"I'm Rien. "

"Are you in the radio room right now...... Oh, yes. "

Hearing this conversation, there were several stunned glances around him in an instant.

"You don't have to apologize to me, after all, I was the one who let you continue to contact them in the first place. "

"So, I'd like to get down to business. "

Hearing this, Morry, Mayumi, and President Jumon pricked up their ears one after another.

After all, it seems that only Rien has the means to resolve the matter peacefully at the moment.

They knew that they wouldn't be able to hear Sayaka Mibu's reply clearly.

But at least you can hear what Rien is going to say next.

"Could you please tell the rest of the people in the radio room? "

"The president of the ten characters agreed to the request for negotiation, and the student president and the chairman of the Discipline Committee ...... here"

Rien cast his gaze towards Mayumi and Mori.

The two seniors nodded in a panic and let Li En continue the topic.

"They were unanimous. "

"So I want to negotiate with the people inside immediately and discuss the time and place of the negotiation. "

"Hmm...... As for the "330", we will let Mibu Senpai serve as the negotiation representative, and we will guarantee the freedom of the negotiators. "

After the call ended, the Big Three gathered around and stared at Lane.

"She said she would come out immediately. "

Lane spread his hands.

"However, I hope that you can ensure the safety of Mibu-senpai. "

"After all, it was because of my entrustment that she lurked in the [Alliance of Aspirants]. "

"Senior Brother Lien...... Did you know this was going to happen?"

Mayumi showed a hint of surprise on her face, whether it was the person of the call or the timing, it was too coincidental.

"Actually, I was attacked the other day, so that's why I kept my hand. "

A helpless expression appeared on Lane's face, covering up the past with another thing.

However, doing so fooled the curiosity of the seniors.

But there was another person present, and the focus was not on that.

"The person who just called...... It's Sayaka-senpai, right?"

Deep Snow lowered her head slightly, although the range of movement was not very large.

But Rien knew at a glance that it was her long hair to hide her displeasure.

"My brother is really fast, and he even has a way to communicate. "

"Deep snow, you listen to me explain, it's a misunderstanding. "

Li En twitched the corners of his mouth, secretly saying that his water fighting skills still needed to be honed.

"I just asked Mibui to let her test the newly developed equipment. "

"Why entrust the senior sister? Isn't it okay for Shenxue?"

Deep snow glistening with water in the corners of his eyes, he raised his head to look at Riene.

"Of course...... If it were any other device, I would definitely think of you at first. "

Lane reached out to wipe the tears from the corners of the girl's eyes.

"But this time it's different, it's a test that only people with mediocre magical abilities can do. "

"That's right...... It's my brother who blames me. "

Deep Snow is not such a willful character as Night Night, after understanding Lane's intentions.

She gently grabbed the palm that Lane had placed on her head and held it with both hands.

"I'm sorry, my brother. "

Rien smiled, without a hint of reproach in his tone.

"As I said, in front of me, you don't need to apologize. "


"Wow, what's the pink sibling relationship that is enough to blind a single dog?"

The chairman of the Discipline Inspection Committee, who has always been vigorous and resolute,

It was also a little unbearable under the flashbangs of Lane and Deep Snow.

Blushing, he hid behind Mayumi and muttered quietly.

"The relationship between these two is definitely a bit abnormal, isn't it?


Mayumi tilted her head, revealing an unusually cute expression.

"When I'm at home, I'll do something similar to Kasumi and Izumi. "

Unlike Watanabe Morrie, who is an only daughter, Mayumi has two younger sisters,

So I can roughly understand what it's like to be an older brother or eldest sister.

"There must be a difference between brother and sister......! I see you're about to be assimilated by Lane too. "

Watanabe Morry had a helpless look on his face.

"Two senior sisters, please get ready, it's not time to relax yet. "

Ryne, who had already calmed the deep snow, heard his voice.


The head of the Discipline Inspection Commission showed a blank expression, "What are you talking about?"

Rien also replied with a helpless look of "What are you asking?"

"Prepare to suppress the moment the other party opens the door...... Except, of course, Mibu Senpai. "

Rien had no choice but to explain.

"The other party was carrying the key to the radio studio, which was supposed to be stolen goods. "

"In addition, there is the possibility of illegal possession of C.A.D. machines, as well as other murder weapons. "


Molly interrupted Riene.

"If I'm right, you seem to have said you were going to guarantee their personal freedom?"

"It's just the freedom of Mibu-senpai. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Lane shrugged.

"As for the others, they will all be dealt with according to the discipline violators, and the negotiation will be handed over to the senior sister. "

Including the Ten Grams, the Big Three all looked at Lane in surprise.

It seems that he has a new understanding of him.

"My brother is so bad. "[]

In the end, Deep Snow muttered quietly, expressing everyone's hearts.


[Challenge Event "The Curtain is Coming" has been completed!】

[You completed the challenge without causing any damage!]

[Your evaluation is: S+]

[All rewards will be increased by 500% based on the evaluation level!]

[You have gained 50,000 reincarnation points, 50 skill points, and 50 attribute points!(10x amplification)]

"Yes, almost the most perfect review. "

Looking at the long list of event completion information that appeared in front of him, Li En nodded in satisfaction.......

This reward came at the right time, otherwise he would have run out of points for his conquest skills.

"There should be ...... next"

Just thinking about it, several reward messages continued to pop up in front of Li En's eyes.

[Ten characters increase the favorability of people towards you by 40 (10 times increase)]

[Ten characters gram people and you have a friendship of 100, do you enter a special relationship?]

"Grass!What the hell?!"

Rien glanced in horror at the muscular and mountain-like man.

"No! Don't give me this option next time!"

I don't know if the reincarnation space has received Li En's frightened feedback.

In short, prompt messages are still emerging.

[The relationship between the ten characters and you has reached the "best friend", and the favorability is full, and it cannot be further improved]

"Hoo ......"

Seeing this, Li En immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Rao is his heart, and he can't stand such a horrific thing......

After all, he has been a straight man of steel in his two lives combined, and he has never bended.

Fortunately, this time it is not just the goodwill of muscular hunks that has increased,

There are also two other senior sisters who have a favorability rating.


[Watanabe Morry's opinion of you is increased by 40 (10x increase)]

[Watanabe Morry's relationship with you is elevated to "admiration"]


[Nanakusa Mayumi's opinion of you is increased by 30 (10x increase)]

[Nanakusa Mayumi's relationship with you is elevated to "love"]

[Nanakusa Mayumi and your friendship reach 100, do you enter a special relationship?]


"Sister Mayumi, ......"

Lane glanced at the petite student council president,

But inadvertently, he looked at her.

The latter seemed to be taken aback by 0.2 and quickly looked away.

However, it can still be seen that her expression is a little flustered, nervous, and shy.

But he couldn't help but sneak his gaze in Lane's direction.

It's like a little girl who is in love at the beginning of her love and quietly observes her favorite boy in class.

"I didn't expect that the adult, who is usually so calm and dignified, would have such a side. "

Rien shook his head with a smile before making a decision.

"Enter into a special relationship. "

[You and Nanakusa Mayumi enter a special relationship, and the upper limit of friendship is increased to 0]

[When the opinion level is increased to the full value again, you will trigger the target's personal mission]

Like Charlotte then, after Lane chose to enter into a special relationship,

Got a maximum friendship boost and a hint for triggering personal quests.

But this time...... He found out that there were even additional hints!

[You have met one of the conditions for dungeon conquest, trigger the dungeon conquest mission!]

After completing this quest, you will conquer the current dungeon!].

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