
If you let Zhu Shi describe Lane's knowledge.

Maybe add a "shocking".

As a ghost who has lived for hundreds of years,

Although it can't be compared to the Ghost Moon in terms of strength

But Zhu Shi's own medical skills, and even other aspects of knowledge,

I had good self-confidence.

But this bit of self-confidence, in the short time he spent with Lane.

It quickly dissolves and turns into deep awe!

"The biggest obstacle to transforming a ghost into a human is the remnants of demon blood. "

"There is also the cannibalistic habit hidden in the blood, and the instinct to fear the sun. "

When she asks these two questions,

The answer that Li En gave her directly made her freeze in place.

"In that case, wouldn't it be nice to just strip all the bloodlines out?"

“...... Mr. Lane, if only it were as simple as you say. "

At first, Zhu Shi thought that Rien was just joking.

"Miss Zhushi, I have a habit. "

Lane shrugged.

"I'll just say what I can accomplish. "

"You might want to take a look at this. "

Rien took out a container containing the Oni's defective genes.

"What is this?"

Zhu Shi instinctively felt disgusted by the contents of this bottle.

Because this is enough to induce the defective gene in her body.

"Two of the deadliest problems plaguing the Oni Clan. "

Rien shook the bottle and said.

"Something I extracted from a dying ghost. "

"It's a fragment of the cannibalistic instinct and fear of sunlight in the Oni bloodline. "

Zhu Shi repeated the last word blankly.

"Genetic...... Fragments?"

"Hmm...... It seems that there is still a lot more that you need to tutor. "

Lane patted his head.

According to the year,

The concept of "gene" has not been around for long in the world of Demon Slayer.

It shouldn't have been widely circulated yet.

"I'll put it another way. "

"It is their existence that makes it impossible for the oni to survive in the sun, and they must eat people to continue to survive. "

Hearing Li En's explanation, Zhu Shi's beautiful eyes widened,

An irrepressible surprise was revealed in it.

She was clearly thinking about something more.

“...... Mr. Lane, you have extracted these ...... Genetic ghosts, what happened to them in the end?"

He is a ghost who is proficient in medical skills.

Got to the point right away.

Rien nodded approvingly in his heart.

Then he replied.

"Dead. "

"When the ghost bloodline has the upper hand. "

"Stripping the defective gene from their veins is the same torture as cramping and skinning. "

"Don't worry, there won't be the [perfect ghost] you imagined. "

"That's ......"

Zhu Shi breathed a sigh of relief,

The tense nerves immediately relaxed.

Didn't even notice why Rien knew what was on her mind.

"I heard him a long time ago, when I was following the Ghost King. "

Suddenly, Zhu Shi said slowly.

"As long as you can find a medicine called [Blue Flower]. "

"It can make the ghost not afraid of the sun and become a perfect existence. "

"But so far, neither I nor that guy. "

"Nothing like anything was found. "

"I thought you did this with the help of the [Blue Flower]. "

"Looks like I was presumptuous. "

"The blue flower does exist. "

Li En's reply was far beyond Zhu Shi's expectations.

In the eyes of the beauty full of surprise,

Lane still said in a flat tone.

"But ghosts who can't walk in the sun are never found. "

"What do you mean ......"

Zhu Shi seems to realize something.

"This is a plant that is extremely demanding in its living environment. "

"It only grows in very few places, it is difficult to cultivate artificially, and it is almost extinct. "

"The most important thing is that it only blooms for ten minutes a day during the daytime when there is sunlight. "

"Really...... So that's ......"

Zhu Shi muttered to himself, his expression complicated.

Like Wu Miao, she pursued the rumors of the blue flower and spent hundreds of years.

At one time, I even thought that this was just a false legend.

I didn't expect this to be the case.

However, she suddenly reacted.

"Mr. Rien, even if you don't use the Blue Beyond Flower now. "

"For a ghost who is weakly affected by the blood of a demon, can you also turn him into a human?"

"Hmm...... There have been examples of this recently. "

Rien nodded.

