"Sure enough, there are players from the opposing camp!"

Gray's face changed when he saw the dark elf that suddenly appeared behind him!

At this critical moment of the battle of the chiefs,

Suddenly, an assassin came and gave him a second in the back row.

This is definitely a fatal moment that can be called a team annihilation engine!

At the same time, the tiredness of falling to the ground has also recovered,

Regain control of the spider silk in your hands and attack!

For a time, Grace and Ansenas could only defend in vain,

Unable to make the slightest effective attack, his stamina is wasted.

What's more, there is another hidden nearby,

Dark elven assassins lurking in the shadows!

"Huh...... Try to struggle in despair, pathetic fellows. "

Trivante looked at the battlefield in front of him with proud eyes.

It's like admiring a masterpiece that you can be proud of.

His favorite thing is to be at a critical moment,

Hit the enemy's most important "gear".

Then sit aside and watch the whole team gradually crumble due to a fatal "glitch".

He called this kind of behavior his "art of assassination".

Unlike those cold-blooded executioners who only kill.

Trevante thinks he's the real "killer".

It doesn't need to get too much blood.

It's like a domino, with a gentle push at the right time.

can cause a chain reaction of destruction.

It's like this scene.

If you let him face himself against 3 rival faction reincarnation players of the same level.

He also didn't have the confidence that he could retreat under the joint pursuit of these three people.

But if the other party thinks that no one is disturbing,

Quietly take out the only Intel player on their team who has the potential to find themselves.

Then next, he can watch a good show,

While collecting the corpses of the remaining orcs and nature elves.

Trivante's idea is good.

Everything was executing according to his plan.

The execution was perfect...... Or rather, something went too far.

Cui Fante, who suddenly realized this, suddenly stopped the movement in his hand.

A trace of cold sweat oozed from his forehead.

"What's going on, this indescribable sense of disobedience ......"

He looked at his hands,

He glanced at Greine and Ansenas, who were struggling with each other.

I finally remembered when the first disobedience occurred.

"10 kills...... Killing 1 player only has 1 kill point, how can there be 10 points?!"

"I was deceived! I didn't kill that human at all!"

It was at the moment when Trivante realized this.

The world before him suddenly shattered like a mirror.

"Well, I knew the problem was going to be with this mistake. "

A voice full of regret came from the side.

"Then again, why would you set it to 10 kills?"

Grayn asked, a little puzzled.

“...... I mistakenly hit an extra 0. "

"Understandable. "

Ansenas nodded, then raised her hand to Trivante.

"He seems to have recovered, and he continues to watch the fight?"

"No need. "

Rien clapped his hands, generating a row of floating cannons,

"There's only one enemy left, just go all out. "


What's going on?

Didn't that human be killed by himself?

Why do you still live with laughter?

Aren't that orcs, and nature elves, fighting the Lower String Army?!

How did you run to the edge of the battlefield in an instant?!

Who was the person I saw before that fighting against the Lower Quarter Ghost Moon......

In an instant, a large number of doubts flooded into Cui Fante's mind.

But immediately it was covered by a strong pain in the chest!

His eyes widened and he looked down at his chest.

Sharp spider silks, frantically cutting and churning in his body.


When he saw the angry gaze of the lower quarter ghost moon looking at him,

only to react.

The one who had been fighting him just now...... It's yourself.

- [Simulated Technique: Demon Eye.Change]!

In the past, [Magic Eye] used the high-frequency flicker of light for hypnosis.

This alters the subject's previous memories.

After the improvement of the [Demon Eye] by Li En, the principle has not changed.

But after slightly changing the vibrational frequency of the light.

The effect is still hypnosis, but it is a tampering with the memory of the "now"!

In other words, let the hypnotized person experience a false memory in real time!

Actually, Riene, who owns the copy map,

How could it be impossible to spot players from the opposing faction so closely.

The moment he found Trivante, this battle plan came to his mind.

The next development was as smooth as he thought.

The only flaw is ......

When he imitated a false hint of reincarnation space,

Accidentally set the kill value to 10 according to his own criteria......

By the time he found out and wanted to change it, it was too late.

"It lasted about 5 minutes, and it was okay. "

Li En greeted the dying Cui Fan.

"Thank you for tricking out all the skills of the Understrings. "

"Otherwise, we really don't know what to do. "

The spider ghost was "tired" and coldly threw Cui Fante's body aside,

The blood-stained spider silk wriggled again,

- Blood Demon ......

"The operation is dissolved. "

[A clash of wills is underway!]

[The confrontation of wills is successful!]

[The skill being cast by the target has been canceled!]

"Well done!"

Gran let out an earth-shattering roar,

It is as if there is a resonance with the ancient ancestors.

The next moment, the soles of his feet erupted with scorching light flames, which accelerated instantly!

