
[Quest Code: Demon Slayer]

[Difficulty: D+.]

[Players: 200]

[Mode: Faction Confrontation/Campaign Mode]

[Duration: 60 days]

[Note: This quest will have an alien player!]


"Demon Slayer...... How is this copy?"

Rien looked at the information of the copy world that popped up, crying and laughing.

If you have to say whether you can produce bloodline items......

The bloodline power of this world is really easy to obtain.

It's a pity that the negative effect is too strong.

Once transformed into a bloodline called a "ghost".

You can't get in touch with sunlight.

Even if it's just for a moment,

will be wiped out directly.

The flaw is so obvious and serious in the strength of the lineage,

Naturally, it was not in Lane's consideration.

And this bloodline doesn't quite fit his combat system.

"Forget it, this realm should be regarded as accumulating resources. "

Rien glanced at the other accessibility features.

Since it's this world, he doesn't play a role.

Because in the role of "Demon Slayer", there is no ability or identity that he needs.

In contrast, a swordsman or other melee type player,

You might prefer things like the "ninety-nine-three" breathing method.

After all, to play a role once, you need at least 100,000 reincarnation points.

Elion's poor net worth that is now shy in his pocket...... Forget it.

"However, at least this dungeon world has enough [materials]. "

Dawn glanced at a skill in the skill bar, and suddenly made a decision in his mind.

As the countdown to the quest ends,

The familiar sensation of teleportation dizziness came.

Lane saw a flower in front of him, and came to a pitch-black environment.

He casually released several floating cannons equipped with lighting modules and lit them up.

At the same time, the main quest is also officially launched in front of his eyes.


[Main Quest: Slay the Ghosts]

+degree: D+

+ Mark: Killing the hostile units of the "Ghost Clan" camp will receive "Ghost Killing Merit" and reputation, and the accumulated merits can be used to increase the level of the team members in the Ghost Slayer Team, and exchange for various supplies such as materials and props.

+ Reward: The main quest opens the ranked mode, and at the end of the dungeon, the top three reincarnation players will have special rewards

+ Note: This quest can only be claimed by players from the "Terran" faction


"Although the name has been changed, it is actually a change of name for credits and winning points. "

Lane saw through the mechanics of the main quest at a glance.

Compared to the credits in the copy of "Demon Inferior".

The feats in Demon Slayer Blade are obviously obtained through more violent means.

Like what...... Slaughter.

"The world is full of ominousness. "

A voice came from behind Ryne.

He wasn't surprised.

Because bringing the other party into the copy was also an arrangement he made.

"The darkness around us, although very calm, is very dangerous. "

Nameless, dressed in a strong suit, walked up to Rien,

Glancing around warily.

"It's always right to be careful, the enemies of this world are weirder and more powerful than Kabane. "

Lane reached out and rubbed the spatial ring a few times.

From it, he released Yeye and Iruri.

It's not a follower, it's a puppet that is a "prop",

This is the only way to follow Lane into the dungeon world.

I don't know if it will improve after completing the awakening of divinity.

"Lord Lane, just ...... Is it another world?"

Iluri bowed to Riene,

Then he probed the surroundings with a reserved and curious gaze.

"Ah, there's a light over there, it looks like there's a village or something. "

"Well, that's what we're going to do next. "

Lane was also a little strange.

He doesn't see the side quest logo from the full-map perspective aid.

Isn't there a side quest in this dungeon world?

But near the direction indicated by Iruri.

A large "crosshair" symbol appears on the map.

It's a brand new map emblem that Lane has never seen before!

"Interesting...... Campaign mode, interracial players, and faction confrontation. "

"It looks like this dungeon world is going to be exciting. "

Lane took out an off-road vehicle directly from the space ring-

Anyway, his space props have unlimited capacity.

Not to mention cars, even if you put a spaceship in it, you can fit it.

Since owning [Four Leaves Technology],

Rien made all kinds of preparations.

With similar vehicles alone, he had more than a dozen in his ring.

Anyway, the assets of the other world don't have to be used in vain.

However, the larger the object, the slower it will be removed.

This off-road vehicle, Li En spent a full 1 minute.

before moving to this dungeon world.

[Detected that you are using an item that does not match the technological level of the world]

[If you want to use it normally, you need to attach the "cognitive blur" status]

[Additional fee is 1500 reincarnation points]

"Paid. "

Li En raised his eyebrows, and secretly said that this reincarnation space is really leaky.

