Same luxury hotel, same place.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the time has come. "

Casino owners are once again in the hall.

It's only been a few days since the last meeting.

But under the coercion of the [Yagi Society],

These people are also living like years.

"The rookie battle has begun, and those of us who are ambushed inside the official competition can do it. "

"Slow, can't mess around, what is the ranking of each school now?"

One of the more cautious casino owners asked.

"The first high and the third high are equally equal, and at present, the first high has a slight advantage. "

Another casino owner replied confidently.

"In this case, it is best for us to manipulate the score of the game!"

"Although Ichigao has a few hopes of defending the title. "

"But actually, their official members were injured by the shadows I arranged a few days ago. "

"In the last two days of the [Fantasy Stars] project, they will definitely miss the chess game and lose regrettably!"

"At that time, we will have a huge amount of gambling money!"

"Not only can you feed those hungry wolves in the Yaqi Society, but you can also make a lot of money!"

All casino owners are excited about this development.

"Ahem, let me say a few words. "

The old man of great prestige coughed lightly.

"The situation is very favorable for us. "

"But the rookie game can't be taken lightly either. "

"The internal response that has been arranged, it should be dispatched. "

"We have to make sure that the score is in our hands, and nothing goes wrong!"


The points for the rookie game were halved though.

But for the schools that are aiming for the overall championship of the nine-school battle.

Still very important.

And for the first-year students who participated in the competition.

It's a one-of-a-kind honor to be able to win the rookie fight.

Therefore, the motivation to prepare is not inferior to that of the official competition.

"Hmm...... Perfect, more comfortable than your own. "

Shizuku took over the C.A.D. for the game that had been adjusted by Rien, and commented.

Her expression and tone were emotionless, but she didn't lie.

On the contrary, sometimes they speak surprisingly.

Like now.

"Li En, are you really unwilling to accept my offer?"

"You were still joking before the game and it seemed like you were in perfect shape. "

"No kidding. "

Rien knew of course that Shizuku's words were true.

She is not from the "Containing Family".

But she was born in a wealthy business family, and her father was a well-known 270 industrial family.

Shizuku inherited his mother's talent as a magician, but he also has the right to inherit the family property.

It can be said that even the young talents of the "Ten Divisions" are sought after by the rich daughters.

Although it is usually very low-key at school.

But sometimes, there will still be a competitive side.

For example, she has wanted to "buy" Li En more than a dozen times,

I want him to be my own magician.

In this regard, Li En did not refuse, nor did he agree.

"I've said it many times, it's not the time yet. "

"Understood. "

Shizuku nodded sensibly "as always".

But the mind hidden under the mask of the three-nil girl, no one can guess thoroughly.

"It's your time to play. "

Rien nudged at the petite silver-haired girl.

"Hmm. "

In the viewing area, the senior players who have temporarily suspended the official competition,

Finally, there was time to sit in the audience and watch the rookie game.

"Morley, isn't it okay if you don't lie down?"

Mayumi couldn't help but say in surprise when she saw her friend's figure.

"I'm not sick, as long as it's not intense exercise. "

Morley waved his hand indifferently.

"Also, I want to see how good that guy is an engineer in real combat. "

The women's competition in the rookie fight.

From magic selection to C.A.D. setting tuning,

to the strategy and execution of the game,

It was all left to Dawn.

I didn't pay attention to it before because of the competition.

But after being free, Mori and Mayumi found out.

What a heavy burden he placed on Riene's body.

"Yes, he only helped a little bit when I was competing. "

"There's something to look forward to the C.A.D. performance he's tuned from scratch. "

"If he performs well, he may be able to eliminate the barriers between other members of the contestants......"

"Eh, Mayumi, don't you know about this?"

Morley said in surprise.

"Recently, more and more contestants have come to Brother Li En to adjust the magic machine used in the competition. "

"There were even members from other schools – not tournament machines, of course, but private C.A.D. for personal use. "

Morry's revelations made Mayumi stunned.

Then he said with a smile.

"This guy is a bad guy in some ways. "

"But doesn't that affect the game? He's already had a lot of [BGDC] work. "

"That's reassuring. "

Morley nodded.

