Thermostatic furnace.

This is a special gift prepared by Lane to deal with the "Ice Ghost".

The blood ghost technique of the second "child mill" of the upper wind,

is to attach their own blood to the ice,

As a result, a variety of ice forms are formed.

For example, lotus, maiden, ice mist, and so on.

If you inhale ice crystals mixed with ghost blood,

The power contained in it can also constantly destroy the lungs,

Leads to a constant loss of physical strength and life.

The premise of all this is...... There is the presence of "ice".

The melting point of ice is 0.

Then as long as the "heat" in the combat area is controlled to a certain extent.

so that the temperature cannot drop below 0,

to stop the formation of ice.

The Constant Temperature Furnace was born.

Its predecessor was actually the period of the "Nine School Wars",

When Shizuku participates in the [Precision Shooting] event,

The technique developed by Li En - "Kinetic Aerial Mine".

This procedure can select an area.

When a target enters the surgical area, lock on,

and trigger the corresponding attack to destroy the target.

Now it's just a matter of expanding the scope,

Connected by a network of hundreds of spell-casting units,

Enough to envelop the headquarters of the entire Cult of Elysium!

It's not an attack that triggers.

Rather, it is the "release" spell that comes with the cast unit.

As long as you perceive that there is ice condensing in the area,

This releases heat and prevents the formation of ice.

This is also the reason why Tong Mo was unable to release the Ice Blood Demon Technique.

Before he melted his own blood into the ice,

The condensed ice crystals have melted!

Of course, just like the "Nine Schools War",

There is a small Shizuku operation "active aerial mine",

The Thermostatic Furnace also has a manipulator - Iruri.

Iruri's magic circuit is the "Ice Mirror",

It's not just about making ice and snow,

Rather, it is similar to the principle of [thermostatic furnace],

All of them have the effect of releasing and absorbing heat to cause extreme cold!

Therefore, as the master of this technique, it is very suitable!

"Do you think that if you lose your blood ghost technique, you will be slaughtered by others in the first quarter of the ghost moon?"

Tong Mo's voice is still soft,

But between the words, it has lost its original elegance.

Instead, there is a kind of coldness that seeps into the bone marrow.

In Lane's vision,

After the successful implementation of the [constant temperature furnace],

The other side's reaction is nothing more than two kinds.

The first is to run away,

Don't fight in an environment that is unfavorable to you.

This reaction is the safest, but it is unlikely to happen to the winding Ghost Moon.

The second is to keep fighting.

Take advantage of the strong attribute of the upper chord and crush it directly with melee combat.

Obviously, Tong Mo's reaction is the second.

This made Rien breathe a sigh of relief.

If the other party wants to escape, it may not be able to stop it by night alone.

However, if Tong Mo insists on fighting......

After losing the threat of blood magic.

Lane also has a very reliable combat power here.

"Tong Mo!"

Butterfly Shinobu has changed back into the ghost slayer uniform that is convenient for fighting,

The Hinawa knife in his hand danced a series of stabs,

Piercing out one after another towards the location of the second of the upper strings!

- Dragonfly Dance - Compound Eye Hexagon!

"Oh, don't let the food run to the table on its own. "

Facing the attack of the butterfly ninja, Tong Mo said lightly.

In the wrist strength ranking of all columns, the strength of Butterfly Shinobi ranks first from the bottom.

The strength of the sword swing is the weakest, and even the neck of an ordinary ghost cannot be cut.

"I'm afraid that this level of attack will even go down...... Huh?"

As if in disbelief, Tong Mo suddenly interrupted his previous evaluation,

The body of the butterfly ninja is like a fluttering butterfly,

I don't know when it flew behind him.

And on Tong Mo's body, there were 6 extremely terrifying blood holes!

As if directly penetrated by a piledriver, these wounds were shattered!

And because of the characteristics of the Nichiren knife, the wound cannot be healed,

The intense pain made Tong Mo frown slightly,

He rarely felt an emotion called "surprise".

"Your weapon ......"

Ignoring the wounds on his body that were pouring blood,

Look at the Hinawa knife in the hand of the butterfly ninja.

The Worm Pillar's Wheel Knife Because of the fighting style,

It is a special thin blade with a hollow inside,

Toxins can be injected into the oni's body when attacking.

However, from the attack just now, Tong Mo did not feel any toxin.

This weak woman, actually just by virtue of her sword skills,

He was extremely traumatized!

"It seems that the weapon that Lord Lane modified for me is very effective. "

Seeing this, Butterfly Shinobu smiled lightly,

The body is dancing towards the child!

In the process of the thrust, accompanied by a piercing buzz!

Tong Mo finally saw the weapon in the opponent's hand clearly,

What kind of changes have occurred......


Ultra-high frequency vibrations with extremely high frequencies and enough vibrations to make people's ears ring!

- High-frequency blades!

The moment you realize this,

Tong Mo's body was once again pierced with a fist-sized blood hole.

Although Shinobi's wrist strength is very weak, its downward pressure and thrust are very strong.

