In a list of rewards that are enough to make other players go crazy.

At a glance, Lane took a fancy to the "specialty skills" rewarded by the event.

This skill is exactly what he has done after obtaining the "Flash Memory Algorithm".

Another ability that is not gained with regret is regretted......

Artificial magic calculus realm!


[Special Skill: Artificial Magic Calculation Field Lv1]

+ Description: Through the ability of the "deconstructor" of the technique, he calculates and imitates all the skills he sees

+ Fruit: When there is a normal skill around you that is being activated or has been activated, you can record it into the burning sequence of "Flash Memory Calculation" at the moment, the smaller the gap between you and the learning demand attribute of the skill, the higher the success rate

+ Positive: 50% chance to burn a degraded skill, 30% chance to burn a defective skill, and 20% chance to burn an original skill


Although it looks very tall.

To sum it up, it is actually 4 words: stealing skills!

When someone casts a skill in front of Riene,

Ryne can retain a certain upper limit of mechanical power,

Directly fix the skill in the sequence of "Flash Memory Calculation"!

This is equivalent to an additional version of the skill that occupies the upper limit of mechanical power!

Not only that, but Li En can also use the ability of [Technique Deconstructor],

Analyze and transplant the burned skills.

This is how to develop the magic 16 "Spells" with the same effect!

Want to do that.

S-rank talent [Technique Deconstructor],

Special Skill [Flash Memory Calculation],

Special Skill [Artificial Magic Calculation Field]

All three of these abilities are indispensable!

Ordinary reincarnation players awaken up to a maximum of S-level talents,

It is already a dragon and phoenix among people, with a probability of one in a million!

There is only a dungeon world protagonist like Si Poda.

can have such a terrifying natural ability and special skills at the same time!

Of course, there is no Spodeye in the world now, but Ryne.

"Whew...... I feel that the biggest use of this skill is to save a lot of money to buy skills. "

Lane rubbed his temples, which were overly excited, and calmed down.

In fact, the combined effect of these skills is far more terrifying than the one he just ridiculed!

It's just that this requires time accumulation and unremitting efforts.

to gradually show a strong advantage.

For the current one, he can directly increase his combat effectiveness.

There is only the upper limit of the attributes that have just been unlocked.

From E to D, the upper limit of attributes is still 50 points.

Each stat is capped at 100 points.

In other words, 300 attribute points are required for all 6 attributes to be full.

However, Ryan had already accumulated a terrifying number of attribute point rewards before that.

It's for this moment that all attributes continue to be full!

Stats such as strength, physique, agility, and intelligence have skyrocketed!

At the same time, it also made him feel an extremely comfortable sense of strength!

Just as he was immersed in this sense of swelling of strength,

Rows of red warnings appeared in front of his eyes one after another.

[Your Constitution attribute has been increased to 100 points!, you can't break through it at the moment, please ...... after completing the promotion task]

[Your Strength stat has been increased to 100 points!...... Currently]

[Increases your Intelligence stat to 100 ......]

"It doesn't look like you can get a breakthrough reward just yet. "

Shaking his head helplessly, Li En thought he could take a breath directly

Triggers the D-rank [Heptathlon] achievement.

See if you can get two hidden achievements at the same time in this promotion mission.

It seems that the reincarnation space does not give itself a chance to get stuck in the BUG.

At the same time as his attributes skyrocketed, his basic state has also been greatly improved!

Health directly exceeds 4 figures, reaching a staggering 1050 points!

The mechanical strength has also been greatly increased with the will attribute, almost doubled!

At present, the number of mechanical strength available to him has reached 1950 points.

The total has reached a staggering nearly 20,000!

At the same time, the electromagnetic damage attached to [Magnetic Storm Crown] ......

[Retained Strength: 17550, Additional Damage: 50]

"I'm going to punch down, I'm afraid I won't be able to dismantle the mecha with my bare hands......"

Lane wasn't joking.

Even if it's a "tank" with 9,000 HP.

It's not easy to eat an additional attack!

It is estimated that there are only players like Deng Fa who have a variety of damage reduction skills, (read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

in order to resist this blow in the same level!

"By the way, I'm almost D-class, so I should be able to try that thing again......"

Dawn suddenly patted his head and closed his eyes.

He remembered something, or rather, a puzzle in his mind.

The Devil's Formula![]

This is a special item he received when he got his first dungeon world, Iron City!


【The Devil's Formula】

Level +: Special

+ Fruit: Solve the formula according to the player's understanding of "Machine", and each time you develop a solution, you will get the inheritance knowledge of the Mechanic School, and the current record is 7 solutions (record holder: Mechanic Emperor - Clemens)

+ Note: There is currently 1 solution completed


It's different from the first challenge.

The second attempt to crack the [Devil's Formula],

Lai has higher intelligence attributes and more knowledge.

But I was surprised to find that the content of the formula has not changed.

But the difficulty has increased exponentially!

As if the more knowledge he had, the more he knew,

The more you can see the more possibilities and the direction of cracking from this formula!

Thus falling into an endless cracking loop!


Rien's brow furrowed, and he felt like his head was almost bursting.

If only he could open the personal status panel at this point.

You will find that his spiritual power is constantly flowing!

It is a test of knowledge and intellect...... At the same time, it is also a sharpening of will!

In order to crack the formula, Lane kept recalling what he had at his disposal......

But the more meetings there are, the more branches the devil's formula extends!

Sure enough, the first solution was the easiest. "

"But as the knowledge held by Palm 357 increases, it will fall into the [Curse of Knowledge] ......"

"The more you think from a complex perspective, the more complex conclusions you will draw. "

Rien snapped open his eyes and sped out of the spatial ring

Pull out a bottle of the highest quality "Drake's Secret Elixir" and pour it directly.

He hasn't given up yet.

The talent of the [Deconstructor] is also in full swing at this time,

Keep analyzing and reorganizing the devil's formula!

But the progress of cracking is still very slow.

This means that the devil's formula is above the S-rank talent...... SS Class!

Actually, the second solution of the devil's formula

It's not something for low-to-mid tech players at all.

Even in the circle of elite tech players.

Generally, the second and third solutions are completed at B level or A.

Because the amount of knowledge of low-level players is simply not enough.

And due to the limitation of attributes, its own computing power is also very limited.

But there are always exceptions in the world...... Lane is the biggest exception.


[You have solved the second solution of the "devil's formula"]

[You have obtained the second layer of the Mechanic Sect inheritance!]


He hasn't even fully advanced to D-rank,

The second solution of the devil's formula has been solved!


(The base point reward for the chain event "Wild Grass Burning Plain" should be 5000 points instead of 8000, and when I wanted to change it, I found that the modification time had passed...... The data in these chapters is correct, and there is no way to change the previous ones).

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