"This part of the [special service] will only be provided after the end of each day's game. "

"Special Services...... It always felt like he had become a waiter in some strange industry. "

"Mayumi, I'm going to tell Senior Brother Li En what I said just now, right?"

"Forget it, watch the game, watch the game!"


Rien stood in the resting area, watching Shizuku raise the rifle-shaped competition equipment.

In his field of vision, the initiation and operation of the technique were unobstructed.

It's like seeing where the water is flowing, and the whole vein is crystal clear.

"I haven't been moved, and it seems that the problem is really in the link of handing in the CAD for the competition. "

Lane thought silently in his heart.

According to the plot of the original work, Morry's injury was not a simple accident.

Rather, it is the result of deliberate manipulation.

That's why he personally comes to the field every game to debug the game equipment.

The whistle blew.

The signal lights are lit one by one.

At the moment when all the lights are on.

The target flies into the air at a speed that is beyond the naked eye.


It's like a mosquito that has landed on an electric mosquito swatter.

At the moment of entering the effective scoring zone.

The target in front of Shizuku shattered, as if it were exploding from within!

"Wow, it doesn't feel like it's [shooting], it's bombing. "

Erica, who was also sitting in the audience, let out a simple sigh.

Compared to the red-haired girl who doesn't pay much attention to the fineness of the technique.

The conversation on the other side is much more professional.

"Shizuku's specialty is vibrational magic, which can apply vibrational waves to solid objects to shatter targets. "

Honoka, as Shizuku's friend, naturally knows this.

"The question is how to do this without going beyond the effective scoring zone. "

If the range of the procedure is too large, the accuracy will be reduced.

If the range is too small, there will be missed targets.

"What's the name of this technique?"

On the other side, Morry and Mayumi are also having a discussion.

"It's not registered in the catalog, it should be a technique created by Li En. "

"For the sake of a competition project, did you actually write a new technique on the spot......

Mayumi said with emotion.

It doesn't seem to be something that high school students can do.

Since meeting Lane, there seems to be more such exaggerated things.

The game is over.

Like Mayumi, Shizuku won the first place by an overwhelming perfect score.

"Good work. "

Li En beckoned the bland girl over,

Take out a damp towel and wipe your sweaty cheeks.

"It's always a bit of a disappointment, it's a big gap from what I imagined. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Shizuku does think so.

She didn't expect that she, with the help of Rien,

It was so easy to achieve a perfect score that I couldn't have imagined before.

In the previous Nine School Battles, the target hit rate of the rookie battle was about 80% on average.

Her results can be said to have pushed the average several percentage points higher. []

But such a victory came...... It's so easy.

It's so easy that you don't feel any pressure.

Activate the technique, inject the mind, lock the spirit, and vibrate the blast.

A process takes less than 0.1 seconds.

Shizuku knows that she is not good at precision control, and she is even better at processing speed.

And the equipment that Li En adjusted for her just made up for this.

And she has prepared a technique that can give full play to her strengths.

As for the principle, Shizuku doesn't understand it.

But there is no need to understand.

Magic is a prop, and so is C.A.D.

Props are such things as long as they can be used freely.

Leave the matter to Lane to deal with.

"So, Ryne, aren't you really considering joining my family's business?"

"You can open the annual salary as much as you want, and Dad will agree. "

“...... Why did you suddenly come back to this topic again?"

The rookie battle got off to a good start and achieved very good results.

Even Mayumi, who has been frowning these days,

I couldn't help but keep patting Lane on the back.

"Senior Brother Li En did a good job, and the morale of the team was instantly high!"

"I think the highest rise is Sister Mayumi, right?"

After some fighting, Mayumi, who had calmed down, suddenly said.

"Just now, the technical staff of the association came to contact me. "

"The techniques used by the Kitayama school girls in the competition may be officially adopted and recorded in the [Catalog]. "

The official name of the Catalogue, which has already been mentioned before, will not be repeated.

In short, Mayumi means...... This is a "new type of magic" officially recognized by the Wizards' Guild.

This is one of the highest honors for almost all researchers who have worked on the development of modern magic.

