An abandoned factory near Ichigao.

It is a plant built in a hilly area on the outskirts of the country that was originally used to produce biofuels.

Although on the surface, this factory has long been unattended.

However, in the display screen of the dungeon map.

The dense red dots indicate that there are a large number of ill-intentioned people hiding in it.

It's not just for Lane.

As long as it is a trespasser on their territory,

will be relentlessly attacked.

"Welcome, first meeting...... Lai En. "

Unexpectedly, Lane had just entered the factory.

It was in the dusty factory hall that I met the target of this trip.

A young man in his mid-thirties, making an exaggerated welcome gesture towards Rien.

The other party has a tall and thin physique, plus decorative rimless glasses,

It looks like an academic or a lawyer.

"With all due respect, your sister...... I mean, Shenxue-san, you should be inseparable. "

It seems that the information that the other side has is very detailed.

Even Shenxue's brother-control attribute is well understood.

"Because it's bedtime for good kids. "

Rien whispered, looking around.

In all corners of the hall, behind the man, and in the hallways upstairs.

There were many unkind-faced thugs watching him.

It seems that this is destined to be an uphill battle.

"That's right. "

097 "I'm so sorry, I haven't introduced myself yet. "

The man exhibits exaggerated and self-absorbed movements, as if in a stage play.

"I am the leader of the [Yaqi Society] branch, Siyi. "

"My younger brother Sijia is in your care at school. "

Si Yi, the elder brother of the head of the kendo club, Si Jia,

At the same time, he was also responsible for the attack during the day.

A series of recent riots, including the League of Aspirants, were planned.

"If you're waiting for the help of the Disordered Family, then you can be disappointed in advance. "

Rien said suddenly.

His words made Si Yi, who was originally full of confidence, look slightly stiff.

"No matter what, they are no match for the current Ten Divisions. "

"At best, they are a bunch of lost dogs who have been stripped of their name. "

"Now even they can't protect themselves. "

"It's even more unlikely that you'll have time to deal with your pawn that you throw when you're out of it. "

Long before leaving school, Lane commissioned the Ten Word Grams,

Let him exert pressure on the disordered family hidden behind the [Yagi Society].

A threat from the current head of the "Ten Characters" family of the Ten Divisions,

Naturally, these guys who secretly make small moves (bgeh) in dark corners frightened.

In particular, the attack they launched happened to be the school where the Ten Bunkers were located.

The other party has every reason to take this opportunity to apply to the official to completely exterminate their disordered families.

So...... Although it is only a casual threat.

But the effect is surprisingly effective.

At least until Lane takes these guys out,

There will be no more reinforcements.

"Lien-san, I thought you would be a part of us. "

Si Yi's tone gradually became cold, obviously realizing that Li En was playing tricks.

"My brother once told me that you can make items that improve the magical qualifications of ordinary people. “

"I'm so interested in this technology that you probably can't imagine what a great invention it can make a difference in the world!"

"If you change your mind now, join our cause...... Maybe I'll be able to spare your life. "


The branch of the [Yaqi Society] raised his hand, and a "click" sound suddenly sounded in the factory.

Dozens of thugs pointed their guns at Lane's location.

Not just pistols, but even submachine guns and rifles.

"I developed something myself, and I certainly know what it means. "

Rien suddenly smiled.

In this tense situation, even the normal smile seems weird.

"But why should I work with a dead shemale like you?"

"Dead Shemale ......?!" (If you read a violent novel, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Si Yi chewed the word several times, and his face suddenly turned the color of pig liver.

"Very well, it looks like you're going to toast and not eat and drink-"

The next moment, he didn't let his companions around him shoot,

Instead, a dazzling series of acrobatic moves were made.

Angry, he took off his glasses and threw them at Rien. []

At the same time as the latter dodged, he lifted his bangs,

The other eye, which had been hidden behind the hair, was revealed.

"Be my companion, MONOCULUS!"

Si Yi's eyes suddenly released a strange light, enveloping Lane.

The surrounding thugs seemed to be surprised by this.

They had even relaxed, as if Lane had become one of them.

"Hahaha, no matter how much you resist, you are already one of us!"

Seeing that Li En was stunned in place, Si Yi let out a wild laugh without concealing it.

"Then, as your first command to obey me. "

"Go and kill your sister with your own hands, so you won't have to go back!"

"Dreaming should be done in moderation. "

Suddenly, Lien's sarcastic voice made Si Yi's smug expression freeze on his face.

He watched in disbelief as he didn't control Rien in the slightest.

"What's going on?!How can you possibly resist my [MONOCULUS]?!"

"So ......"

Lane sneered as he looked at the barrage of prompts in front of him.

"It's terrible to be uneducated. "

[You are affected by the enemy's "Evil Eye" skill!]

[Confrontation of wills is underway...... You are exempt from the effect of the "Evil Eye"!]

"Evil Eye" - magic that does not belong to the four physical systems,

Rather, it is a relatively rare type of extra-system magic of the type of consciousness interference.

In layman's terms, this is a mental attack skill.

...... On the surface it is classified as such, but how it actually works,

It is to put a light signal with a hypnotic effect,

flickering at frequencies that exceed the speed limit of human perception,

Then set the direction to project onto the target's retina,

In fact, it's still a technique within the system.

Strictly classified, it can be regarded as the magic of the light wave vibration system.

This is a simple procedure derived from brainwashing techniques.

Even ordinary video and audio equipment can produce similar effects.

For example, the "3D dragon event" that happened in the real world

The reason why Rien is so interested in this magic.

It's because Sayaka Mibu's memory was tampered with by this spell.

That's why she joined the "Alliance of Aspirants" and was used by Si Jia and Si Yi.

He came to the factory this time, in addition to the intention of cutting the grass and eradicating the roots.

There is also the purpose of stealing this magic and relieving Sayaka from hypnosis.

"You kid...... Why ......"

Si Yi has completely lost the crazy atmosphere that seemed to be independent when they first met.

His lips trembled as if he were having trouble breathing.

"You're no longer useful. "

After burning the [MONOCULUS] into the burning sequence of the Flash Memory Calculation.

Dawn handed down the final judgment on him.

"Now, go to hell and meet your brother-."

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