based on the attributes of "Intelligence" and "Will" every second

+ Note: "It is forbidden to mix this agent with alcoholic beverages!"


Seeing the exchange item that Lane pointed out,

Flange said with some embarrassment.

"Mr. Lane, this C-grade potion recipe ...... Your loot may not be worth much. "

Drawings, recipes, recipes and other props,

It's basically a lucrative deal.

After mastering it, we will sell the finished product with a continuous supply of energy.

Therefore, the price is usually much higher than that of items of the same level.

Especially this recipe is still a C-grade formula!

"I know. "

Lane smiled,

"I still have extra Ghost King's blood here to make up the difference, what do you think?"

In front of him, these players have few secrets to speak of.

0.6 One of the opponent's professional tasks,

Requires the Sacrifice of "Evil Faction Boss Units" drop materials.

That's why I will find a way to trade with myself.

Sure enough,

Hearing that Lane still has the blood of the Ghost King in his hand,

Farran's face suddenly showed a little excitement.

"Really, I'll do the math ...... the difference."

The market price of two copies of the blood of the ghost king,

It's almost 20,000 points.

Plus two pieces of D+ gear.

It is also similar in value to C-grade formulations.

Eventually, the deal was settled in a hurry.

Because at the moment when the countdown ends.

A powerful battle spirit will envelop the already stalled infinite train!

【The Upper Winding Nest - The Nest has arrived near the Infinity Train!】

[The boss battle has entered the second stage!]

[Assist the "Flame Pillar" to resist the attack of the "Upper Wind"!]


(Witness History?).

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