"This player named Lee Tae-woong is actually a member of the competition?!"

When Li En saw the news, he was also stunned.

I didn't expect to poison Mayumi,

It's still a "one's own person"!

"According to his plan, Mayumi should have a symptomatic attack in this game......"

"So, he must have been watching nearby. "

Li En held his breath and expanded the [Elven Vision] to the maximum radius, entering a serious state.

It's not that he didn't pay attention to debugging Mayumi's equipment.

But after hearing about Lee Tae-woong.

He entered the mentality of being a "reincarnation player......

Unlike the aborigines who had to obey the social rules of the copy world in everything.

There is only one rule of conduct for reincarnated players.

Who dares to spoil my good deeds...... Kill!


The applause on the field sounded like thunder, and everyone cheered.

Mayumi stood in the middle of the court, like a painted model, unmoving.

But in fact, she is doing a lot of magic calculations all the time.

A half court divided by a net,

On Mayumi's side, all the balls that fell to their own court,

It changes direction in the air before landing.

At the moment of crossing the net, it will accelerate directly and eject like a bullet from the disembowel!

16 This is Mayumi's magical trait—or "special skill."

【Magic Catapult Shooter】

She stood there, but inviolable.

It is in stark contrast to Mayumi, who is as static and beautiful as a sculpture.

It is the enemy player who is in a hurry under the counterattack, but loses points because of it.

The moment the whistle blew at the end of the first round,

As the opponent of the contestants, they knelt on the court weakly.

The women's competition consists of 3 rounds of 3 minutes each, with a 3-minute intermission.

The record was like a one-sided domino, and it was a landslide victory.

"Hoo ......"

Mayumi breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

Although she seems to have a calm posture, she has an absolute advantage.

But her heart is not at peace.

When I thought of the side of the court, the eyes that stared at her.

Mayumi felt her heart beat faster and her breathing quickened.

As a direct member of the Ten Divisions, and is a "Seven Grass" family that is good at socializing.

Mayumi is used to the gaze of others looking at her.

As the "princess" of the family, she has been sensible since she was sensible.

It's been in the spotlight.

Whether it's a gaze of pure appreciation, or a gaze that hides the negativity of insidiousness and jealousy.

She's used to it like air.

Even if it's cast by the opposite sex, quietly looking at the skirt of the short skirt,

Or the sight of an open chest, she can also deal with it with a normal heart.

But only the sight of "that person" made her feel constrained.

It's not entirely tied, on the contrary, under Riene's gaze.

Mayumi, on the contrary, will give birth to a desire for expression.

The desire to show off your good side and get the appreciation of the other party......

It's like deep snow.

Mayumi was taken aback by the sudden thought in her mind.

Then, like a frightened rabbit, he looked at the rest of the court.

Lane didn't appear there.

This made her relax and at the same time a little lost.


"Damn, why did the corrupting disease on that woman suddenly disappear?!"

In the corridor of the stadium stands, a man wearing the uniform of a member of the "One High School" contestant looked puzzled and angry.

"If you fail the mission, you will have to pay a fine of at least 5000 points......"

"Damn, just look for a chance to kill that aboriginal named Mayumi!

"But this woman is a superb, you can be refreshed before you kill it......"

Suddenly, Lee Tae-woong's face changed, as if he sensed some kind of imminent danger.

He hurriedly activated a certain life-saving skill,

The next moment, his body was pierced by a sharp blade!

However, this "flying sword" did not hit the touch of an entity.

Lee Tae-woong's "corpse" suddenly collapsed loosely into a black mist in an instant!

"It seems to be a danger perception skill similar to [Crisis Reflex]? "

Rien's figure stepped out of the hallway's entrance.

He stared at the black mist, his expression unwavering.

Ten angelic swords that were exactly the same as just now appeared behind him, ready to attack!

In the vicinity of the crowded viewing platform, it is inconvenient for him to use a floating cannon with relatively large movements.

If you use the technique, you may be detected by the world's security system.

So...... This kind of pseudo-cold weapon attack is the safest. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


The black fog didn't last long, and even if Lee Tae-woong wanted to continue hiding, he couldn't do it.

"Is there a misunderstanding between us!?"

"I know you, you are also a member of the competition, we are in one camp, why do you want to kill each other?!"

Lee Tae-woong thinks Ri Eun has mistaken him for a player from the opposing faction. []

I don't know what he did to Mayumi before.

So now it's still trying to fool the past.

"Why do you inflict [Corrupting Disease] on Mayumi. "

Instead of questioning, Lane commanded in an irrefutable tone.

"Tell me what you've been asked to do, and who sent it to you. "

"Or else...... You're going to die ugly. "

Dawn had apparently set the fire on fire.

Mayumi is his intended follower,

And affecting a high performance in the game is tantamount to preventing Li En from qualifying.

The combination of the two reasons was enough to make him murderous!

"What are you talking about, I don't know-"

Lee Tae-woong still wants to quibble, but the words are not over yet.

I heard a sharp sound of breaking the air again!

He looked in disbelief at the silver-white sword that came out of his chest.

While his face was terrified, he gave birth to a vigorous anger!

"You're not dead?"

Lane raised his eyebrows, and he went down with the angelic sword.

At least more than 2,000 electromagnetic damage points are attached!

Who knew that the other party could still stare at him like a nobody.

However, after seeing the state of Lee Tae-woong.

He understood why his attack could be blocked by the other party.

[Voodoo Stand-in: Resist a deadly attack at the cost of abandoning some limbs and maximum health]

[Life preservation: 33%, loss of left hand and left eye]

"This person's skills are so vicious, ruthless to others, and ruthless to himself!"

To be able to get such an evaluation from Li En, this player named Lee Tae-woong is proud enough.

But he clearly doesn't think so.

"I'm going to make you pay!"

After being poked 187 to wear his true face, Lee Tae-woong no longer covered it up and attacked Li En directly.

He is also a D-class player with good strength.

First class [Wizard Apprentice],

Second class [Voodoo Warlock]!

Master Curses, Poison Crafting, Blight Skills, and Symptom Damage!

Lane's face changed, and he withdrew the angelic sword that was inserted in the opponent's chest.

After checking the status, I was surprised to find that the durability of this automaton was less than 100!

As if the other person's body is not a mortal body.

Rather, it is a "poisonous body" full of corrosive substances!

"Tsk, I've lost a few thousand more points. "

Li En was rather distressed and threw the angel-shaped automaton back into the space ring.

Then a "spell disintegration" directly interrupted the curse skill that Lee Tae-woong was casting.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your performance, but unfortunately, I still have a job. "

Rien snapped his fingers and didn't give Lee Tae-woong any more chance to unleash any skills.

I didn't see any movement from him, but Lee Tae-woong's face suddenly turned pale.

In his perspective, a series of blood-red prompts kept swiping the screen!

[You are affected by the "clouds and fog dissipate", and you are judging your will!]

[Will judgment failed!]

["Clouds and Fog Disperse" will cause you an "instantaneous" effect]

Instant death!

Ignore the remaining health and die directly!

"No !!!!!"

"You can't kill me!! I'm—"

Lee Tae-woong's heart-rending shouts lasted only half a second.

Then it suddenly came to a standstill, and the whole person was broken down into particles.

Only a scarlet treasure chest was left, slowly condensed out.

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