Bang –

It's almost too late to react, (read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"Tired" was shot away by the lion warrior who shot out like a rocket!

But not long after flying out, it was like hitting a protective net.

Speed plummets!

"You ...... Damn it!"

"Tired" landed on the cobwebs he generated,[]

was originally a pretty handsome young face,

Now twisted by extreme anger,

Showing the fangs of a demon!

He focused all his strength on the cobwebs beside him,

In a few breaths, a whirlpool of spider silk is weaved!

Sharp spider silk cuts through trees and land.

Like a meat grinder, it came towards Li En and the others!

- Blood Demon Technique - Carved Thread Rotation!


Lane let out a low snort, and the silver-haired puppet girl immediately drove the magic circuit with all her might.

A bitter cold wind howled, instantly condensing a layer of frost to the high-speed spinning spider silk.

The speed of the "whirlpool" suddenly slowed down,

Seeing this, Ansenas immediately found the right time,

Shoot out a few sword qi flashing with thunder light towards the cobweb!


The paralyzing electric current instantly spreads along the cobwebs to the "tired" arms,

He had to give up his grip on the cobwebs!

The next moment, Lane's floating cannons opened fire in unison!

[Magnetic Storm Crown]!

Several additional damages of nearly two thousand points surfaced one after another,

Explosive terrifying blood holes in the body of the lower string warriors!

Bullets rained down so that "tired" had to give up the attack,

Instead, the cobwebs coalesce into a wall that blocks bullets.

However, in the next second, he was horrified to find that his body,

Suddenly, there was an aura that made him extremely frightened and frightened......

"Sunshine...... How is that possible?!"

"It's night now, why is there the power of the sun?!"

But that's just the way it is.

His skin melted away as quickly as melting ice cream,

The power is also constantly being lost,

Even if you have just been so seriously injured,

"Tired" also has the self-confidence to recover with the strong vitality of the Twelve Ghost Moon level.

However, in the face of the erosion of the sun's power,

There's nothing he can do about it!

Hmm...... Only 1 layer is stacked, which is worthy of a prop with a production efficiency of only 30%. "

Dawn watched the golden flames that suddenly burst out of the enemy's body, and silently recorded it in his heart.

This so-called "power of the sun",

In fact, it comes from the props he made using forbidden knowledge.


[Forbidden Creation: Trial-type Defective Gene Induced Bullet]

Level +: X (Taboo)

+ Fruit: When a target containing the same defective gene is hit, there is a 30% chance to induce the defect for 10 seconds

+ Song: 1 (approximately equal to none)

+ Note: "This is the shortcut left by the Creator - Dawn, the Herald of the Magi"


To make such a bullet, you need a defective gene extracted from the ghost.

And in order not to break the container containing the genes during the launch,

Many specialty materials are also needed.

Finally, leave the bullet in the sun for several hours,

It's completely finished.

Because it's only the first generation of products,

So the "inducing bullet" in Lien's hand is considered to hit the target,

There is only a 30% chance of triggering.

If it doesn't work out,

A rough estimate is to lose at least about 1,000 points.

Not counting labor costs and time.

Just that round of floating cannon fire,

Half of them are [trial type gene defects induced bullets]

It is equivalent to directly playing out 5000 reincarnation points.

As a result, the effect of only one round of ammunition was applied.

However, once it succeeds in inducing the genetic defect of "fear of sunlight" in the ghost......

There will be a "tired" appearance of the body.

The bloodline that is a "ghost" will automatically react,

It's like it's really sunshine, and it's beginning to melt!

"This effect only lasts for 10 seconds, set him on fire!"

No need to be reminded by Lane,

Ansenas and Greine were already swarmed with their weapons.

Even used to guard against other reincarnation players night after night,

It also joined the ranks of the water dogs as a combat force

In this state, "tired" health will not regenerate!

Eventually, a hideous skull condensed out of thin air from behind the Lower String Force.




Spider Mountain foothills.

Water Column - Tomioka Yoshiyoshi suddenly stopped.

The butterfly ninja who was following him also raised his head slightly,

The dark clouds suddenly dispersed, and the bright moonlight fell on the earth.

It is to make this famous murderous place,

A little more calm and tranquil.

"The breath of the Ghost Moon...... Gone. "

The water column muttered to himself,

"Someone killed the Twelve Ghost Moons before us?"

Stretched behind the two "pillars",

It is the members of the rescue operation.

One of the human swordsmen suddenly looked startled.

Because he's a reincarnation player.

Just now, a copy announcement suddenly popped up automatically in front of his eyes.

[Dungeon Notice: The Ghost Clan Faction Battle Target "Lower String Warrior - Tired" has been killed!]

[Quest Notice: Human Camp Reincarnation Players Complete the First Kill of the Campaign!Get Special Rewards!].

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