Tell me about the fact that I am the current head of the delivery house to get rid of the influence of the bloodline without misery.

"I didn't expect that the curse of the Sanyashiki clan was ended by your own hands. "

Zhushi also has its own intelligence network,

She had also heard a little about the Ghost Slayer team.

But I didn't expect that the rumored person who solved the curse, (read the violent novel, and go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

It's actually Rien in front of you!

After a moment's hesitation, she pulled out a vial of potion.

"Mr. Lane, I have an idea......"


【Oni Bloodline Suppressant Potion (Unfinished)】[]

Level +: C

+ Fruit: After use, it can greatly suppress the cannibalistic impulse in the Ghost Clan's bloodline, and gradually reduce the Ghost Clan's bloodline power

+ Statement: "When you are in the abyss, don't forget the color of the sun - the pearl world"


Although it is a C-rank item.

But if you let Lane classify it.

It's kind of a "quest item".

The effect is very singular and highly targeted.

Other than that, there is no use for eggs.

Still, it was exactly what he needed.

"You mean, you want to use this potion, combined with my bloodline stripping technology, to completely turn the ghost back into a human, right?"

Lai En summed up Zhu Shi's thoughts.

"Hmm. "

Zhu Shi nodded slightly.

On the delicate face, there is a bright expectation.

"This bottle of potion works best. "

"It's just weakening the demon's bloodline to my level. "

"But if you add your strength. "

"Maybe we'll be able to do the rest!"

At the same time, a long-lost mission prompt appeared in front of Lee's eyes.

There are no side quests, only bounty objectives

The world of Demon Slayer is particularly conspicuous.


[Personal Mission: Glory of Humanity]

+ Seek: Zhushi Opinion 70

+Degree: C+

+ Mark: Bring back at least 2 copies of ".Ghost King's Essence Blood" to help Zhu Shi complete the rest of his research

+ Li: 15,000 reincarnation points, followers - Zhu Shi


"It turns out that before I knew it, Zhu Shi's favorability had been so high. "

Dawn was slightly surprised by this,

He never deliberately brushed his favorability,

It's just that this time because of the stimulation of a certain stinky ghost,

With the mind-reading effect of "no inhibited eyes",

deliberately brushed the favorability of the Bo Zhu world.

I didn't expect to brush out the personal task directly.

"Yes. "

Lane had no reason to refuse.

However, he had an idea that he had to make it happen no matter what.

"Miss Zhushi, I need a target for experimentation. "

"What do you think of Yushiro?"

"Eh, Yushiro, that kid......"

Zhu Shi was stunned for a moment, but quickly fell into a state of thought.

"It's true that his symptoms are just as mild as mine. "

"And it doesn't take long to become a ghost. "

"As long as you continue to take the suppression potion, the ghost bloodline will soon be suppressed by the human side. "

"If he can turn back into a human, I can rest assured......"

Hearing Zhu Shi's self-talk, Li En chuckled.

Yushiro doesn't care about the difference between humans and ghosts.

He just wants to stay by Zhu Shi's side wholeheartedly.

But...... Zhu Shi is a rare research-type follower.

Lane will certainly not let it go.

This kind of guy who can cause trouble,

It's better to solve it as soon as possible.

"Then it's decided, and the next time I come, I'll perform a vein stripping operation on him. "

Rien smiled and glanced at his friends list.

"Is Mr. Lane leaving?"

Zhu Shi said with some reluctance.

"Well, remember to give Yushiro a suppressant during this time. "

For some reason, a strange scene suddenly popped into Lee's mind.

Dalang, it's time to drink the medicine.jpg

The reason why I am in a hurry to leave,

It's because just now,

Lai received a rare message from a friend.

The news from Greine instantly made him lift his spirit.

[Grain: The time for the Infinite Train campaign is coming soon, and there are already a lot of players, do you want to come?]

To this, Li En immediately responded.

"Leave me a spot, I'll be there shortly!"


(Tomorrow will resume 4, at the beginning of the month, the data of flowers and monthly passes will be cleared, and everyone will vote for flowers and votes at that time~).

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