"Hacker type of virtual mechanic......

Dawn pondered,

He walked with Greine into the crowd.

Silver Knight Warband, it is not difficult to see from the ~ name,

This is a group of players who are predominantly melee players.

According to observations, most of the members are Caucasian,

It should be a power in the European region.

Although there are not many members, there are only about ten.

But including the white young man who had just registered for Lane,

Each player is well-equipped and has good attributes.

"And their skills ...... It's all with divine attributes, so it's no wonder this quest is coming. "

Dawn glanced at it and found the strength of the [Silver Knight].

Most of the professions of these warband members are similar to "paladins".

While possessing good melee abilities,

He also has the "Holy Arts" that can deal extra damage to the evil faction.

The ghost clan in "Demon Slayer" is obviously a standard evil faction unit.

Li En remembered it in the information column of the second winding - Tong Mo.

He is also specifically marked as belonging to the "Chaos and Evil" camp.

And the Paladin is a typical class of the orderly and good faction.

It has a good attack and defense bonus against "Chaos" + "Evil" units.

In the "Demon Slayer" dungeon, it's like a fish in water.

"It seems that they came prepared, too. "

Lai concluded,

Then came the voice that introduced the background of the plot of "Infinite Train" before.

"I'm the head of the [Silver Knight], Aram. "

"Here's what we've gathered. "

The player who calls himself Aran is a middle-aged man with blond hair with stubble,

Although it looks a little sloppy, it is the most imposing.

The first class is "Knight", and the second is "Paladin".

Lai could see that he could actually advance to the C ranks.

Belongs to the same D+ veteran player as Greine.

"The Infinity Train is one of the more important plot battles in the Demon Slayer dungeon. "

"There will be a C-level pillar-level powerhouse in our camp, and several D+ swordsmen will participate in the battle. "

Hearing Alan's explanation, Ryne had a whole new experience.

From the perspective of a reincarnation player who doesn't know the plot of the original work,

to re-examine the novelty of each important plot in the dungeon world.

"The ghost camp will have a C-rank leader unit - the first of the lower strings. "

"And a couple of D+ elite demons. "

"The most important thing, though, is ......"

Aran raised his voice suddenly, and the next thing was their focus.

"After stopping the rampage of the [Infinite Train]. "

"We're going to be confronted by the opposing faction leader unit of C+. "

"The Winding Nest - Nest!"

The faces of the remaining dozen scattered players changed.

Someone asked suddenly.

"I also know some information. "

"If the plot is allowed to develop, this winding should be left alone, right?"

"After he kills the Flame Pillar, he will automatically evacuate because of the dawn. "

"We don't have to risk fighting him. "

Hearing this player's words, the rest of the scattered players also chimed in.

They just want to earn some merit and points,

I didn't think it was really desperate.

If it's just a C-grade lower quarter ghost moon, it's fine.

But the C+ level boss unit ...... It's a bit out of the ordinary.

Keep in mind that the average number of players present is only D-class.

Even the elite of D+ is not much.

Among the more than 20 reincarnation players present.

Players who can be called strong players of the same level do not exceed the number of five fingers.

"The goal of our [Silver Knight] warband is to be wound. "

Aram's face was calm, and he said their true purpose.

"Sure enough, with such preparation, it can't be just for the sake of the strings. "

Li En's expression moved, this [Silver Knight] also dared to think and do.

The player who asked the question before was actually right.

In the plot of "Infinite Train",

The Upper String - The Nest does not care about the weak,

He is only interested in Purgatory Xingjulang, who is a "flame pillar", (read violent novels, and go to Feilu Novel Network!)

If you don't provoke him,

He didn't bother to shoot at players who only had D-rank strength.

Or, he will attack the people who disturb him and the "Flame Pillar".

After the battle with the "Flame Pillar" Purgatory Kyojuro,

He will go away on his own. []

And the [Silver Knight] wants to take the opportunity to kill this "String Warrior"!

This made Li En quite emotional,

The brain hole of the reincarnation player is ...... He liked it, though.

The so-called players are a group of extreme profit supremacists.

As long as you dare to light up the health bar and drop list,

Not to mention the twelve ghost months, even the miserable can be cut down!

"I also have a question. "

After thinking about it, Li En also asked.

"This plot is an important battle plot for both camps. "

"There should also be hostile players in the ghost camp, right?"

When I hunted Tong Mo before,

Lane doesn't need to worry about that.

Because of the eternal blissful teaching where the child mill is located,

It doesn't appear in the plot at all.

It is estimated that even the reincarnation players of the ghost camp,

It's not clear how this Upper String II died.

But [Infinity Train] is different.

In the Dungeon of Demon Slayer that has been reset many times.

This plot is almost the same public information that has been exposed.

"That's right, that's something we need to be prepared for. "

Aram nodded,

He looked approvingly at Rien.

That's the valuable question.

"We have a team of dedicated technicians who are responsible for scouting the surroundings. "

The somewhat shy white youth unleashed several drones,

All the players present, including Lane, felt an invisible wave sweep by.

And the source of the fluctuation is these drones.

[Retrieval by unknown signals, knowledge confrontation ......]

[Defeat of the confrontation!You don't have the relevant knowledge and skills to parse the source of the signal!]

[Your location has been revealed!]

"This is supposed to be the virtual mechanic's reconnaissance method!"

Dawn was shocked,

These hints came to his eyes one after another,

In the end, it can be summed up in 8 words.

There is no countermeasure, there is no circumvention!

"If the other party is an enemy, I guess it will be exposed as soon as possible......"

While the white youth is currently teammates,

But Rien habitually thinks about the worst-case scenario.

"It seems that it is necessary to learn the skills of the virtual class. "

"I don't know if I can use the [Deconstructor] to steal a few hands. "

Lai is not very sure about this.

Because of the confrontation between players on the technology side,

Especially the civil war of mechanics,

It depends more on the competition of "knowledge".

If you only steal active skills,

If you don't have the knowledge,

The effect will also be greatly reduced.

You can't even cast it at all!

"Now you want to quit, it's still too late. "

Aran's voice fell on the ears of all players who were not members of the Silver Knight.

"Because, once you board the [Infinity Train], you ...... after the ticket is checked."

"The entire train will become a temporary dungeon area for boss battles. "

"There's no turning back!".

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