1500 points is not much, though.

If he can unlock a convenient means of transportation, Li En will not mind spending this small amount of money.

"Let's get in the car...... Night and night, you go to the back, don't sit in the co-pilot. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Eh, Dawn is stingy!"

"Don't think I don't know what you want to do. "

Iruri looked at her sister and Rien with a smile on her daily bickering.

Nameless sat down next to Dawn as a matter of course.

Looking at the barren ground illuminated by the headlights, I don't know what to think. []

There is a saying that "looking at the mountain and running a dead horse".

Although I looked at the place where there were lights before, the distance was not far.

But under the speed of the off-road vehicle, it still took more than ten minutes to arrive.

However, the closer you get to the predetermined area.

The expressions on everyone's faces became more and more serious.

Because what I saw before was not a "light".

But...... Firelight.

"Help—who's going to save me!"

"Ah!! my legs !!"

"It's eating my arm...... Oh my God, what the hell am I doing wrong?!"

Screams mingled with sneering laughter,

In the light of the fire, a symphony of pathos is weaved.

At the moment of arrival in this village shrouded in flames.

A hint popped up in Lane's eyes.

【There are bounty nearby campaign objectives】

[Kill the campaign target and exchange it for great rewards!]

"......Campaign Objectives?"

"The reward thing is put aside first. "

Lane opened the car door.

"Iruri, I'll leave the fire to you. "

"Night, nameless, follow the previous tactics, act with me......."

Each of the three women responded differently.

"Yes, Lord Rien. "


"Roger. "

The temperature that had become hot from the fire was evacuated instantly.

Iruri stood in front of the firelight, waist-length silver hair without wind.

Her magic circuit is the Ice Mirror.

It is different from the [Vajra Force] of the night.

It's a pure mage-type magic circuit.

If you push it with all your might, you can even freeze a city gradually!

"What's going on?Who is interfering with Uncle Ben's good deeds?!"

A ghost with a bloody face and bits of flesh at the corners of his mouth frowned,

Throw the corpse of a villager who had eaten half of it in his hand on the ground.

He felt the smell of danger.

Little did he realize, though, that danger was coming so quickly.

Since transforming into a "ghost", he has been operating as a "hunter".

In his eyes, ordinary humans are nothing more than food that escapes.

Only those damned swordsmen of the Demon Slayer could threaten him.

"There shouldn't be a Ghost Slayer stronghold nearby......

The ghost is very shrewd, and knows that this is an area outside of the power of the ghost slayer,

will choose to appear with other members of the same kind and hunt villagers.

Suddenly, he saw a young man in a strange costume walking towards him.

"Well, it looks like you're the target of the campaign. "

His mouth was speaking words that the ghost couldn't understand.

However, it doesn't matter if you understand it or not.

Anyway, in the eyes of the ghost, the last words of "food" are not important.

He had heard the voices of mothers willing to sacrifice their flesh and blood and beg him to spare their children.

I have also heard countless frightened and frightened cries and sorrows.

There are also bold words that support courage and challenge themselves.

In the end, these people became part of his flesh and blood.

"Food delivered to the door, hehehe......"

The ghost shook the blood on his arm, and his body suddenly accelerated!

After becoming a "ghost", he gained extremely powerful strength and speed.

There is also a terrifying re-4.1 life ability!


The ghost seems to have foreseen the blood splattering,

The warm touch of teeth biting at each other's flesh.

"A low-level creature like a human should honestly become our food!"


A cold snort full of disdain,

Let the ghost's heart tremble suddenly.

"What nonsense are you talking about. "

Dawn raised his right hand,

A pair of mechanical gloves with a metallic luster and a sense of science and technology shimmered dazzlingly.

It seems that even the space is twisting around this pair of gloves!

- Gravity Technique: Gravitational Cage!

This is one of the two functional modules that Dawn has equipped for his "hive".

Deal with this kind of enemy who wants to get close to him urgently......

One catch, one accurate.

The ghost only felt that the world was spinning.

It's like I'm plunged headlong into a whirlpool at the bottom of the ocean.

The body is firmly held in place by the huge suction, and it can't move!

Bang –

The ghost's head exploded straight open.

The last words he heard before he died.

It was Dawn's bland sarcasm.

"Unlike a clash like you, who can only hide in the dark......"

"Humans are a great race that can live in the sun. "。

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