Combined with the "high-frequency blade" technique, which can greatly enhance the penetration and cutting efficiency of weapons,

It's completely possible to pose a threat to the Quarter Ghost Moon without toxins!

"It seems that you have prepared a lot of means to deal with me. "

How could Tong Mo not know now,

It was a trap set specifically for him.

Even his own blood demon magic characteristics were used,

It was directly "sealed" by some special mysterious means!

"Thank you for racking your brains and letting me fall into this trap. "

"The next time I see you...... I'll enjoy your brains. "

Tong Mo no longer loves to fight, and gallops straight towards the edge of the battlefield. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

If his blood magic can still be used,

You can escape the scene directly with the help of the power of ice crystals.

It's a pity that in this area, his blood ghost magic has been targeted at the root.

Therefore, you can only break through with the explosive power of your physical body.

"Did you forget that there were other enemies?"

Li En's voice followed Tong Mo like a shadow,

A figure faster than him rushed out directly from the side,

Stop Tong Mo who is trying to escape!

"Don't want to leave!"

Ye Ye was blessed with a series of buff states,

The light of the mechanical power burned brightly, extremely dazzling,

The huge force instantly knocked Tong Mo back to the center of the battlefield!

The long-awaited butterfly ninja condensed the strength of his whole body and stabbed a fatal blow with incomparably accurate stabs!

- The Dance of the Bee Fangs is beautiful!

This knife pierced directly into Tong Mo's left eye engraved with "upper winding",

The high-frequency blade directly smashed half of his cheek,

A large amount of blood gushed out, mixed with a yellow-white pulp-like substance.

"Hehehe...... Can push me to this point. "

"A human named Riene, I remember you!"

Even so, Tong Mo still has an extremely large vitality.

The wound that had been stabbed by the Hinawa knife had gradually healed.

He had a half-open head, and his speed exploded!

The goal this time...... It's Lane!

Tong Mo has seen that the core of this battle,

It's not a night with strange powers,

It's not a butterfly ninja with a flexible body and ruthless swordsmanship.

It's Lee, who has laid out the whole big picture from the beginning!

As long as you can kill him,

This trap and cage will be self-defeating!

However, in the face of Tong Mo's attack,

As if Rien had expected it,

"This is the second step, throwing yourself into the net. "

He whispered.

Then spread out his palms and dodged the golden fan waved by Tong Mo sideways,

The technique attached to the mechanical glove explodes instantly!

- Technique - Gravitational Cage!

The sudden agitation of gravity made Tong Mo's body lose balance in an instant.

Then he was pushed to the ground by Lane!

[Nine-Stream Fighting - Grap: Make all your melee attacks have a grappling decision based on the strength stat]


[A confrontation of forces is underway...... Defeat in the confrontation!]

"Night, come and help me!"

Rien roared under his breath, he had used all his strength!

Even so, his strength attribute is only 100 points of the D-rank limit.

Even if there is a bonus to the [Wrist Breaking] trait that comes with the breakthrough.

The maximum strength confrontation is only 110 points.

And the basic strength of Tong Mo has 120,

Even though he's a mage-type enemy.

Tong Mo seems to realize that something dangerous is about to happen.

began to struggle desperately,

Narrowly escaped Ryne's grasp.

Fortunately, he came in time and directly pressed Tong Mo's head to the floor.

Lane breathed a sigh of relief,

Throw out a few pieces of highly compressed metal,

- Zero Spawn - Floating Cannon Array!

These float guns are loaded with bullets that are not conventional anti-personnel munitions.

But...... Genetic defects induce bombs!

"The third step is to roast slowly. "

Dawn snapped his fingers,

The floating cannons are firing in unison!

He is not worried about the inducing effect of repeatedly triggering genetic defects.

This leads to waste.

Because the state of [Gene Defect] will be superimposed.

The more you stack, the higher your negative status!

And [fear of the sun] is a lethal defect.

Therefore, the higher the number of layers, the more [genetic defects],

The higher the damage and pain caused to Tong Mo!

Unlike the pain caused by the previous attack.

Like a flame like the sun,

The moment it ignites on the body of the ghost,

Tong Mo let out an extremely painful scream!

Junxiu's face is constantly distorted by the intense pain!

The flesh and blood on the body are repeated in a cycle of ablation and regeneration!

Instead, it prolonged his pain even more!

With a whopping 330,000 HP, that's enough to make him miserable for hours!

Under the action of [genetic defects],

Not only is he unable to regenerate life,

And you will continue to lose HP based on your regenerated health!

"Miss Shinobi, I'll take care of the rest. "

Dawn glanced at the copy book.

Then he said to Butterfly Shinobi.

"I promised you to kill Tong Mo with your own hands. "

Shinobi looked at Tong Mo, whose body had been burned by the fire of the sun, with a complicated expression.

Then bow to Lane and salute it.

"Thank you, Excellency. "

Actually, even if you don't have to bring it up with Butterfly Shinobi.

Rien will also try to get her to kill Tong Mo.

Because in the Copy Pokédex,

The child mill has a special drop.

Only when he is killed by the Worm Pillar-Butterfly Shinobi himself.

will produce the perfect drop loot chest!.

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