The next day, Lai received information about the "Eternal Blissful Teaching."

But he didn't rush into action.

The preparations are not over.

An enemy of the level of "Winding II",

It can be said that Li En has encountered the strongest enemy so far!

C+'s terrifying strength, at least in terms of attributes, Li En does not have any advantage.

So, he needs to get some boost from other directions.

From the [Loot Chest of the Lower String Army],

Except for the "Blood of the Ghost King".

Rien also opened two other props.

They are [Spider Ghost's Silk Robe]

and [Filament Imbued with Ghost Blood]

The former is a C-level piece of equipment,

The latter is a C-class material prop.


【Spider Ghost's Silk Robe】

Level +: C

+ Seek: Intelligence 85, Constitution 50

+Resistance: +25 Physical Resistance, +75 Mystic Resistance

+ Effect - Tenacity Defense: Reduces slash and puncture damage by 25%, up to a maximum of 250 points at a time

+ Effect - Coagulated Web: Consumes 100 HP to condense into a sharp web with high viscosity and toughness

+ Note: "The bonds that are forcibly connected will fall apart in an instant"


980 Frankly, the special effects of this piece of equipment are actually not very good.

Because it's all about consuming health,

or a special effect that only triggers when taking damage.

But at least the basic attributes of C-tier equipment are there.

Up to 25 Physical Resistance, and 75 Mystic Resistance,

It was enough to make Lane's blank defensive surface improve somewhat.

You have to know the D-class ghost slayer uniform,

It only has 30 physical resistances.

"However, I have a self-healing technique, so I don't have to worry about the consumption of the [Blood Condensation Net]. "

Dawn had changed into a silk robe.

Replace the original equipped "Nine School Battles Special Magician Technician Conquest".

D-class equipment is now a little too difficult to keep up with the difficulty of the battles he faces.

For example, I got it from the "Karakuri Girl" dungeon before

"The Ogre's Hooded Shawl".

At most, it can only devour D-rank skills.

Facing a C+ strong enemy like "Second String".

Basically, it is about the same as no effect.

In addition to the spoils of their own harvest,

Rien also took the time to redeem the bounty order for killing the "Lower String Troops" for resources.

[You submitted a bounty token for "Tired of the Lower Strings"]

[You have gained 150,000 reincarnation points, 15,000 ghost slayer reputation, 15,000 ghost slayer merits, 150 attribute points, 150 skill points]

[Your Ghost Slayer Squad Rank has been raised to Level 1 (A)!]

[You have unlocked the Ghost Slayer faction's superlative supply shop!]


Look at the reputation level that is instantly filled.

and a re-enlarged points balance.

Li En suddenly felt a sour feeling in his heart!

Although he has many auxiliary functions,

But if you don't have points, you won't be able to use supports such as conquest and playing.

So although he earns a lot, he also spends a lot.

"Complete the [Reversal of Fate] achievement, there are still 1 million points, but it's not time to ...... yet"

Rien clears all the hints and opens the Demon Slayer faction shop.

Previously, he was only ranked 8 in the team.

You can only view redemptions that are relatively basic.

Now he has reached the theoretical top rank.

Further up is the status of the "pillar" level.

Before the existing nine "pillars" were not killed,

It is estimated that there will be no vacancies.

【You have opened the Demon Slayer faction shop】

[Current Squad Level: 1 (Maximum)]

[Current Available Merit: 150,100]

[The redemption table is as follows......]

Rien glanced at it roughly.

In addition to the five basic breathing techniques that have already been seen,

Outside the ghost slayer uniform, the Nichiren sword.

There were also a lot of extra supplies.


[Inferior Grade-Butterfly Wound Medicine] (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Level +: E

+ Fruit: Apply to the wound area to speed up healing, regenerate 1 health per second for 10 minutes

+ Note: A low-grade wound medicine from the "Butterfly House", which is a common supply for the swordsmen of the Demon Slayer Team

+ grid: 10 meritorious service/copy, limited to 20 copies

...... []

In addition to the "lower grade" wound medicine, there are also more advanced "medium grade", "upper grade (BGCH)", and "good product"

Corresponding to E+. D, D+ grade wound medicine.

And Li En, as a level 1 team member, can exchange for C-level "secret medicine".


【Butterfly's Secret Elixir】

Level +: C

+ Fruit: When taken directly, it can instantly restore (500+200% of the constitution attributes) of health

+ Note: The owner of the "Butterfly House", the secret medicine specially made by the "Worm Pillar" Butterfly Ninja, is generally only qualified to be used by pillar-level swordsmen

+ grid: 100 merits/copy, limited to 10 copies


Rien's current constitution attribute is 110 points

100 base values of self,

In addition, [Edgeworth Angel's Madness] has increased its constitution attribute by 10 points.

It has reached the attribute level of a C-level player.

But because there is no bloodline power.

His health conversion is still 1:10

That's 1100 life.

If you take this secret medicine, you can directly restore 720 HP!

At the critical moment, a life can be saved directly!

Unfortunately, you can only redeem a maximum of 10 copies.

Li En directly threw out 1000 meritorious deeds,

Empty all the shares of the secret potions you can exchange.

"I don't know if Butterfly Shinobi has many secret medicines there. "

"When the time comes, you can ask for some from her openly. "

With that in mind, Rien continued to scroll down the redemption list.

Among the remaining exchange goods, many of them are standard for pillar-level swordsmen.

For example, the C-class Hinawa knife engraved with the words "Slash the ghost and destroy the dead".

Only "pillar" level swordsmen are eligible to wear the haori.

Similar to the "Ogre's Hooded Shawl",

Haori is also an incidental piece of equipment draped over the breastplate equipment.

Therefore, it can be used in conjunction with the "Silk Robe".


【Pillar no Haori】

Level +: C

+ Seek: Strength 75, Dexterity 50, Demon Slayer faction, Squad Rank 3

+Nature: +10% movement speed, -20% stamina cost

+ Effect-Endless: Reduces physical exertion by an additional 30% when running the Breathing Method

+ Effect - Demon Slayer's Edge: Deals 20% more melee damage to units of the evil faction

+ Note: Faction and reputation requirements will disappear when leaving the quest world

+ grid: 2000 meritorious service/piece, limited to 1


"The attributes are good, but unfortunately there is no special effect that I can use. "

Shaking his head, Rien draped Haori over his body.

The special effects didn't have much effect, though.

However, there are at least +10% movement speed and -20% stamina cost that can be used at the base stats.

In addition to this, there are special breathing techniques used by all pillars in the Merit Shop.

For example, Butterfly Shinobi's "Insect Breath",

"Breath of Sound", "Breath of Kasumi" and so on.

The redemption price for each copy is a flat 2000 points, and the purchase limit is limited to 1.

Rien wanted to redeem every breath,

But when you see the last redemption option,

The movements in his hand suddenly stopped.


【Accessibility Plug-in-Copy Illustrated Book】

+ Fruit: Add a resident keyword fix "Wasteland" to your Dungeon Bestiary function

+ grid: 10,000 merits, limited to 1


(At the end of the month, take a little rest, these days 3 more, resume on the 1st of next month).

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