"Well, let Shizuku take care of it. "

"The first user of this magic is her, and she has the right to name and register it. "

Lane didn't care much about this kind of false name.

And...... The next [Fantasy Star Picking] is the most important thing.

"However, this is the technique you developed......

Shizuku, with some uneasiness, walked over to Rien.

"It's a gift to celebrate your championship. "

Although without this technique, Shizuku may not have won the championship.

Such a causal relationship was left behind by Riene.

"Okay, okay, since Senior Brother Li En doesn't care, then this matter will pass~"

Mayumi grabbed the two of them and held them high.

"It's rare to have such good results recently, so I'll ask you next, Senior Brother Lien!"

"It's a matter of course. "

Needless to say.

Lai will also give his all to ensure that there are no problems in the game.

Over the next few days, the results of the rookie game were overwhelming.

Honoka's participation in the [wave board race],

and [icicle attack and defense] in which Suyuki and Shizuku participated.

All of them have won the first place in their respective projects.

Especially the final of [Icicle Attack and Defense].

It is a "civil war" between Shizuku and Fuyuki.

The winner, of course, ended up crushing in all directions with deep snow.

Shizuku is also rare to be lost for a long time under the comfort of Honoka.

After all, she takes the victory or defeat of competitive magic very seriously.


"The finals of the rookie competition of [Fantasy Star Picking] have finally reached this point in time. "

Look at the schedule of the game on the table.

A meaningful smile appeared on Riene's face.

[Fantasy Stars] is the event with the fewest matches in the Nine School Battles.

The fact that the winner is decided the first time does not mean that the burden on the players is light.

First of all, fifteen minutes for a session,

With a total of 3 quarters, it was the longest of all events.

With the breaks, the total game time can reach about an hour.

And the contestants must always maintain the floating and bouncing magic of the gravity system.

Continue to adjust your direction in the air and hit the ball of light with a special bat-shaped C.A.D to score points.

Therefore, it is also the only tournament that takes place at night.

Because sunlight can affect the visual effect of the photosphere.

"Honoka, it's already in the finals, you can use [that technique]. "

In the preparation room where she was about to appear, Rien said to the girl wearing the [Dance of the Elves].

"But...... Do you really want to use it?"

There was a hint of anticipation in Honoka's eyes, but she was a little nervous.

The next procedure she's going to use,

It is also a new technique developed by Li En......

And it has never appeared in this world.

Procedures that exist only in theory.

She wasn't worried about whether the procedure would cause a stir.

It's just that I subconsciously think that such an important technique shouldn't seem to allow myself to be the protagonist.

Compared with her, Shenxue-san, may be more suitable to stand on this stage.

"Believe in yourself. "

Rien stepped forward and reached out to gently stroke Honoka's hair.

"On the evening of the day, you will be better than all the contestants...... are more shining. "

"Hmm. "

Honoka's eyes narrowed.

She seemed to understand a little,

Why did Deep Snow indulge in Lien's touch.

The final was played under the stars after the sun had completely sunset.

Six young girls stood on the columns scattered in the lake as footholds.

Light clothing that accentuates the curves of the body is wonderfully not reverie.

The sparkling brilliance on the surface of the water creates a fantastic atmosphere.

So it's no wonder why there were so many male spectators at the scene.


The whistle blew.

The indicator light changes.

At the moment when the lights are fully lit.

The six contestants launched their own techniques -

or gravity-based [Floating]

Or the [Leap] of the mobile system

Five of them struggled to shorten the distance towards the ball of light in the air.

There was only a ray of light, rising like a new star.

It's not a one-way acceleration, it's not just floating......

Rather, it is a "flight" that can move freely in the air!

Flying magic!

In the magic of the gravity system, there is a theoretical problem that has not yet been realized!

Now, in the rookie game,

But someone used a technique that was exactly as well as the theoretical description!

"What's going on?!!, the freshman...... Are you a member of the first high school?"

"She's flying, she's not falling at all, gravity seems to have lost its effect on her!"

"This kind of competition is simply a stage for her alone!"

The news spread through the broadcast of the event in an instant.

At this moment, the whole world was shocked!


(Today's copy of "Demon Inferiority" will probably be over, probably).

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